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- ╓────────────────────╖
- ║ WinDings ║
- ║ Desk-Top Organizer ║
- ╙────────────────────╜
- by Tony Curro
- Mosey on up to this product and you will wonder how you did without
- it. WinDings is a group of 5 Windows applications, that keep all your
- information together. The product has a Western motif, and comes with an
- Information Roundup booklet, rather than a manual. So corral the 40 page
- booklet, and in a few minutes you will be able to run the complete program.
- The five programs are: Show Your Cards, World Scout, Howdy!, Loan
- Arranger, and O.K. Corral.
- Show Your Cards -- No need to have that big Rolodex sitting on your
- desk. This program will replace it. If a name or company changes, you
- quickly edit the card, and save it. Nice and clean. Show Your Cards does
- look like a Rolodex, with alphabetic index you browse through, and two big
- wheels on each side that you turn by clicking up or down. You can search
- for cards in three ways: By Category, By Last Name, or By Company. Adding,
- Deleting, Copying or Printing cards are also very easy.
- Say you have several cards for XYZ each with a different contact
- name. With Show Your Cards you enter the information once. Then you can
- copy the card without the contact name, and insert that name only on the
- NEW card. You can do this for as many or as few fields as need to be
- changed, without having to input all the information. This program also
- ties in with Howdy! You can even use the COPY card command to copy it to
- the clipboard, where you can insert the information directly into your word
- processor or other programs.
- World Scout -- This gives you World Map, Time Zones and Country
- Codes. First time you run this, you must select your "Home Base." To do
- this you move the icon, shaped like a house, until the roof is touching
- your area. Click on it and you are presented with the dialog box, from
- which you can set DST or make other changes; clicking on OK, saves the
- information. Now clicking on any country or area will pop up a box with
- that information. Clicking on OK will put a box on the bottom of the window
- with the information in text mode. To remove it simply click on it and
- select the REMOVE button from the dialog box. You may have several
- different time zones listed, to keep track of time of your contacts around
- the world.
- Howdy! -- It is a phone dialer that will pick up numbers from the
- top card in Show Your Cards, and dial it for you. When there are several
- numbers: Work, Fax or Home, it allows you to click on the one you wish to
- call.
- Loan Arranger -- This program will calculate your loan payments.
- Input the starting date, principal amount, APR, # years in loan; and it
- will show you monthly payment amount, total interest charge, total payback
- amount and more. The default is 12 payments, but can easily be changed by a
- mouse click. All the above information can be sent to your printer.
- O. K. Corral -- This is where you roundup ALL your loose
- information. You will find 12 categories here, eleven are for input, the
- other is to password protect your data. Enter credit card information,
- Social Security numbers, Policies, Health Care, Special Dates, Personal
- Notes and more. Any of this information can be changed easily, as it is in
- simple text, and can be changed like any other text in Windows.
- This inexpensive package would be a good addition to your Windows
- library. I was truly impressed with Show Your Cards, which actually gave
- the feel of a true Rolodex, not just cards one behind the other. When you
- are finished with the program, you click on Adios, Amigo. Unless you wish
- to say Exit, PARDNER!
- ╓───────────────────────────────╖
- ║ Product Information ║
- ╟───────────────────────────────╢
- ║ WinDings ║
- ╟───────────────────────────────╢
- ║ List Price $79.00 ║
- ╟───────────────────────────────╢
- ║ Applications Techniques, Inc. ║
- ║ 10 Lomar Park Drive ║
- ║ Pepperell, MA 01463 ║
- ║ 508-433-5201 ║
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