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- Welcome
- by Tony Curro
- Another month has passed us by. We will be sitting down soon to
- feast over a huge turkey, and to give thanks for all our blessings. I have
- had some very pleasing news in the last few weeks. Microsoft was in contact
- with me and is sending me a form to make me a beta site for MS products. I
- was also contacted by Evelyn Hagfeldt who puts out a newsletter, Northland
- Microcomputer Users Group. Evelyn sent me a message requesting to reprint
- several of my articles in the newsletter. I received that newsletter on,
- October 13. There is a possibility that she will reproduce other articles
- that are of use to her group in future issues of the newsletter. Who knows?
- Today a newsletter, tomorrow the WORLD!
- In addition our conference, "COMPTALK," is now being echoed by all
- the boards that carry CatNET. SYSOPS who wish to be a part of CatNET,
- please contact David Kaufman, SYSOP, Brooklyn Broadcasting, whose number
- appears in my distribution list.
- I was talking to an associate of mine the other day who has shunned
- Windows for quite some time. Recently he purchased a 486 system with 16MB
- RAM. He tried Windows, and he was sold. He said that the Windows
- counterparts, of the DOS programs he used to use, are easier to use in the
- GUI (Graphical User Interface) environment. I must agree with him. I am a
- lover of DESQview, DOS, and OS/2. I had shunned a mouse for quite some
- time. Now I use the mouse most of the time. I do NOT think the GUI is the
- wave of the future. GUI is the present. More and more applications are
- moving to Windows and GUI. There is no getting around this. As a nay-sayer
- of Windows, I will admit the GUI is here to stay.
- In the last few months, I have professed my dissatisfaction of
- Windows. I still think more work needs to be done with the Windows
- envioronment. I have used Windows since v1.3, and there have been
- improvements. However, the programs that I have been seeing are making me
- lean more towards Windows.
- Some of my readers may notice that I am doing more Windows reviews
- each issue. For most prorgams, when I have a choice, I try to get a DOS
- version. Most of the new releases, however, are Windows software. Since I
- do want to review the latest version of the product, I get the Windows one.
- This is turning me into a Windows freak.
- This month we have a article called NewsBytes. There are two bits
- of information in there concerning the sale of Telix, and the HARSHER
- penalties for software piracy. My thanks to Don Barba and Thomas Murphy,
- for bringing this information to my attention.
- For starters, we are reviewing a program called InfoSelect for
- Windows. InfoSelect has long been a favorite of an associate of mine. He
- was using Tornado, made by the same company, before switching to
- InfoSelect. He uses the DOS version. This new Windows version takes the DOS
- version to new heights. Except for the typing, all of it can be controlled
- by the mouse; from changing text colors to re-sizing windows; from saving
- to cut and paste and so on. I think my associate may very well switch to
- Windows now. When asked, more and more people say those three little
- words: "I DO WINDOWS!" Many DOS programs, Norton Desktop for DOS and
- PC-FILE to name just two, have a very similar GUI-type interface. In fact
- Norton uses the same keystrokes in both the DOS and Windows versions of its
- Desktop. Makes the switch to Windows much easier.
- I just got a press release about PC Tools v8.0 which should be
- shipping by the time you read this. From the release it sounds very much
- like Norton Desktop as far as changes in structure, and also in addition of
- AntiVirus program and other features. It does bear repeating: "More and
- more programs are trying to be Windows-like, even if you do not use that
- environment.
- In addition to InfoSelect, we are taking a look at several other
- Windows programs: Act!, Textor, Type Commander and MegaEdit (ShareWare).
- We are looking at two pieces of hardware this month. Zoom Fax/modem
- and BackPack tape drive. In addition there is Qmodem and Links 386 Pro.
- Until next month, gobble up that turkey, and may all your bytes
- count!
- Tony Curro