nsfw:racy: Likely ocr: 5. Ketchup Cor any other thick, slippery, soft Mass) .doesn't reflect that Much 50 we'll simply do soMe shading where no light falls in. al draw it. b) consider that the c) SMooth the shining as well as light-shining will the outlines M fade at its ends - LA - - - - - - - Aa Don't forget to apply the shadings, This is the same style like DrC's Cebitdenologo. the result, Magni- guess this was all for this time. I don't want fied by 2. to waste the whole DISC-space with this CJPN needs it for his issemblerkurs!), In case My DPaint gives up its childish bug- ging (yep, it's completely gung-ho and ...