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- ╓─────────────╖
- ║ InfoSelect ║
- ║ for Windows ║
- ╙─────────────╜
- by Tony Curro
- Many of us jot down notes on pieces of paper, and then we lose
- them. Micro Logic has made this way of doing business obsolete. For years
- they have had Tornado, and then InfoSelect. Both of these are small DOS TSR
- programs. Now they are releasing InfoSelect for Windows. This version is
- also small, but very powerful in action. I have it load automatically each
- time I start Windows. It allows you to enter those little bits of
- information in random order, and then will quickly find the information you
- need. For example, say you cannot remember the name of a person you want to
- contact. You know it had something to do with computers. You entered it
- with that word. Searching for computers will bring up all information in
- your stack that has computer in it; that easily will you retrieve the name
- that you need.
- InfoSelect for Windows comes with many different default forms you
- can use: Name/address, Fax Cover, Memo, Purchase Order, To-Do and so on.
- There ares a total of 14 preset forms to choose from all which are in plain
- ASCII and can be altered to fit your specific needs. There is also a
- Freeform data enter, which is in essence a blank window where you put in
- information in any way you desire.
- There are several stacks included with InfoSelect. A stack is what
- the file that holds your information is called. One of these stacks is Area
- Code. Inputting an area code will return a city name. Likewise, inputting a
- city name will return the area code. You can even enter a state name.
- InfoSelect will search for anything contained in the current stack. It will
- even show you how many times a specific item appears.
- You can copy or move any window into another stack. Just make the
- window you want the active window. Then by clicking on the copy or move
- icon, you are presented with a window showing the current stacks. Select
- the one you want, and the procedure is carried out. There is also an option
- to duplicate a window.
- You have eight different colors of text to choose from. If you wish
- to have a line stand out, and prefer it in a different color from the rest
- of the form you can do it. The program also has Mail Merge, and will print
- an envelope or shipping label. You can also bold and underline directly
- from the menu icons. There is also an excellent help feature. Click on the
- ? and you are told to place it where you want help. Putting it on an icon
- will show you what the icon is; and clicking on that icon will pop up help
- for that procedure.
- I am always on the lookout for programs that allow you to enter
- text in any format and then retrieve it. InfoSelect for Windows does that.
- I have quite a bit of information that does not have a pre-defined format.
- With this program I do not have to worry about it. As long as the
- information is there, InfoSelect will find it.
- I have looked at other products that, while they allow freeform
- entry, still have a set way of doing things. With InfoSelect I do not feel
- that restriction. Using the mouse or keyboard, you can edit, save, print,
- find text and more.
- The Windows version of InfoSelect may cause some users to switch to
- Windows. Below is a partial list of some of things you CANNOT do in the DOS
- version and enhancements or improvements for this new release:
- The benefits of the Windows environment
- * Inter application cut and paste
- * Adjustable application size
- * Selectable application fonts
- * Mouse menu selection, data window selection and shaping
- * Mouse cut and paste
- * Easier adjustments via dialogues
- * File selection dialogues
- * Scroll bars
- Upwards compatibility
- * Easy installation of upgrade from DOS
- * DOS file compatability
- * Support of common DOS version commands
- New features
- * Automatic detection and insertion of addresses into forms
- * Instant printing forms
- * Instant indent formatting
- * Two undo commands
- * Master scroll bar for position in stack
- * Full form names
- * Forms accessible from pull down menu
- * Zipper bar for stack status
- General improvements
- * Tool bar accelerator buttons
- * Easier compound searching
- * Easier access to various types of searching
- * Search map feedback improved for large stacks
- * Improved confirmation messages
- * More convenient accelerator keys like Alt up and down
- * CUA compliant editing
- * Applette access to Calendar and Calculator
- * Ability to search for hidden control codes
- * On-screen underline and bold
- * Save-As command
- * Software redesigned using Object Oriented Programming
- * Minimal modality interface
- * Auto-save during edit
- * Animated buttons
- * More efficient shared-file syntax for LAN version
- * Minor bugs in DOS version are fixed
- * Less beeps for quieter operation
- * Improved window positioning packs more information on screen
- * Window overlap option
- This program should have an attractive street price, which anyone
- who retrieves information and has lost some important phone numbers that
- they wrote on a napkin, should not pass up. Owners of the DOS version can
- also upgrade to the Windows version by contacting Micro Logic.
- ╓─────────────────────────────╖
- ║ Product Information ║
- ╟─────────────────────────────╢
- ║ InfoSelect ║
- ║ for Windows ║
- ╟─────────────────────────────╢
- ║ List Price $149.95 ║
- ║ Upgrade from DOS ║
- ║ version 69.95 ║
- ║ Anyone buying DOS version ║
- ║ in last 90 days 34.95 ║
- ╟─────────────────────────────╢
- ║ Micro Logic ║
- ║ P.O. Box 70 ║
- ║ Hackensack, NJ 07602 ║
- ║ 201-342-6518 ║
- ╙─────────────────────────────╜