nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: IWelennell by Iony Curro Omothcr nonth has passcd. Wc arc gctting rcady to say good byc to sumcr. and school will be starting ina short timc. noticc that norc and nnre ynungsters tniny are getting intn computers. Alnnst nll the sr.hnnls have Chem, and naiy libraries. Thelibraries make yuu selupan appointnent, to use a conputer and software for a period of time. 1think thls is very good, as it keeps the children off the street. Here, inHYC, there are not many places for then tD play, but in the streets, where they can gct hit by a car. Kccping thcir minds occupicd is a wondcrful thing. This non ...