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- ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- │ Volume 1 Editor/Publisher: Number 1 │
- │ July Tony Curro 1992 │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Copyright(c) 1992 by Tony Curro. All rights reserved
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- ║ ******** Happy and Safe Fourth of July ********
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- ┌─────────────────┐
- │Table of Contents│
- └─────────────────┘
- 1. Welcome
- 2. What is CTM about?
- 3. PC Expo - June 23-25, 1992 in NYC
- 4. Why you should Backup
- 5. Norton Backup 2.0 for DOS - Review
- 6. Difference between
- multi-tasking and task-switching
- 7. Songanizer - Review
- 8. MS Windows 3.1 - Review
- 9. MS Windows 3.1 Requirements
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <1> Welcome
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I would like to welcome you to the first issue of a new online
- magazine. We hope you enjoy this magazine and do not hesitate to send
- comments on things you would like to see, or questions you may have. This
- magazine will be distributed via BBSs. Please see the information at the
- end of the magazine on how to contact me either via mail or BBS. I would
- like to invite readers who wish to write articles, reviews or observations
- to please contact me.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <2> What Is CTM?
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComputerTalk(tm) Magazine (CTM) is a magazine devoted to the computer
- user. The novice as well as the power user should find something of
- interest here. You will find editorials, articles, software and hardware
- reviews. We will cover both the shareware and commercial markets, letting
- user know what is out there and the requirements and features of products.
- We will also have a conference on BBSs, where we will be posting press
- releases and other information as we get it. This way the user is kept
- current on new product releases or updates and availability of software. We
- receive mailings from many companies which include press releases and/or
- software for review.
- CTM is for the user. So if you have suggestions or requests, please
- leave a message to me. We are also looking for users to submit articles
- which we can put in the magazine. If we get enough support we will publish
- the magazine more frequently.
- Enjoy CTM and please tell your friends about us.
- Tony Curro, Editor/Publisher
- _________________________________________________________________________
- <3> PC EXPO - Held in New York City, June 23-25, 1992
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, after three days, PC EXPO is behind us for another year. I attended
- this year's event the three days. It was a test of endurance. The
- exhibition area is getting larger, and so are the crowds. The first year I
- went there was one large floor. Now there is the one large floor, plus a
- floor above, and a floor below. The walking and standing alone will do you
- in, unless the huge crowds don't trample you first.
- But, I loved it. I did enjoy myself. Had a chance to meet some
- people from local BBSs and made some new acquaintances. We talk to so many
- people over the years on boards, and very rarely get to put a face to a
- name, so this does give us a chance to meet face to face.
- Overall though in my quest for the proverbial 'better mousetrap' I
- did not find anything that was innovative. There were quite a few new
- products being touted but not many that would 'grab' you. Of all the
- products I saw, I did find Claris FileMaker Pro for Windows to be the one
- highlight in the show. FM Pro is a database program which will not only
- work in Windows, but will work on a network with MAC computers. Claris,
- which is a subsidiary of Apple Computers, has been making software for MAC
- for several years. They have recently acquired the company that made
- Hollywood, which is a presentation program for MS Windows. FM Pro though is
- their first inhouse program made for MS Windows. Their new entry is a
- program that they have had for the MAC. People anywhere on a network can
- change information in the files and the changes are then immediately
- updated on the host. And if two people try to access the same record, the
- second person gets a warning saying the record is in use, and also tells
- you who is using the file, so you can contact that person to ask them to
- release the record so you could access it. This way you know exactly whom
- to contact on your network. I have seen several db's for Windows, but I
- rate this as the best one I have seen.
- Xtree has a copy of their program for Windows, which will be
- shipping shortly. PC-Kwik (formerly MultiSoft) unveiled WinMaster which is
- a program for MS Windows. In addition to the utilities, like ToolBox, it
- also comes with their #1 rated Power Disk, which works within Windows, and
- is the first optimizer to be able to make that claim. WordPerfect Corp.
- announced DrawPerfect 2.0 for DOS, which is entering beta testing, as is
- their NEW WordPerfect for OS/2, which will be a PM application. Describe
- announced their 32 bit word processor for OS/2 which is shipping now.
- Several of the companies had fashion shows and singing and dancing.
- The first was to show off the colors of the program, so you had men and
- women prancing around in some bright flashy, and in the case of the women,
- at times very short dresses or skirts. This did elicit some whistles and
- cat calls from some of the male audience. I was also tempted to howl,
- because as I said there was nothing else there, hardware or software, that
- was worth even a little jump for joy. Even WordPerfect Corp. had a few
- professional singers up on their stage to introduce their products. We even
- had WP for MAC talked about in RAP. The first years I attended PC Expo, the
- companies had only their own people demonstrating their products. And it
- was just that, a demonstration. No theatrics were involved. Just a straight
- presentation of the product, without bells and whistles. This year almost
- everyone had some sort of stage show, or a variation of a comedy team, with
- a straight man (or woman) and a stooge (or stoogette?). I was watching one
- of these where was a man and a woman playing one of these skits. I
- overheard a remark next to me of two men as they walked away saying "Come
- on, I don't want to watch this stuff. I wanted to see the product!" Of over
- a dozen of this that I watched, even for a few moments, the aforementioned
- Claris, and Corel Draw, were the only two, that had straight informative
- demonstrations. These I did not mind sitting through, as I learned about
- the available products.
- One of the biggest surprises for me was the absence of Central Point
- Software. The makers of PC TOOLS, PC COMMUTE, CP Anti-Virus, Backup etc. was
- nowhere to be found.
- In hardware I must mention HP. Hewlitt Packard has a color DeskJet,
- and an XL 3000 printer. Both did very beautiful color printing. The XL did
- stand out as the better quality overall, but carries a much larger price
- tag, not to mention being a much larger printer overall, than the DJ. But
- for the DJ's price range it would be appealing to quite a few people who
- want or need color with a limited outlay of cash. I would buy a DJ color
- before I would buy a DM color printer. I think that DJ would still be much
- nicer in output.
- Till we meet at PC EXPO next year which will be June 29,30 and July 1,
- 1993. PC EXPO will air on cable TV on Pay Per View for 4 hours on June 30,
- 1993.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <4> Why You Should Backup
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are quite a few people who feel that backing up their systems is a
- waste. It takes a lot of time not to mention disks, if you do not have a
- tape drive or other large backup device. I felt that way at one time. That
- is until something happened and I was not able to get into my hard drive. I
- lost everything. I had to install all my programs disk by disk. But some of
- the lost files were contacts phone numbers and other information for which I
- did not have a program disk for. I then went out and purchased a tape drive
- for $1000.
- This was a long time ago. Prices have come down drastically. Today
- you can get a tape drive for under $300. And if you are not the
- adventurous type, who does not relish opening up their computers and
- inserting control cards and the like, there is also a solution for you.
- Today, many companies are making tape drives which using your existing
- parallel port to achieve a backup without you having to open your computer.
- You just remove your printer connection on the back of the computer, plug
- in the tape drive to that connection, and then just plug you printer into
- the connection on the back of the tape drive unit. I was assured by one
- manufacturer that this will also work with laser printers. I feel it is a
- worthwhile investment. Stop and think of all the programs you currently
- have on your system. Windows,Word Processors, DataBases, SpreadSheets etc.
- Now think of how long it took to install these programs, and all the
- questions to answer concerning your configuration:printer,comm. and printer
- ports, video etc. It was time consuming.
- Depending on the speed of your system, you can backup and restore a
- whole drive in less time than it took to install one program. That to me
- is worth the price of admission any day!!
- I am pushing tape drives as you can see above. But, you do not
- really need a tape drive for a backup. You can use floppy disks. Be it
- 360, 720,1.2 or 1.44. It is just a lost easier and faster to use a tape.
- Depending on the tape drive you get you can store from 20-250 megs or more
- on one tape. I was at a computer show where they were showing 1 gigabyte
- tape drives which retail for around $1679. As a comparison it would take
- almost 20 1.2 disks to store 20megs. Buying a tape drive of at least the
- same size of your disk is advisable, as you can then back your whole hard
- disk onto one tape. Tapes do use compression, so the size would go down.
- Tape drives usually come with backup software which facilitates the
- operation. With some you can use software which you may already own.
- Central Point Backup will backup to a tape drives. Norton Backup 2.0 for
- DOS currently supports all popular tape drive systems. The Windows version
- of Backup should support tape drives in July. Gazelle Software has released
- a Windows version of their Back-It program which also supports tapes, as
- does their DOS version.
- Another reason to backup is for virus protection. Someone whom I
- talk to very often just had a bad experience. They backed up their
- system a day too late. Seems that they had received a corrupt file and
- did not know it. They did a backup. Several weeks later when they
- discovered this it was still too late. The corrupt file resided within
- the backup thereby voiding it. Another reader had been hesitant about
- buying a tape drive or doing any type of backup for that matter. Two days
- before he received his drive in the mail, his HD crashed. He lost 80 megs.
- of information, many of them clients orders and correspondence, again for
- which he had no copies. His sales dropped a bit as he could not recover the
- information.
- A good practice is to make one major backup. Then depending on how
- often your information changes, you should do an incremental backup weekly,
- with another full backup at least once a month. Always retain at least two
- copies of a full backup. This is in case one of them is bad, you can still
- recover most of information. The incremental backups can also be done
- daily. This will only backup the changed files. It will keep you very
- current if you do this at least every other day.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <5> Norton Backup v2.0 for DOS
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is a much improved DOS release. The previous version did not
- support tape drives. Nor did it fully support DOS devices. I use a
- Bernoulli cartridge for backups. In version 1.2, it would create numerous
- files of the size of a 1.44 disk, which was the largest floppy in my
- system. So if I backed up 10 meg. to a 44meg cartridge, I would have 9
- files of 1.44 meg. each. This was nice if I wanted to copy the files to 9
- 1.44 disks. But I did not. Now there is TRUE support for DOS devices. So if
- I back up 30 meg., I would see one large file on my Bernoulli.
- Installation of Norton Backup is painless, even for the novice.
- Just insert the first disk in either drive A: or B:, type INSTALL and
- follow the prompts. For the novice just selecting the defaults will get you
- up and running in no time. For the more experienced user you can select
- your own options. Or you may also opt for the defaults. Either way, I chose
- to select or not select several options, I was done in about 10 minutes.
- The program does do a small backup to test reliability. This requires 2
- disks of any size. You can change the default disk size or drive letter for
- the test.
- After all is said and done, a simply NBACKUP, will bring you into
- the main program. Backup comes with several Preconfigured Setup files, for
- programs, like WordPerfect, MS Excel, 1-2-3 etc., so you can backup any of
- these without having to go through a setup. There is also a Backup
- Assistant which can perform backups on a daily basis. You can also use the
- Scheduler to have your system back itself up anytime of day or night. So
- you can have all the files that were changed today, backed up this evening
- at 6 or 7 PM. A full backup can also be done.
- The current version also has support for standard QIC format to QIC
- 40/80 tape devices.
- Backup sets can also be password protected, so user's can protect
- themselves from illegal access to backups.
- The Norton Backup offers DOS and Windows cross-platform support with
- completely interchangeable DOS and Windows backup sets. Will also work with
- backup sets and setup files created in Norton Backup v1.2 for DOS and
- Norton Backup for Windows. However, Norton has released a new version of
- Norton Desktop for Windows v2.0, which does not have tape support. It is
- suppose to be available in the summer.
- I backup up 14 meg. in about 4 minutes to my cartridge. It is
- always a safe bet to leave Verify on. This way the data is checked for
- reliability. You may also wish to use the Compare option. This will check
- ALL the files after a backup to see if both sets of files match. The
- Read/Verify option does slow the backup process down just a little bit. But
- it really is well worth it. On a really fast system you most likely will
- not really notice it.
- Overall at a list price of $129.00, Norton Backup for DOS is a good
- buy. It is a solid, powerful, reliable program. In all honesty it is so
- simple to use that you may not even need the manual. But, as with all
- things, it is a good idea to at least browse through it. You always pick-up
- a few good pointers in there.
- Norton Backup for DOS version 2.0
- Symantec Corporation
- 10201 Torre Ave.
- Cupertino, CA 95014-2132
- 408/253-9600 Fax 408/252-4694
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <6> Difference between Multi-tasking and Task-switching
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have been asked by users what the difference is between
- multi-tasking and task-switching. Several users were under the impression
- that DOS 5.0 has the ability to multi-task. This is not so. They have said I
- can have several programs up at one time, and can switch between them. The
- key word here is switch. Yes, you can have several programs up at the same
- time with DOS 5.0. Also, true is that you can switch between them. However,
- when you switch between programs under this environment, the program that
- you have switched from is suspended. It is NOT running. It remains in the
- background until you hot-key back to it. But it is not doing anything. If
- you had a communications program doing an upload or download, and went to a
- word processor, you would quickly see that your transfer stops. This is
- TASK-SWITCHING. There are also several shareware and commercial products
- that will do this. Some better than others, but all suspending one
- application while you work in the other.
- Multi-tasking on the other hand, as it's name implies, does just
- that. It allows you to run two or more programs simultaneously. MS Windows,
- and DESQview are two of the more popular type of this software. As of this
- writing another player has entered the arena. It is IBM OS/2 v2.0. OS/2
- differs from the first two in that it is a complete operating system. Both
- Windows and DESQview need DOS in order to operate. OS/2 does not. It will
- run OS/2, DOS, and even Windows programs in a true multi-tasking environment.
- So you can run your favorite communications program in DOS, a word processor
- in Windows, and also run applications in OS/2.
- DESQview will run most DOS applications. MS Windows will run ALL
- Windows specific programs in addition to DOS applications.
- Now you should be able to choose the software for the way you work.
- If you just wish to have all applications up at the same time, regardless
- if they are running, then task-switching software is for you. If on the
- other hand you want to do a download in the background, while typing a
- letter in a word processor, or working on a spreadsheet, then you must get
- multi-tasking software.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <7> Songanizer
- Database for your Music Collection (ShareWare)
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I am an avid user of shareware products. As a Co-Sysop on several
- local boards, and a writer, I am always on the lookout for good quality
- software.
- Like you I also like to keep all of my information on my computer.
- Isn't that the reason we bought them in the first place? Well I have
- come across a program recently that will catalog your record collection.
- The program, 'SONGANIZER' is a first entry for CandleLight Software
- and author John Schumacher. I have tried some other programs that will
- also do this. But some have seemed complex. Of those I have used there is
- one other which is as good. But does not work as smooth as SONGANIZER. As
- the name implies it organizes your songs. It also does your albums. And
- you can search by a song title and/or singer. In addition you can see all
- tracks on a specific album. The current version will now do partial
- searches on either the album or singer. However if for example your are
- looking for songs by Garth Brooks, using Bro, will not find it. But using
- Gar or gar will, as the search is not case sensitive, so you can use
- capitals or lower-case and it will find it.
- The first time you start SONGANIZER, you are told there are no
- databases. It asks if you wish to create them. After you say OK, you are
- taken to the main screen which is blank. There are command bars on top
- and bottom of the screen. To add an album you hit F4 and you see you
- screen. You enter: Album Name, Artist, Label, Release Date, Category,
- Media, and Comments. Only the first two MUST be filled out. The others
- are optional, but other than Release Date, I use all of them myself.
- Comments is nice to put info about the specific album (First, Last,
- Autographed, Where Purchased, Price), these are all choices I use from
- time to time. You have 3 lines of up to 40 characters, so you can put
- quite a bit of information in there.
- After you type in the information for your first album, you have
- several options on the bottom of the window: Save, Tracks, FastADD,
- Delete, Cancel. Now you will see why I like this program. A mouse is not
- required, as the keys work just as well, but the rodent does make it
- much easier. Now you click on FastADD. Immediately a window pops up with
- the Album Name and Artist information. A line that says Song also
- appears. You type the names of the songs on the album. You only need the
- song title. The other information stays constant. After each song entry
- pressing RETURN takes you to the next blank line awaiting input. In this
- way you can quickly add songs to the current album. Or you can do this
- later if you wish.
- While in the Album entry screen, if you have a album name present,
- clicking on Tracks button, will show you all songs you have listed for
- that album.
- There is another option on the bottom of the screen, F2 Song Entry.
- This allows you to enter a song manually. What this means is that you
- must also enter Album and Artist information. This DOES have an
- advantage, and it is the ONLY program of the several I have seen that
- will allow you to do this. Suppose you have an album that is say 'Top 10
- Songs of 1991.' Each song in most cases will be by a different artist.
- You enter the ALBUM info using F4. For Artist you say Various. If you
- use the FastADD option, you will see Album Title and under Artist:
- Various. This is the name for each song on the album. You don't want that!
- So you use F2. Enter the Album Name once. Then enter Song Title, and the
- actual artists name. At least now if you search for a song by a specific
- artist you will see that song. Otherwise you would never see the song
- unless you search for Various under artist. This is truly a great feature.
- One thing is that if you use this option, it will catalog the songs as
- songs, not as part of an album. So when you enter the Title of Album and
- you enter VARIOUS as the Singer, it will create an entry as such, with no
- songs in the album. But a song search will find the songs. I have also
- noticed that the program creates a dummy entry. I entered information on 6
- albums. When I checked the information file where it shows # of Albums and
- # of Songs, the song count was right, but the albums were listed as 7. When
- you do a print to screen on Album info., you will also see this at the top
- of the first screen without any information.
- I had a slight problem with QEMM and SONGANIZER. Called the
- author's BBS and we batted things around and got it resolved. Another
- main feature I like about shareware. Most authors can be contacted via
- their own BBS or through CompuServe, Genie, or other relay conferences.
- And you have many people offering support.
- SONGANIZER will run on any IBM or compatible from an XT up to a
- 486. It will run under DOS and Windows. I have tested it under DOS 5.0
- and Windows 3.1 with no problems. I have also tested it within the DOS box
- of OS/2 2.0 where it also runs just fine.
- Registration is $15.00
- Author: John Schumacher
- Company: CandleLight Software (make cks to Co. name)
- P. O. Box 33
- Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
- FileName: SNG11.ZIP on most BBSs. Latest always on CompuServe and
- Genie. Also on the author's BBS. Remote Host BBS (201) 539-4544
- 9600 + modems (201) 539-4546.
- With this, as with any other ShareWare products, there may have
- been an updated version since this article appeared.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <8> MS Windows 3.1
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Millions of users bought MS Windows 3.0 when it went on sale, May,
- 22, 1990. Supposedly millions more will either upgrade to or buy MS Windows
- 3.1 which was released on, April 6,1992. Is the new version for you? If you
- use Windows more than 50% of the time, I say YES! If you use it combined
- with MS Word, Excel, or any other WP or SS prg. you should upgrade.
- The new version does load faster for starters. I have several
- programs loading when I start Windows and it takes 20-25 seconds to come
- up. Previous version took almost 60 seconds for just about the same format.
- I am running it on a 386-33 mhz w/8 meg. of memory.
- Some of the program has been redone. You do not need to use the
- LOAD= and RUN= lines anymore. Some programs however do install themselves
- there. You now have a STARTUP group. Any and ALL programs that you want to
- run when you start Windows go in there. You just use the ADD option, or
- open a group which has the icon of the program and drag it to the STARTUP
- group. It is that simple. No more having to remember the path and other
- information to run or load the file.
- DOS programs run smoother also and MS Windows is reported to be
- able to handle these much better than 3.0 ever did. In addition you can now
- change the fonts in the DOS windows, and even resize them, and have that
- size saved for later use.
- Remember the hassle of creating a permanent swap file? You had to
- start Windows in Real mode (which by the way no longer exists), and run the
- file etc. etc. Changing it now is much easier. First upon install it will
- attempt to create one. The SETUP program will give you the recommended size
- and ask you to verify or change it. You could even NOT create it at that
- time if you wish. Now when you are running Windows, you just open Control
- Panel, and select the 386 icon. This brings you up to the virtual memory
- area. You select what you want to change: Size of swap file, make it
- temporary or permanent. Then you say OK. Program asks if you are sure, so
- you say OK once more. You are then told to reboot, and a simple click of
- the button will restart Windows with you new information there.
- SMARTDRIVE is another program that has changed. It went from a .SYS to a
- .EXE file, and is now placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file rather than
- CONFIG.SYS. This also has had added options, though some users have
- reported problems using it, and have been told by MS to use the 3.0
- version.
- When you leave your computer for a period of time, most people
- invoke a screen saver. Windows has now built them in for you. But, not one
- to do things right the first time, they do not give you the option of using
- a hot spot on your screen to invoke it at any time. It must wait for the
- time you set in the setup of it, which is accessed via the DESKTOP icon in
- CONTROL PANEL, before it blanks. As with anything, there is a way around
- this. There is a small shareware product out there called HOTSPOT, which
- does exactly that. You have it run at startup, and once you set it for
- which corner you want to blank, or which corner to make sure it never
- blanks, you are all set. Works fine.
- Do you notice how quiet it can be when you are typing or doing
- other things at your keyboard? When you make an error by hitting a wrong
- key, does anyone holler at you? Well do not fret. If you have a sound card
- like AdLib, or Sound Blaster etc. you can have sounds come out of your
- system. They even have drivers now that support the internal PC Speaker. If
- you have a CD ROM drive attached, you can have Windows play your audio
- CD's for you. All these options are part of the multimedia drivers that
- come with Windows. With some you may have to contact the manufacturer of
- the card for drivers. I know that Creative Labs, which has a BBS, has
- drivers for both of their cards there for Windows 3.1. Windows uses files
- in the .WAV format. It comes with a handful of sounds. But many BBS's have
- these files available that will give you voices. Hear the theme from the
- Jetson's. Hear the famous Terminator line " I'll BE BACK!." How about
- hearing the Star Trek computer telling you " Program is complete, enter
- when ready," when you first start Windows? Liven up you system with some of
- these and many more sounds. Nice for a little change.
- TrueType Fonts come with Windows. These are a little nicer looking
- than the previous fonts. And they have also improved the printing. It
- moves along faster now.
- MS Windows comes on either 5.25" or 3.5" High-Density diskettes. If
- you need either 360K or 720K disks you must order them from MS. You also
- must have a 80286 or better with at least 2 meg. of memory to even think
- about using Windows.
- Originally Microsoft said, and the program does, give you the
- option of loading it over an existing version of Windows. Since then MS has
- reversed itself and said to do it as a NEW install. Yours truly found
- this out after having a problem, doing a NEW install, and then calling MS,
- who said I was 'ahead of my time' for doing it.
- I was never a big Windows fan. I do admit they have come a long way
- since the first release I used which was 1.3. I also feel while this
- version is more stable then previous versions, and allows you to recover
- from most errors, it still has a way to go.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- <9> MS Windows 3.1 Requirements
- by Tony Curro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contrary to what Microsoft says, there are still quite a few users
- out there who have never used Windows. I have been asked by several
- users about the requirements to run MS Windows 3.1. Below are those
- needs:
- * MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.1 or higher.
- * For 386 ENHanced Mode - computer with 80386 processor (or higher).
- This includes a 386SX based computer.
- 640K of conventional memory, plus 1024K of extended memory, 8
- megabytes of free disk space (10.0 is recommended), and at least one
- floppy disk drive.
- For upgrading from Windows 3.0 to 3.1, 5.0 MB of free disk space
- (5.5 is recommended).
- * For Standard Mode - computer with 80286 processor (or higher).
- 640K of conventional memory, plus 256K of extended memory, 6.0 MB
- of free disk space (9 MB is recommended), and at least one floppy drive.
- For upgrading from Windows 3.0 to 3.1, 5.0 MB of free disk space
- (5.5 MB is recommended).
- * DISPLAY ADAPTER that is supported by Windows. Most video cards
- have their own Windows drivers. New ones usually can be had by calling
- the card maker. Most have a BBS where you can get the latest drivers.
- Microsoft also has a BBS which had TSENG 256 color drivers.
- * Printer that is supported by Windows if you want to print with
- Windows.
- * A compatible modem if you wish to use either MS Terminal or
- another communications package with Windows.
- * A mouse that is supported by Windows. Though not required, a mouse
- is HIGHLY recommended.
- If you are upgrading from Windows 3.0 to Windows 3.1, you do have
- the option to install over the existing configuration. The consensus
- now from Microsoft is that you start as a NEW user of Windows, and
- installing 3.1 as a new product and NOT over the old version. It has
- been found that there could be some conflicts or other problems when
- 3.1 overwrites the existing files. So backup your old copy and all
- related files first. Then install Windows 3.1. REMEMBER to remove the
- Windows directory from your PATH statement unless you are going to put
- the new version in the same place. There MUST be only one reference to
- Windows in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, otherwise you can and will run into
- problems.
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ComputerTalk(tm) Magazine is published monthly by Tony Curro │
- │Copyright(c) 1992 by Tony Curro. All rights reserved. │
- │ │ │
- │ Host BBS: The PosterBoard Network │
- │ Phone #: 1-212-685-8309 │
- │ Join Conference #1 - ComputerTalk │
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- │ You can also contact the editor by mail. Send information to: │
- │ Tony Curro │
- │ ComputerTalk Magazine │
- │ Editor/Publisher │
- │ P. O. Box 1065 │
- │ New York, NY 10002-0913 │
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