ocr: Many fights urre startrd hernuse penple didn't sre nr knnu whnt. thr suymhnl -)m <G> nrant. Tr ynu don't knnu uhat. these nran, then this nrticle is fur yuu. Wlen Lalkiny UI Lhe BBS, yuu sunelimes dun' really yel lu shuw emotion ar uhat you are really trying to express, or you use BBS shorthand which can be confusing to sone. Here are sone comnonlu-used BESTalk Acronyms and their translations. NTN: My Thr Wny IMHO: InMy Humble Opiniun RSH: Real soon now RIFN: Read the Flippin' Manual FWIW: For What It's Uorth WMI: Grcat Minds Think nlikc JIC: Just In Casc NIc: Nh, Tsne! DTOH: On The OUer Hand ...