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- ╓─────────────────────────────╖
- ║ The Writers Toolkit for DOS ║
- ║ version 2.0 ║
- ╙─────────────────────────────╜
- by Tony Curro
- Have you ever started typing, and suddenly forget how to spell a
- word? Is it freind or friend? Are there 2 C's and 2's in success? I
- am sure many of you have had this happen. You are writing a letter, or a
- quick note, or writing a message while online to a BBS, and you draw a
- blank. It happens to me often.
- Well, with The Writers Toolkit (WTK), you can say good-bye to this
- ever happening again. We do not stop there. WTK is more than just an aid to
- your spelling mistakes. The name says it all. It is a WRITERS TOOLKIT. When
- a plumber, or repairperson, comes to your house, they have more than ONE
- tool inside their toolbox, right? The same is true of WTK, which comes with
- seven such tools.
- WTK comes bundled on either 9-3.5" or 18-5.25" disks. I evaluated
- the DOS version of the product. They also make a Windows version, which if
- it works as fine as the DOS version, will give you much assistance. You
- even get a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. It took me
- about 10 minutes to install the whole package. The full installation
- requires 7.3 MB of hard disk space. The whole operation is menu driven, but
- allows you to select which of the modules you wish to install, and which
- drive/directory you want them on.
- During installation, the program modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
- to place the directory in your PATH. This is an excellent idea, as you can
- then bring it up from anywhere. To start, you type CWT, or WTK. You will
- see a notice that the program is now in memory. ALT-M will ALWAYS bring up
- the menu. From here you can select the module you wish to use. This can
- also be accomplished by using hot-keys. For example the dictionary uses a
- default hot-key of ALT-D; the Quotation Reference is brought up by hitting
- ALT-Q. I use Q EDIT quite a bit in my writing. Once I enable WTK, I cannot
- quit Q EDIT by using ALT-Q, as this combination is in use. This is not a
- problem. Many of the programs out there use ALT and another key as combo;
- others use CTRL and a key. WTK allows you to modify this very easily. I
- chose to change ALL the keys except the menu hot-key. I elected to use
- CTRL-ALT-Q for Quotations. This solved my key conflict very painlessly.
- I have not mentioned the best feature of ALL. The Writers Toolkit
- requires only 10K to have six of the seven modules always in memory (TSR).
- The other module that it does not load is the Grammar Checker. This
- is run from DOS, used, and removed from memory. Grammar checker requires
- 495K of memory. The only time it uses memory, though, is when you are using
- it.
- If for some reason, you wish to remove WTK from memory, you can do
- that. As long as you have not loaded anything after WTK, you just bring up
- WTK, and press CTRL-F10, and it is removed. I have WTK as the last
- line in my AUTOEXEC.BAT file, and it is ALWAYS there for me. Whether I am
- typing a letter, or leaving a message online, I just hit my hot-keys, and I
- quickly can check if I spelled the word correctly.
- Some of you may say, why do I need WTK? I have a word processor
- that has a spell checker and thesaurus. All the better word processors, and
- even some of the smaller ones, do have some type of spell checking. WTK,
- however, goes beyond that. It gives you a dictionary and thesaurus with
- definitions, Style guide, Quotations, and several other modules, which I
- will discuss later on. The thesaurus is very useful when you want to find
- that perfect word to add the right touch to your document. Having a list of
- synonyms, with definitions of the words does help. You can cross-check a
- word to see if it conforms exactly to what you wish to say.
- WTK has a Grammar Checker, which in the short time I have used it,
- has vastly improved my writing. When you first run the program you are
- presented with a split window. On the left are the filenames; and on the
- right the text of the highlighted file. To select a file you can hit the
- first letter of the file. So hitting W, will take you to the first file
- that starts with W. Hitting W again takes you to the next file, and so on.
- The first several articles I wrote, I was getting tired of pressing keys.
- You must press F3 to ignore; F4 to correct; or you can manually edit the
- text. As I became familiar with the program, I learned quite a bit about
- passive voices and the like. If you are unsure about an explanation that
- Correc Text Grammar gives you, just pop up the Style Guide, and look for a
- fuller explanation, many with examples. There are options that you can set
- for the type of writing you do. You select from seven writing styles:
- Business, Fiction, etc., to a Custom option, where you set it up the way
- you wish. I use quite a few words in my reviews, which are considered
- jargon. I can turn this option off, so GRAM will NOT warn me that I am
- using jargon. The options are too numerous to mention here. When I write
- articles now, I very rarely see a line highlighted, which means that there
- is no problem.
- I was always a fan of the complete package. There are several
- grammar checkers out there. While they may all be good, they are just
- grammar checkers. One company does have several programs that can be used
- like WTK, but I believe that are run separately. I know they're all
- sold individually. WTK, has all of them incorporated into one package. Less
- of a chance of anything going wrong.
- WTK works with over a dozen word processors, between DOS and
- Windows. In addition it works on straight ASCII files, and will save
- changes to an ASCII for several MAC WPs, and others it does not support
- directly. I have had one problem with the Grammer part of WTK. Certain
- programs like WordStar, Displaywrite, PFS:First Choice and others do not
- rewrap text automatically. What this means is that after you run Grammer
- Checker, and save the changes to the file, you will have to go back into
- the word processor and reformat the text.
- Another feature of WTK, is the ability to cut and paste. This can
- even be done in DOS. You check the Dictionary of Knowledge for computer,
- and you see the following:
- An electronic device that stores and manipulates information.
- It differs from a calculator by being able to store a program
- and to store and retrieve information in its memory without
- human help.
- The above was pasted into Q EDIT, using the cut and paste feature of
- WTK.
- The insatiate itch of scribbling.
- William Gifford (1756-1826)
- English journalist
- The above was from the Dictionary of Quotations. DOS users can
- enjoy this cut and paste feature. With, WTK taking only 10K, you can load
- all the same programs you did before without a worry of running out of
- room. And your tools are always there.
- ---------------
- Houghton-Mifflin Correc Text Grammar and Style Checker.
- American Heritage Electronic Dictionary.
- Concise Columbia Dictionary of Quotations.
- Roget's II Electronic Thesaurus.
- Houghton-Mifflin's Abbreviation Program.
- The Written Word III-Principles of Grammer & Style.
- The Dictionary of Common Knowledge.
- this covers 19 subjects on western culture.
- If you are a would be writer, or if you are a writer, this program
- will help you to write better. I have seen articles written by people with
- a background in journalism, that could benefit from this program.
- The Writers Toolkit will run on any IBM or compatible with at least
- 512K and DOS 2.0 or higher. It is available in DOS, Windows, and network
- versions.
- ╓────────────────────────────────────╖
- ║ Product Information ║
- ╟────────────────────────────────────╢
- ║ The Writers Toolkit for DOS ║
- ║ version 2.0 ║
- ║ Suggested Retail Price $129.00 ║
- ║ Upgrades to v2.0 is $29.95 ║
- ╟────────────────────────────────────╢
- ║ Systems Compatibility Corporation ║
- ║ 401 North Wabash Ave. Suite 600 ║
- ║ Chicago, IL 60611 ║
- ║ 800-333-1395 ║
- ╙────────────────────────────────────╜