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- Cheet Sheets
- @Introduction
- ~Welcome to Cheet Sheets, Issue 44 - October 1995
- Cheet Sheets must be installed to your hard disk before it
- can be used. The install program will be run when you exit
- this program (by selecting CLOSE) if you have started via
- GO.BAT. Alternatively type INSTALL at the DOS prompt.
- For legalities please see "The Boring, Legal Bit" within
- the main magazine.
- ~System Requirements
- ■ 286+ with VGA and (about) 520k free Ram
- ■ 2.5Mb of free hard disk space
- ■ A mouse and SoundBlaster are optional but recommended
- ~We've fully redesigned the interface recently, following
- ~feedback. The Windows interface has been withdrawn.
- ~Mouse Control
- Use the left mouse button to select any button, close
- windows using the close boxes and control the program using
- the icon bar.
- To move through the pages of an article simply click on the
- up and down arrows at the right of the screen, or use the
- arrow keys/page up/page down!
- ~Keyboard Control
- Cursor: Move the mouse cursor using the arrow keys and press
- the spacebar where you would usually use the mouse button.
- Push buttons: If an underlined letter is shown, type that
- letter. Otherwise, move the cursor over the button and press
- the spacebar.
- Closing Windows: If a close box is displayed on the active
- window, press escape to close the window.
- @Credits
- ~Credits
- Editor: Wayne Roberts
- Coding & User Interface: Neil Gorin
- Thanks to: Mark Cox & Paul Askew.
- Contributions to the magazine should be sent to Wayne
- Roberts at:
- By-The-Way
- Chilsworthy
- Gunnislake
- Cornwall
- PL18 9PB
- Comments and suggestions regarding the programing side
- should be sent to Neil Gorin at:
- 4 Rookwood Drive
- Stevenage
- Hertfordshire
- SG2 8PJ
- or addressed on the Internet to neil.gorin@nildram.com
- @Music & CLO's
- ~Music & Command Line Options
- INSTALL /m or CHEET /m - Uses the Software cursor - needed
- on some amstrads and other machines where no mouse cursor is
- visible.
- CHEET /silent - Silence. Kills the sound entirely. If you
- haven't got a sound card and get fed up of the screech, or
- find the program hangs, use this option.
- CHEET /SP - Force Speaker to be used for sound output. Don't
- know why you'ld want to do this!
- CHEET /SB - Force Soundblaster output. Use this switch if
- your SoundBlaster (or especially a compatible card) is not
- detected.
- If your system locks after you select too high a sampling
- rate, simply restart - Cheet Sheets will notice that it
- has crashed, and reset the sampling rate to the lowest
- setting.
- ~GREAT NEW FEATURE! If you've not got a sound card, using
- ~the "Play" (Noise Suppressor) in the viewer *vastly*
- ~improves music quality!
- @Submissions
- ~Submitting your work
- If you are thinking of submitting an article or a cheat,
- you'll save us a lot of time if you follow these guides...
- ~Text files
- ■ All files must be saved in ASCII format (there are options
- on all common Word Processors to do so).
- ■ Each article must be a maximum of 70 characters wide and
- no more than 1600 lines. If you require more than 1600
- lines, split your text into separate files.
- ■ An articles first line must be the name of the
- program/article. Please include your name in the article.
- ■ To highlight a line, put a ~ at the start.
- ■ If you include tables or IBM graphics characters on a
- line, start the line with a backwards quote ` found on the
- key beneath escape. This makes the line monospaced. You can
- highlighted a monospace line by putting ~` at the start.
- ■ If you send screen shots, please size them to 320x200
- with 256 colours and save in PCX format. Use something
- like Graphics Workshop or Paint Shop Pro to do this.
- ■ If you're including screen shots, save us some time! Make
- sure the second line of your review is a number, indicating
- the no of screen shots, then subsequent lines should hold
- the file names (PCX only). Just like this:
- Wally's Wallaby - Review
- 3
- <Blank line here>
- Start of review
- @Trouble Shooting
- ~Trouble Shooting
- ~Q: When I went to print a solution/review etc.. I receive
- ~an error dialogue box telling me that my printer is
- ~offline, or nothing is printed.
- A: The current release of NGS GUI only supports LPT1. If you
- printer is connected to a different port, you will not be
- able to print.
- ~Q: I'm bored with the music, but haven't finished reading
- ~the mag yet... how can I change it?
- A: Firstly, remember that there are 3+ tunes with each
- issue... have you tried them all? If you have, simply copy
- your favourite MOD files into the Cheet directory.
- Depending on the free DOS memory on your machine,
- modules greater than 200k may not play. Cheet Sheets will
- not play the old style 16 voice MOD format!
- ~Q: Where can I get Cheet Sheets by FTP?
- A: Dunno. If you find it somewhere, please tell us! For now,
- you can have UUENCODED copies of the magazine sent to your
- email address for free - send a request to cs2ei@herts.ac.uk
- for this service. We cannot guarantee how long this will be
- available.
- @Known Bugs
- ~Known examples of the Negatively Expanded Feature Set
- ~Scrolling
- We've fixed the Scrolling problem found with earlier copies
- where you had to select "Safe Scroll". Cheet Sheets now
- autodetects incompatible VGA cards and uses a "Page at a
- time" scroll instead on such machines. What this does
- mean is that the cursor keys work the same as PageUp/PageDown
- on such computers.
- ~Scrolling without mouse
- If you've no mouse, the up and down arrows move your cursor
- and do not scroll the screen. To scroll either use the PageUp
- and PageDown keys, or alternatively use CTRL with these keys
- to scroll one line at a time.
- ~Install
- If the INSTALL program fails, you may not have enough free
- DOS memory. You need at least 512k free to install and use
- Cheet Sheets 31+. Note that this is 512k free and not 512k
- total. The actual Cheet Sheets program will run with about
- 350k free if you can live without the music.
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- @Technical Info
- ~Technical Information
- ~Cheet Sheets Viewer
- HISTORY: May 1994 - Initial versions (two programs)
- June 1994 - Combined program. Bug fixes.
- Uses English WinMOD under Windows.
- August 1994 - Adds System font support
- under DOS.
- September 1994 (Some August copies) - adds
- progress indicator to loading screen.
- November 1994 Redesign with Tabbed dialogs.
- Windows version removed due to lack of
- interest.
- December 1994 Bugfix - puts form feed after
- print. Different tab headings.
- January 1995 Enhanced - scroll with cursor
- keys and Noise Suppressor feature. Now with
- 640x480 16 colour PCX support.
- This copy of CHEET.EXE is not compatible with issue 35
- or earlier, but you can use it to enhance issue 36.
- ~Install
- Cheet Sheets uses the Sprinter Install from NGS. This
- product is available as a separate product bundled with a
- registered copy of Microbook... contact us for more details.
- ~All software developed in the UK by Neil Gorin Software.