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- "6_3_2_16.TXT" (8108 bytes) was created on 07-08-92
- M I S S I O N S P E C I A L I S T A S T R O N A U T
- Mission specialist astronauts, working with the commander and pilot, have
- overall responsibility for the coordination of Shuttle operations in the areas
- of crew activity planning, consumables usage, and other Shuttle activities
- affecting experiment operations. Thus, mission specialists are proficient in
- payload operations and are required to have a detailed knowledge of the Shuttle
- systems as well as the operational characteristics, mission requirements and
- objectives, and supporting systems and equipment for each of the experiments
- that will be conducted on their assigned mission. Mission specialists
- participate in extravehicular activities, perform special payload handling or
- maintenance operations using a remote manipulator system, and assist in
- specific experiment operation at the discretion of the experiment sponsor.
- P I L O T A S T R O N A U T
- Space Shuttle pilot astronauts serve as both Shuttle commanders and pilots.
- During flight, the Shuttle commander has onboard responsibility for the space
- vehicle, crew, mission success, and safety of flight. The Shuttle pilot assists
- the commander in controlling and operating the Shuttle. In addition, Shuttle
- pilots may deploy and retrieve payloads using a remote manipulator system,
- participate in extravehicular activities, and support specific payload
- operations where appropriate.
- G E N E R A L C A N D I D A T E I N F O R M A T I O N
- Selected applicants join the Johnson Space Center and are assigned to the
- Astronaut Office. They will undergo a 1-year training and evaluation period
- during which they are placed in responsible technical or scientific positions
- allowing them to contribute substantially to the Shuttle Program and continue
- to work in their scientific or technical fields, where feasible, while under
- evaluation. They also participate in the basic astronaut training program which
- is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required for formal mission
- training upon selection for flight assignments. Pilot astronaut candidates are
- required to maintain proficiency in NASA aircraft during their candidate
- period.
- Applicants are made aware that selection as an astronaut candidate does not
- ensure selection as an astronaut. Final selection as an astronaut depend upon
- satisfactory completion of the 1-year training and evaluation period. Civilian
- candidates who successfully complete the training and evaluation period and are
- selected as astronauts become permanent Federal employees. Civilian candidates
- not selected as astronauts may be placed in other positions within NASA
- depending upon Agency requirements and manpower constraints at the time.
- Successful military candidates will be detailed to NASA for a time period
- established by NASA/Department of Defense (DOD) Memorandum of Understanding.
- NASA has an affirmative action program goal of having qualified minorities and
- women among the newly-selected astronaut candidates. Therefore, women and
- minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
- (Both Military and Civilian Applicants)
- M I S S I O N S P E C I A L I S T A S T R O N A U T
- C A N D I D A T E P R O G R A M
- Applicants MUST meet the following minimum qualification requirements.
- o Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in
- engineering, biological or physical science, or mathematics. Degree
- must be supplemented by at least 3 years of related professional
- experience. An advanced degree is desirable and may be substituted for
- all or part of the experience requirement (master's degree = 1 year,
- PhD degree = 3 years). Quality of academic preparation is important.
- o Ability to pass NASA Class II space flight physical (similar to
- military and civilian flight physicals) to include the following
- specific standards:
- DISTANCE VISUAL ACUITY: 20/100 or better uncorrected;
- correctable to 20/20, each eye.
- Frequency (Hz) 500 1000 2000
- Loss (db) better ear 30 25 25
- worse ear 35 30 30
- BLOOD PRESSURE: Preponderant systolic not to exceed
- 140, nor diastolic to exceed 90 mm Hg, measured
- in a sitting position.
- o Applicants height between 60 to 76 inches.
- P I L O T A S T R O N A U T C A N D I D A T E P R O G R A M
- Applicants MUST meet the following minimum qualification requirements.
- o Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in
- engineering, biological or physical science, or mathematics. An
- advanced degree or equivalent experience is desired. Quality of
- academic preparation is important.
- o At least 1000 hours pilot-in-command time in high performance jet
- aircraft (an aircraft having at least 3000 pounds of thrust per
- engine). Flight test experience is highly desirable.
- o Ability to pass NASA Class I space flight physical (similar to military
- and civilian flight physicals) to include the following specific
- standards:
- DISTANT VISUAL ACUITY: 20/50 or better uncorrected;
- correctable to 20/20 each eye.
- Frequency (Hz) 500 1000 2000
- Loss (db) 30 25 25
- BLOOD PRESSURE Preponderant systolic not to exceed
- 140, nor diastolic to exceed 90 mm Hg, measured
- in a sitting position.
- o Applicant height between 64 and 76 inches.
- E D U C A T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S
- Applicants for the Astronaut Candidate Program must meet the basic education
- requirements for NASA engineering and scientific positions, specifically
- successful completion of a standard professional curriculum in an accredited
- college or university leading to a bachelor's degree with major study in an
- appropriate field of engineering, biological or physical science, or
- mathematics.
- The following degree fields which may be related to engineering and the
- sciences are not considered qualifying:
- o Degrees in Technology; i.e. Engineering Technology, Aviation
- Technology, Medical Technology, etc.
- o Degrees in Psychology (except Clinical, Physiological, or
- Experimental Psychology, which are considered qualifying).
- o Degrees in Aviation, Aviation Management, or similar fields.
- C I T I Z E N S H I P R E Q U I R E M E N T S
- Current regulations require that preference for appointment to Astronaut
- Candidate positions be given to U.S. citizens when there is an adequate source
- of well qualified citizens available. NASA anticipates that there will be an
- adequate source of well qualified U.S. Citizens.
- P A Y A N D B E N E F I T S
- Salaries for civilian candidate will be based on the General Schedule pay scale
- of the Federal Government, generally ranging from GS-11 through GS-14.
- Candidates will be compensated in accordance with prevailing Federal pay scales
- based on their individual academic achievements and experience.
- Other benefits include vacation and sick leave and participation in the Federal
- Government retirement, group health, and life insurance plans.
- Selected military candidates will be detailed to the Johnson Space Center but
- will remain in an active military status for pay, benefits, leave, and other
- similar military matters.
- ---
- "6_3_2_17.TXT" (441 bytes) was created on 07-08-92
- Several callers to NASA Spacelink have asked for details of an astronaut
- physical fitness training regimen. We have received the following response
- from the Johnson Space Center:
- Astronauts stay in shape by running and working out in their fully furnished
- gymnasium at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. There is no set training
- schedule. Astronauts may exercise as they wish, as long as they stay fit.