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- ~Eye Of The Beholder 2
- Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon
- Cheat Sheet
- by the Silver Rainmaker (mloux@rm42.ucc.uconn.edu)
- This information contained below will tell you how you can
- modify your characters through the use of binary manipulation.
- It will NOT tell you how to win the game, nor is it a hint file.
- If hints are desired, email me at mloux@rm42.ucc.uconn.edu or buy
- the hint book.
- Also, take note: The details within this document have been
- tested and found valid on IBM/MS-DOS compatible machines ONLY! I
- cannot vouch for the validity of these notes on any other type of
- machine. Those of you with other machines (Amiga, Mac, etc.) are
- welcome to try it, but don't come crying to me if it doesn't
- work.
- Now, in Eye of the Beholder I, there was one save file and
- one only. Now I am pretty sure the info contained herein WILL
- work on Eye of the Beholder I save files, in fact it was another
- cheat file like this one that made me try it on Eye II, but I say
- again, no promises. At any rate, in Eye of the Beholder II,
- there are several slots in which you can save your game, each
- with so many characters in which you can give it an individual
- name. At any rate, where in Eye I there was one save file, named
- EOBDATA.SAV, there are several in Eye II, one for each save slot,
- to be exact. These files have the names EOBDATAx.SAV, where x is
- a number 0 through 6, I believe. At any rate, the number on the
- end corresponds to the distance from the top slot in the game.
- Therefore the highest up will be EOBDATA0.SAV, the next one
- EOBDATA1.SAV, and so on, until the last one.
- Therefore, you must figure out which file contains the data
- you want to alter, and then make a backup copy of it. You don't
- have to, but if you mess up, and there is no data to restore,
- then you're stuck with it. I thought I would warn you in
- advance, so you don't do anything stupid. Now, you can either
- edit the backup file or the save file, it doesn't really matter.
- I edit my save file directly, namely because it saves time. If
- you edit the backup file, then you have to rename the original
- save file to a backup, then copy the backup file to the save file
- original name (Eye II WON'T know to look for BOB.SAV), then run
- Eye II. It's easier to just edit the save file directly, copying
- from the backup file in case you screw up. You might want to
- make several backup files, at different stages of the editing
- spree, in case you only want to back up one small step, rather
- than start over again. But you should be able to figure out this
- stuff from common sense, so I will get to the point.
- Now, you will need a hex editor of some kind. I use
- Diskedit myself, because it's nice and easy to use, and it
- supports a mouse. Oh yes, DISKEDIT is a part of Norton
- Utilities, and the version I use is 6.01. Very nice, but I am
- sure PC tools has something as well, and there are probably half
- a million editors out there in shareware land or by less known
- companies. Any recommendations should be sent to
- mloux@rm42.ucc.uconn.edu for newer versions of this text file.
- OK, let's start fiddling. Execute your editor and open the
- file in question. With most hex editors, there will be a series
- of two-digit hex codes to the left, and the ASCII equivalent to
- the right. It should look vaguely like the following:
- `3D 3D 3E 45 61 74 20 6D - 65 3C 3D 3D 00 00 00 00 ==>Eat me<==....
- `00 00 00 00 00 01 49 72 - 6F 6E 41 73 73 00 00 00 ......IronAss...
- `00 13 13 64 64 12 12 12 - 12 11 11 13 13 10 10 7F ...dd..........
- `00 7F 00 FF 00 06 00 02 - 19 35 09 00 00 C4 EF 03 ........5......
- `00 88 0D 01 00 88 0D 01 - 00 64 1E 87 79 00 00 00 .........d..y...
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
- Now, notice that most of the characters that are represented
- by hex numbers other than 00 do not show up. No need to really
- worry about that. As long as they are there on the hex side,
- you're ok.
- First of all, notice the first line. This represents
- roughly the title that appears in the save slot. This will most
- likely be in all capitals (I have already done some editing with
- this file, as you will see). Eye II automatically throws
- everything in caps, so the only way to get them otherwise is to
- do it yourself here.
- I will stress now that you want to do most of your editing
- on the hex side. Hopefully your editor allows you to edit in
- either hex or decimal areas. For names and such you can edit on
- the text side, but for the most part you want to play with the
- hex numbers.
- After the name, on the second line you will see the name of
- your first character (that is, the character in the upper left
- hand corner of your six. The next character would be in the
- upper right hand corner, then the center ones, left to right, and
- finally the bottom ones, left to right). This always starts with
- the hex character 01, so leave the character to the left of the
- name alone. Now, the name can take up 11 spaces, although I have
- never tested that. It might be wise to leave a byte free between
- the name and the abilities, which come next. You can type in the
- name any way you want, but make sure the characters not taken up
- by the name are left as 00.
- Next come the abilities of your character, in the order
- Strength, Percentage, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity,
- Constitution, and Charisma. These all take up two bytes apiece,
- and I assume the first byte is current score, and the second byte
- is maximum score. Whatever the case, make sure they are the
- same. The numbers are in hex, so an 18 would be represented by
- 12, 19 by 13, and so on. Don't edit in the text side here,
- because you are dealing with byte values, not actual numbers.
- You won't see an 18 in the text, just the character with the
- value 18d or 12h (a control character in ASCII. 19d, or 13h, is
- the Carriage Return). Oh, by the way, the percentage is also in
- hex, but since 2 hex digits will give you a number as large as
- 255, you can represent anything from 1 to 100. So, 64h is the
- equivalent of 100d. Might as well jack them all of the way up if
- you're going to cheat. Now, this only works for fighters. If
- you do this to a mage, the game will ignore it.
- The abilities all take up 14 bytes right after the name.
- Next is the hit point value, also in hex, a null byte (00), and
- then the hit point value again, followed by another null byte
- (00). Once again, I'm guessing, but I think you have current hit
- points followed by maximum hit points (for injuries and such).
- Note the null byte following each. I assume so this is in case
- you reach a hit point total of 256 or higher, which could be
- feasable in Eye of the Beholder III. What will happen is the
- second byte, now null, will be used as the higher byte, much the
- way you add a 1 to the left end of a number, like when 99 goes to
- 100. More on this later, when we deal with the experience.
- Next, there are two bytes, one that might be high up, like
- FC or so, followed by one that should be null (00). I don't know
- what function these perform, but they seem to be way up there for
- NPC's and low for your generated characters.
- Next is a series of four bytes that are useful only if you
- really want to completely change your character:
- The first byte is the Race and Sex, with even numbers being
- male, and odd being female. Thus, 00 and 01 are human male and
- human female, respectively. Likewise, the elves take up 02 and
- 03, the half-elves have 04 and 05, the dwarves 06 and 07, the
- gnomes 08 and 09, and the halflings finish it off with 0A and 0B.
- The next byte following that is pretty important. It states
- the class of your character. I don't know all of them, but I
- have deduced that 00 is fighter, 01 ranger, 02 paladin, 03 mage,
- 04 cleric, and 05 is thief. The multi-classed also have a single
- digit, with 06 going to fighter/cleric, 07 fighter/thief, and so
- on. I don't know all of them, but Amber, the mage/thief on the
- priets level, is 0A. So you should be able to deduce the rest
- through experimenting, and I will most likely have more complete
- results in the next version of this file.
- The next byte is the alignment of the character, with 00 as
- lawful good, 01 neutral good, 02 chaotic good, and so on, ending
- up with 08 as chaotic evil.
- The next byte you really shouldn't tangle with unless you
- want to change the character's appearance. This byte selects the
- portrait used on the screen. I don't know which is which, but
- each portrait probably has its own two-digit hex code. Try
- different numbers and see what you come up with (hell, you might
- come up with the head of a monster!). I do know that the NPC's
- all have portrait numbers high up, around FE and FF or so. Most
- likely the character portraits are all down in the 00 to 30
- range.
- The byte after that doesn't seem to do much, at least not
- that I can figure out, so I leave it alone.
- The next three bytes detail the character's level. You
- probably don't want to toy with these, as they will only be
- temporary (once the experience points reach the turning point of
- a certain level, they will put the character in that level, even
- if the level byte says he's three levels higher). Each byte
- represents the level in hex. Most characters will only have one
- of the three bytes used, unless they are multi-classed (yeah, one
- for each class, as three classes is the max you can have).
- Then after those three bytes is the experience for each
- class, which takes up four bytes apiece. Now, this is where it
- gets really tricky. The best way to compute these guys is to
- have a really good knowledge of hex, or to use a calculator that
- can readily convert between hex and decimal. I use an HP 28S
- myself.
- Now, this is tough. Take the four bytes, let's use an
- example from one of my files. Calandra (not shown above in the
- sample text) has an experience value here of C4 1E 05 00. Now,
- the right most byte is the highest byte. To figure out the
- decimal value, feed in the hex value byte by byte, starting with
- the right. So, you would punch 00 05 1E C4 into your hex
- calculator (in hex mode, silly) and convert to decimal. This
- will result in Calandra having an experience point value of
- 335,556 experience points, putting her at level 9. Now, if you
- want to have Calandra go up a level, the best thing to do is not
- to give her enough points to make her level 10. Rather, you want
- to put her at just ONE point below the next level, that way when
- she kills a monster next (or anyone in the party does), she will
- gain enough to go up automatically. That way her hit points are
- updated, as well as the levels, in the save file. Otherwise, you
- will confuse the program, and while you may have enough
- experience, you will probably not get a level increase, because
- the actual point boundary was never CROSSED, but avoided
- entirely. I really hope I am making sense.
- Now, to make Calandra 10th level, let's bump her up to one
- point below 10th level boundaries, which are 500,000 for a
- fighter. So, punch in 499,999 in decimal to your calculator, and
- convert to hex, which should give you the value of 00 07 A1 1F.
- You would then go to the hex codes (on the left side, of course)
- and punch them in backwards: 1F A1 07 00. Note that you are not
- punching in the ENTIRE number in reverse, just the bytes. So if
- you punched in F1 1A 70 00, you would completly screw your
- character up. In fact, you might find the experience point value
- drastically different than what you intended. Just thought you
- should know. That is what makes it so tricky. Note that the
- fourth digit will probably be unused, unless you have a very high
- experience level. This will most likely be used in Eye of the
- Beholder III, when you will probably be level 15 or higher. Or,
- because the numbers are exponential, you might not see it until
- Eye IV or so (assuming they make an Eye III and IV. They
- For those of you who do not have hex calculators, there is a
- way to figure out what you want, but it's pretty tricky. Each
- hex digit in a number, like a decimal number, is nothing more
- than a digit from 0 to 10 (including A through F in hex)
- multiplied by a power. For example, using decimal, 1 is actually
- 1 times 10 to the power of 0 (which is 1). 10 is actually 1
- times 10 to the power of 1 (10) added to 0 times 10 to the power
- of 0 (1), resulting in 10. Therefore, 15 would be 1 times 10 to
- the power of 1, plus 5 times 10 to the power of 0, resulting in
- 10 + 5, or 15. Simple, right? One hopes so (not only will I
- tell you how to cheat at your game, I will have given an
- introductory course in hex math. Wild).
- Now the principle is the same with hex, only you use sixteen
- as the base, rather than 10. So, 01 is 1 times sixteen (or 10 in
- hex) to the power of 0 (still 1), 10 is 1 times sixteen to the
- power of 1 (sixteen) plus 0 times sixteen to the power of 0,
- resulting in sixteen (which is hex 10). Likewise, 01 00 is two-
- hundred fifty-six, 10 00 is four thousand, ninety-six, 01 00 00
- is sixty-five thousand, five hundred thirty-six (I am spelling
- them out so you won't get the humber systems confused), and so
- on. You will notice that these numbers tend to resemble computer
- values in disk or memory size. That should make sense.
- At any rate, to figure out the value of Calandra's
- experience, we would take the number shown in the file, C4 1E 05
- 00, write it backwards (sort of), 00 05 1E C4, and then convert
- it. 00 can be discarded, as can the first 0 in the next byte.
- That leaves us with 5 times 16 to the power of 4 (65536d), plus 1
- times 16 to the power of 3 (4096d), plus E (14d) times 16 to the
- power of 2 (256d), plus C (12d) times 16 to the power of 1 (16d),
- plus 4, which should result in what we had up above, 335,556. It
- is a hell of a lot more tedious, and converting back is an even
- bigger pain, but if ya have to....
- That covers the experience part. The rest iis shaky, but I
- do know that there is a great deal of space between the
- abilities, and the physical posessions on a character. I can
- only assume that each item has it's own two-digit hex code, and
- the location in the file pertains to the location on the
- character's person. Now obviously there are some places that
- will not accept certain items (putting boots on as armor, and the
- like), so if you mess with those, you could cause certain items
- to disappear. At any rate, I plan to experiment with that next,
- and see what happens. What I will need to to is compile a list
- of items and their respective hex codes, and then list the places
- in order on the file. Most likely they progress logically in the
- file, much the same as the characters do. It's easier on the
- programmers to promote order, especially when it comes to
- debugging.
- And finally, there must be a location section, that states
- where the characters are in the dungeon, what level, what square,
- what doors are open, what monsters have been killed, do they have
- the mark of darkmoon, do they have the pieces of talon, have they
- trapped the medusas, what doors are open, etc etc etc. Because
- this stuff is all incomplete, I plan to do more research at a
- later date. For now, I will be content with what I have here,
- and hopefully you all will too.
- Any questions, comments, money (just kidding), can be sent
- to mloux@rm42.ucc.uconn.edu or INFOSY11@UCONNVM (bitnet). Or you
- can write me at:
- Michael J. Loux, Jr.
- 46 Tracy Rd.
- Canterbury, CT, 06331
- phone number (203)-546-6395.
- Work phone (203)-486-1406. You'll probably get voice mail.
- That's it! I hope this helps you all out! I enjoyed
- delving into the guts of this game, and will probably do so for
- other games in the future, now that I know how...
- -Mike
- P.S. I always enjoy feedback, so email me, even if you didn't
- find this useful! I'm always fond of correspondence or
- conversation, or just plain hint-swapping. Like I said before, I
- DO have a ton of hints, and am considering writing a hint file
- for EOB II. If I get enough requests for it, I will most likely
- do so.
- Take care, and stay cool.