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- ~Simon The Sorceror 2 (LR)
- --------
- By Lu Richardson
- General tips:
- As ever, sweep the mouse around in each screen to spot items,
- keeping an eye on the message line under the play area. Names
- appear and disappear very quickly at times, and you might miss
- something important. Examine everything, very often you get a
- clue. Talk to everyone you come to. Sometimes you have to speak to
- them twice before you can get into a conversation. The lines you
- use don't seem to be important, so start at the top and try to use
- them all. Try and pick up everything you can, and then examine it.
- Some things can be opened to reveal others. You can attempt the
- puzzles in any order, provided, of course, you've got the right
- items. When I say "Watch" it's because a sequence beyond your
- control will unfold.
- Need I say it, the object of this solution is to help you complete
- the game, not to spoil it. So read only up to where you are stuck!
- Specific tips, from the start:
- Go back into Calypso's shop and get the baseball bat and the dye.
- Leave. Look at the poster.
- Exit and go to the Castle. Talk to the guards and find out all
- about the local money.
- Go to the Magician's Competition, talk to the Clerk to join and go
- into the tent. Talk to all the magicians. Leave.
- Go to the Street of Traders. Talk to the ironmonger - help him with
- his money troubles by answering 15, 1 and 3. You get a crowbar in
- return. Now go on and look at other denizens of the street. Look
- at the Fat Bloke, go into the Pet Shop and have a good nose around,
- talk to the owner. Go into the Joke Shop and look around - pick up
- the Joke Book. Talk to the Joke Seller. Leave and, before you exit
- the Street, note the railings by the ironmonger.
- Go to the Docks. Talk to Goldilocks when she pops up from behind
- the crate. At the end, use the crowbar on the crate. Watch. Pick
- up the wig and the dinghy. Go right and talk to Um Bongo. Exit
- right.
- Go to the 3 Bears Cottage, open the letterbox and get the letter.
- Leave.
- Go to the Loan Office, talk to the jester and give him the joke
- book. You get a bladder in return. Use the crowbar on the grating
- and go down. A great big spider will scare you off. Up you go.
- Enter the office and talk to the secretary, asking for a loan - any
- will do. Open the door to the right and go in. Watch. When you
- get the chance, look at the in-tray on the desk and use the bears
- letter on it. Leave. Watch.
- Go to 3 Bears Cottage and enter it. Look around, go right, pick up
- the gloves and move the tap. Watch. Go back to the cottage and
- talk to the big bear. Give him Goldilock's wig and ask for some
- porridge. Leave.
- Go to Tattooist's, read the signs and then use the ladder. Open the
- door and go in. Talk to each guy in turn, starting from the right.
- When you come to the Frying Pan man, the Fish man will give you a
- note pad. Use that on the Frying Pan man and you'll get a
- brochure. When the time comes, wear the porridge. You will get a
- bag. Leave and look at the bag - inside, all sorts of goodies and
- also a wad of money.
- Go to Muc Swampling's. Talk to the mascot guy, ask for a voucher as
- well as the balloon and use all the lines. Go inside the restaurant
- and talk to the tattooist and also to the Anorak man. Talk to the
- waiter and ask to use the voucher. You get a kiddie's meal. Ask for
- a Swamp shake, any. Ask to see the boss. Leave. Open the meal bag
- and see what's inside.
- Go to the Town Square and go left to talk to the accordion player.
- Give him the baseball bat. Watch.
- Go to the Street of Traders and use the balloon on the railings.
- Pick up the poster which will have appeared by the Pet Shop. Leave
- and go to the Docks. Give the poster to Um Bongo.
- Go to the Town Square and go left to speak to Um Bongo. You will
- eventually give him the bladder. Watch. The storm will have swept
- the spider away, in the sewer.
- Go to the Street of Traders. Go into the Joke Shop and talk to the
- seller. Ask him to make you a Swampling costume - give him the
- model which came with the meal. He'll send you off to get some
- cloth.
- Visit the Fat Bloke and talk to him. You'll have to do him a
- favour. Inside the cave, go right and pick up a lamp. Watch. At
- the end, walk left and look at the cave entrance. Speak to it.
- When you come out, you'll get some white cloth.
- Go to the Fountain and use the dye on it. If you try to put the
- cloth in it, a washerwoman will ask you to put it by the basket. Do
- so and wait. When she's finished, pick up the cloth and take it to
- the Joke Seller. You'll get a costume.
- Go into the Pet Shop and use the rubber gloves on the turtle to pick
- it up. Put it in the empty cage to the right of the machine (as you
- look at it) and use the machine. Eels appear in the first cage to
- the left of the machine. Pick up the turtle from the cage next to
- this one. Get the glow worms and put them in the cage from which
- you took the turtle. Use the lever and then the machine. You get
- extra bright glow worms in the cage to the right. The owner of the
- shop comes out and speaks to you. You can go now.
- Go to Muc's. Talk to the guy and get another balloon. Go inside
- and wear the costume. Go in by the waiter, who'll let you through
- because he thinks you are the guy outside. Once you are up the
- first flight of stairs, note the clock mechanism by the door. Talk
- to the Phew Brothers, if you like. Up another flight of stairs.
- Talk to the Swampling and be nice to him, making a fuss about the
- swamp stew. Offer to get some mud for him and he will give you a
- bucket. Before you leave, note the babies and the milk.
- Go to the Loan Office and go down to the sewers. Use the glow
- worms. Keep going left till you can come up the other ladder. Go
- first to the left and meet the Lady of the Lake. Talk to her and
- say you want to have a bash at getting the sword - you'll find you
- need the Royal Seal. Go right to the sewer entrance and right
- again. Use the bungee rope on the railing and then use the bucket
- on the mud. Go left to the sewers and get back to town.
- Go back to the Swampling by the same method as before (i.e., wear
- the costume) and give him the mud. Watch. You end up with a jar of
- swamp stew.
- Go to the Street of Traders, use the balloon on the railings and
- enter the Joke Shop. Give the swamp stew to the seller and he will
- give you a stink bomb.
- Go to the Magic Competition tent and use the stink bomb. Watch. At
- the end of the sequence, pick up the spell book from the chair and
- use the Swamp shake on the last magician left. Watch. You end up
- in front of the king. Use the spell book and watch. You get an ID
- card.
- Go to the Castle and give the money to the guards. Go to the door
- and you will show your ID card. Enter and speak to the Prince -
- clearly, he wants a sword. Go left, pick up the cymbals and enter
- the first door you come to. Pick up the klaxon and the rattle, and
- use the wedge on the rocking cradle. Pick up the cog from the
- mechanism. Leave. Go next door and try to wake the princess with
- the items you got next door. Out. Go along the corridor to the
- left, past the Royal Seal, and speak to the King. You find out you
- have to quieten the baby.
- Leave the Castle and go to Muc's. Go to the left to the back door
- and pick up the fishing rod from the dustbin. Go right to leave.
- Enter the restaurant, wear the costume and go up to the kitchen, use
- the cog on the clock mechanism. When you come into the restaurant,
- you'll find the tattooist is gone. Visit him and collect a flier.
- After that, go to Anorak man and give him the leaflet. When you
- follow him to the tattoist you will see him come out a different
- man; this made you the 1000 customer. Go in and have yourself
- tattooed - choose the crown one.
- Go to the Swamp and use the rod on the lake. You get a fish. Go
- back to the castle and use the fish on the seal. You pick it up.
- Go to the Lady of the Lake and speak to her. She leaves you with
- her gear. Pick up the air tanks and use them on the dinghy. Use it
- and you will automatically go left. On the other side, look at the
- sign. Pick up the sword, go back to the dinghy and get back to the
- castle.
- Give the sword to the prince and he will give you his peashooter.
- Go to the princesses room and use the pea on the mattresses. Talk
- to her and ask her about the baby. She will give you a lolly. Take
- it to the baby, who throws it out of the window.
- Go downstairs and pick up the lolly. Go to Muc's and ask the mascot
- man for another balloon. Go in. Wear the costume and go to the
- Swampling. Give the lolly to the babies to get the milk.
- Go back to the Castle and give the milk to the baby. You can now go
- to the King and go up the stairs to the Treasury. You will come to
- a pentagram and, if you try go to over it, the two demons from the
- previous game will appear. Talk to them and eventually, you get
- thrown down the stairs.
- You could now go to the Street of Traders, use your third balloon on
- the railing and float upwards to the Castle only to be shot down by
- one of the demons. However, you might like to skip that and save on
- shoe leather by going straightaway back up the stairs to the
- pentagram and using the Swamp shake on it. When the demons come out
- they get stuck in it. Now it's deffinitely the time to go and make
- with the balloons.
- You will wind up inside the Treasury. Go to open the Sarcophagus
- and you will drop through below. Pick up the mucusade. Open the
- door, if you like. Go up the tube to the room above and leave
- through the window. Watch.
- Go to Calypso's. Watch and be prepared to watch for a long
- time. When you get the chance, use the spell book to free
- yourself. Attempt to leave by the stairs and watch some more.
- You will finish in the Captain's cabin. Look at the diary on the
- desk and you'll get a card. Pick up one of the parrots.
- As you come out, go next door. Pick up the knife and use it on the
- hammock. Pick up the tinder box. Out and up the stairs. Talk to
- the Bosun and then use your parrot on the other one. Go down the
- stairs and go left talking to the pirates as you go. Enter the last
- door and talk to the tough guy - ask him for a welding torch. Pick
- up the skull by him and you get the eye patch.
- Leave and hand the eye patch to the pirate with the shades to get
- them. Back left, use the rigging to get up to the crow's nest. Use
- the postcard on the telescope. Down.
- If you now go right and attempt to use the welder on the chain, the
- captain comes out and stops you. Go back left and move the
- hammering pirate to push him overboard. Pick up the hammer and the
- plank.
- Go to the door through which the captain keeps coming out and use
- the plank on it - you nail it across and you can now use the welding
- torch on the chain. Open the door, go down and retrieve your
- mucusade. Now you can go up to the Bosun and use the chewing gum on
- the parrot. Watch.
- Pick up the shovel. Go right and talk to the beachcomber, pick up
- the towel. Go up to the jungle. Give the balloon to the kid (he
- gives you a shell) and pick up the wooden pole. Use it with the
- shovel. Go back to where you started, talking to the beachcomber on
- the way, and use the shovel. Use the towel on the hole and the
- shell on the towel. Talk again to the beachcomber, watch.
- Go back to where the balloon was and go into the cave. Pick up the
- bottle to hold a conversation with the Genie. He's out of spirits.
- Out, go up left and pick up the dog. Go into the Coffee House and
- talk to the waitress. Ask for de-caff and watch. Ask for another
- de-caff. Leave. Go back to the cave entrance and go down left
- along the path which runs parallel to the one leading to the Coffee
- House.
- Pick up the whistle and talk to the dealer. Ask for the salmon -
- you are after the caffeine. Go left and talk to the Judge to enter
- the Limbo competition. Leave and when you get to the dealer, go up
- to the right of him.
- Talk to the man. Go left and examine the generator. Put the dog on
- the blue rollers and blow whistle. Go right and move the lever of
- the machine to "on". Blow the whistle and watch. Now go all the
- way to the limbo competition and stand in front of the poles. Use
- the whistle and watch. You get the 3 bungas. Go to the dealer,
- talk to him and get the caffeine. Use that on the coffee cup you
- are carrying.
- Go to the cave and use the coffee on the bottle. Pick it up and ask
- to go back to Calypso's. Once there, enter the shop and watch.
- After you've done talking to Alix, try to open the door. Watch.
- You turn up at the Goblin Camp. Attempt to enter. No good - but
- observe the goblets. Exit right.
- Go to the Secluded Hut. Talk to the guys and pick up a bottle of
- soda and the hanky. Leave. Go to Dark Wood.
- Give the bottle of soda to the kid. Go right and talk to the
- woodworm. Go right again and talk to the witches - it's a case of
- speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil. The cat, you'll
- notice, will scarper.
- When you come out of the cave and walk left, you'll see the cat.
- Try and catch it. He scarpers once more. Leave the Wood and go to
- the Secluded Hut. The cat should be there. Close the door and try
- to get the cat - he knocks himself out and you can pick him up.
- Take another bottle of soda and use the straw on it to empty it.
- Leave.
- Go to the Volcano's rim. Pick up the sprayer and the book. Examine
- the book for a hint on what to do next. Yes, you are right. Give
- the cat to the plant, then collect the saliva with the empty bottle.
- Go to the Goblin Camp and use the saliva on the goblets. Attempt to
- go in and wait till the goblins drink and pass out. Pick up the
- conch horn above the guard to the right. In. Talk to the Elf, he
- wants some perfume and will give you a bottle for it. Enter the
- tent and pick up the rations and the pepper. Out. Go left and look
- at the goblins gaming, then go to the left and attempt to enter the
- dark castle. Say you are a decorator but left your book at home.
- Leave the Camp and go to the Secluded Hut. Pick up a soda and use
- it on the perfume bottle. Pick up another soda and leave. Go back
- to the Camp and to the Elf, use the pepper on him and then give him
- the hanky. After that, give him the bottle of perfume and he will
- give you a block of wood. Go left and use the bottle of soda on the
- fire, then pick up some "stuff". The two goblins start quarrelling
- and a pair of dice are dropped. Pick them up.
- Leave the camp and go to Dark Wood. Give the rations to the kid and
- he will swell up and drop the magnifying glass. Pick it up. Go
- right and give the wood to the woodworm. You get a pair of wooden
- dentures. Go to the witches and give them, from left to right, the
- teeth, the conch horn and the magnifying glass. Watch. Use your
- empty bottle on the potion in the cauldron.
- Go to the Secluded Hut and give the potion to the players. One of
- them turns into a puppy - offer yourself to fill in. Play and use
- your own dice. Watch. As soon as you have the wallpaper catalogue
- and can leave, go to...
- The monsters will let you through. Pick up the tapestry to the
- right and go down the stairs. Use the tapestry on the sweat on the
- floor and that on the chemical sprayer. Note the lever. Up and go
- through the Eerie corridor. Watch. Click anywhere to put Simon
- together again and talk to the beast. Go out and come in again. No
- go.
- Go down the staircase and move the lever - in the dark, go through
- the Eerie corridor. You are spotted again. Enter once more and
- wear the puppy. You magic it into shoes - wear them, but you are
- spotted again. Go through the Eerie corridor once more, use the
- chemical sprayer and wear the shoes. Now you will walk
- automatically to the left and beyond the beast.
- Walk left through the door and look at the Nasty Chappy. Continue
- right and look to the right of the case for a screwdriver. Use that
- on the hand and pick it up. Open the case. Use the hand on the
- inprint, go left.
- Watch. Lots. Indeed, to the disappointing end of this game. At
- the end of the credits you will be told "To be continued..." Curses!
- Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.