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- ╓───────────────╖
- ║ Waves ║
- ║ Sounds for ║
- ║ Windows 3.1 ║
- ╙───────────────╜
- by Tony Curro
- Vitesse, Inc., a relatively new company, started out in the Apple
- market. They are rapidly expanding into the PC market. I have 4 of their
- products that I will be reviewing in the coming months.
- Waves is a fun disk. It comes with both 1.2 and 1.44 disks. If you
- have both, use the 3.5" diskette. Due to space limitations, there are more
- sounds on the 1.44 than on the 1.2. I saw 54 sound files on the 1.44 disk.
- For those who are familiar with .WAV files, no explation is
- necessary. For the others a short will suffice. With the arrival of Windows
- 3.1, sound capability was incorporated. You can now here sounds upon
- starting or exiting Windows, and in various other locations. These files
- are called WAVE files, and have the extension of .WAV.
- Waves for Windows is an easy to install disk chock full of almost
- any kind of sound. Many will be just to your liking. Waves will support
- almost any soundboard they works with Windows 3.1 (AdLib, SoundBlaster,
- etc.), as well as the internal speaker. You can test and install only the
- sound files you wish. However, to test the sounds you must have already
- installed a sound driver, for either a sound card or the internal speaker.
- Included also is a file called PLAYSOUND. This utility allows you
- to play any (or all) sounds from any directory. You can also program
- PLAYSOUND to play a randomly chosen sound during Windows Startup and/or
- Exit.
- After installation, to activate these sounds, you select Control
- Panel, and select SOUNDS from there.
- With a suggested list price of $29.95, Waves is not expensive. It
- does not do anything useful. It is however an entertaining little sidebar
- to the humdrum life of computer work. Instead of hearing that little beep
- from the speaker when you make an error, wouldn't you rather hear a big
- loud belch? How about a BIG AHHHH, when it is time to quit for the day;
- probably your sentiments after a long day. Waves will give you this. A fun
- package.
- ╓──────────────────────────────────────╖
- ║ Product Information ║
- ╠══════════════════════════════════════╣
- ║ Waves ║
- ║ Sounds for Windows 3.1 ║
- ║ Suggested List Price $29.95 ║
- ╟──────────────────────────────────────╢
- ║ Vitesse ║
- ║ 13909 Amar Road, Ste 2 ║
- ║ POB 929 ║
- ║ La Puenta, CA 91747-0929 ║
- ║ (800) 777-7344 Fax: (818) 813-1273 ║
- ╙──────────────────────────────────────╜
- Copyright (c) 1992 by Tony Curro. All Rights Reserved.