ocr: - 2 - - > a - - - - L - - Heres your chance to ou: Eue Force: a: great: porce SITL foromng the career: of: a: mnotos Screen-Shotssuffer greatly from the drastic colour =- cyce cop CUm PI: Bue Force boasts: StUT - reductionnecessery to display them onthisaduert. r UGA graphics, real Uideo-captured actors anas great 15Fune sound-track plagatile LIE ELI CO Dlater) Rers 1Mer ELMS IELEL os ASEIM m se 1g my copy. after completigthe JELE Drop your guns you tin badge punks, or you ca kiss this broad good-bye!! Format: PCCD-ROM asas The'in-gome - graphicsare 235calburuttiendoda veryhigh quolity up! SUT ...