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- ╓──────────────╖
- ║ ProComm Plus ║
- ║ for Windows ║
- ╙──────────────╜
- by Tony Curro
- Each day brings a plethora of Windows products. DataStorm
- Technologies has recently released ProComm Plus for Windows (PC PLUS).
- ProComm Plus takes full advantage of the MS Windows environment. It is a
- full Windows product with pull down menus, full mouse support, and even DDE
- support.
- Installation of ProComm Plus for Windows requires 4,520K for a
- complete install. This includes a demo of ProComm Plus for Windows. While
- you are in the installation stage, you enter you name and serial number.
- You are then asked if you wish to register your product. If you state that
- you do, ProComm Plus for Windows will then call the DataStorm BBS and
- upload the information you provided on screen. You can then call for
- technical support as a fully registered user. The whole call procedure
- takes a couple of minutes.
- When you start ProComm Plus for Windows you will see either 8 or 12
- icons along the action bar. This is dependent on your graphic mode. If
- you are below 800x600 you will see 8; 800x600 or above you will see 12.
- Even when lower graphic modes, you can select ALL these options via the
- drop down menus or key presses.
- ProComm Plus for Windows comes with 34 terminal emulations and a
- powerful scripting command language. Included, are detailed examples of the
- Windows ASPECT Script Language using scripts for automated log-on to CIS
- and DataStorm BBS. Creating a quick log-on script is very simple using PC
- Plus. You start record mode when you dial a BBS. As you log-on all the
- information is recorded. Once you are at the point where you wish to stop,
- you end record. Now you have the option of naming and compiling the file.
- In many instances you do not have to edit the scripts. I had to edit 2 or
- 3 out of over twenty-four that I created. A Host Script is also included,
- which allows unattended file transfers, E-Mail, individual security levels
- and more. There is a Windows ASPECT Script Language manual included with
- over 300 pages of explanations of each command and has a short
- tutorial. Simple log-on scripts can be created by anyone. However, the
- advanced scripting features might be a little bit much for the novice user.
- PC Plus has all the popular transfer protocols' built-in. These
- include Zmodem, CIS B+, ASCII, Ymodem-G and more. Viewing .GIF files as
- they are being downloaded is another feature of PC Plus. I am not a big
- .GIF fan, but the several that I did try worked very smoothly, and I did not
- notice and drastic slowdown of the transfer. You can even convert a .GIF
- file into a .BMP file for use as a Windows background file. Sending and
- receiving files requires you to click on either the Up or Down folders on
- the action bar. For upload's you are presented with a list of files.
- Double-clicking on a file will send it. You can also send files in batch
- mode. Zmodem has AutoZ D/L that requires no intervention on your part to
- receive a file. Another feature, which DataStorm unveiled in version 2.0 of
- their DOS program, is the File Clipboard. No more having to jot down names
- of files, which we usually misspell anyway. Just select and tag the files
- you wish to download.
- You can call a BBS in several ways: manual dial, opening the phonebook
- and selecting board name, or using the drop down quick dial option. PC
- Plus comes with a fully automated dialing directory that can be set
- differently for each service you call. You can also have multiple dialing
- directories and switch between them with a few mouse clicks. Directories
- also have options to include notes, be set up in a "dialing queue," keep
- information about times called and other information, and to have the
- entries sorted in a variety of ways. Each phone directory can store 250
- entries. The manual also has a chapter on converting ProComm Plus DOS
- dialing directories into PC Plus for Windows directories.
- Meta keys are another task simplifier. Setting up keys are easy and
- can be used to run DOS programs, Windows programs, or even to send your
- name, password or other text directly to a BBS while on-line. The
- scrollback buffer can review the last 31 pages of text that have scrolled
- off your screen.
- Two other features of PC Plus are the: Dialog Editor and the User
- Window Builders, both let you build interactive dialog boxes or graphical
- displays on screen and save the results as source code for use in Windows
- ASPECT scripts. Both have sample files included in the manual.
- I have been using ProComm Plus for Windows for over a month now. I
- have not experienced any problems whatsoever. I have phoned many BBSs and
- have done numerous uploads and downloads, all of which never gave me a
- problem. I have used several other communications programs for Windows, and
- have found ProComm Plus for Windows to be the most stable. The others have
- aborted d/l's, logged me off, dropped the transfer rate to a snail's pace,
- and other sundry adventures. DataStorm has put its vast knowledge of
- creating communication programs over the years to good use. When it did
- create one for Windows it did create one that deserves to carry the
- DataStorm name.
- Owners of the DOS version can upgrade to the Windows version for
- $69 by calling 1-800-326-4999 and using MasterCard of VISA.
- ╓─────────────────────────╖
- ║ Product Information ║
- ╟─────────────────────────╢
- ║ for Windows ║
- ╟─────────────────────────╢
- ║ List Price: $149 ║
- ║ (limited intro. ║
- ║ price) ║
- ╟─────────────────────────╢
- ║ DataStorm Technologies ║
- ║ 3212 Lemone Blvd. ║
- ║ Columbia, MO 65201 ║
- ║ 314 443-3282 ║
- ╙─────────────────────────╜