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- ~Cyberia
- Help obtained via an upload to the Cheet Sheets BBS.
- ~The Rig
- The Rig is your first stop in Cyberia. You will find yourself in the
- Rig's docking bay. A door on the right leads to Gia and the Gunnery
- Chair. The door on the left leads to a lift, which connects to the
- hangar, where a Transfighter is ready.
- HELP WITH GIA: When you meet Gia, she immediately tells you to
- turn around and disarm your weapon. To avoid being killed, press
- the left arrow key on your keyboard. If you hit any other key or
- you take to long to react, you will be killed by Gia.
- THE GUNNERY CHAIR: This is your first big challenge in Cyberia.
- If you find that this section of the game is too difficult, you
- may restart the game and choose a lower arcade difficulty level.
- Pay attention to the six blue indicators on the control panel
- display. (bottom middle of screen) These display hull damage to
- the Rig which you are defending. If too much damage is sustained
- to the Rig hull, it will be destroyed.
- After successfully defending the Rig, Gia will congratulate you
- and offer a kiss. To accept her kiss, press the up arrow key or
- just wait. To decline, press the down arrow. Kissing Gia will
- cause Santos to become jealous and you will be rendered unconscious
- by a guard. There is no way to avoid this if you kiss Gia.
- THE ELEVATOR: The elevator takes you from the upper dock to the
- hangar. To operate the elevator, walk to the buttons in the corner
- of the room. Your view will switch to a Visor View. Use the arrow
- keys to move your hand over the Hangar button and press the space
- bar to select it. The view will switch back to normal and you can
- walk into the elevator and ride up to the hangar.
- GUARDS: If you don't kiss Gia, you shouldn't have too much trouble
- with any of the guards in the Rig, as long as you follow their
- directions.
- If you did kiss Gia, Santos is enraged and will order you killed.
- After escaping from Santos, you will find your self in a warehouse.
- Be sure to get the power pack for Santos' weapon before you go on.
- In one of the rooms in the warehouse, you will find a ladder.
- After climbing the ladder and walking down a ramp, there is a door
- to the right which leads to the hangar. Once inside, you must
- quickly lock the door behind you or a guard will open the door and
- shoot you in the back. With the door locked, turn so you are facing
- the crates by the door and walk towards it. The view will change,
- showing you looking out from behind the crates. A guard is right
- down the hall from you. As the guard begins to walk towards your
- position the view changes back to a normal walking view. To fire
- your weapon, push the right arrow key to raise your weapon and
- press the space bar to fire. To be successful, you must wait until
- the guard is raising his weapon before you fire. If you shoot too
- early, you will miss and he'll kill you.
- THE BOMB PUZZLE: There are three ways of disarming the bomb depending
- on the puzzle difficulty level you have selected. The directions are
- as follows:
- LEVEL 1: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
- seven switches in one row, of which only one switch is active, a
- vibration sensor and an on/off switch. First toggle the vibration
- sensor switch, then toggle the other active switch. Do not touch the
- on/off switch.
- LEVEL 2: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
- seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off
- switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then
- toggle the fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch
- from the left.
- LEVEL 3: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
- seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off
- switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then toggle the
- fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch from the
- left. Now toggle the first switch on the right, (not the on/off
- switch) then toggle the second switch from the right, and then the
- third switch from the right.
- ~Transfighter Flying Sequences
- OPEN OCEAN: This is the first Transfighter sequence. Your goal is to
- destroy a large enemy ship by exploding it's fuel tank. Your target
- will be designated by a blue target box. If you do not successfully
- destroy this ship, your ship will be destroyed.
- MILITARY ISLANDS: You must pass over a heavily guarded enemy
- munitions dump on your way to destroy an important enemy submarine.
- Destroy as many munitions buildings as possible along the way and
- watch out for cruise missiles as you near the sub. Take careful aim
- at the blue target box when you reach the sub. You must destroy it
- or die.
- NORWAY: This is the third Transfighter mission. Be alert for the
- numerous tanks in the area as well as air defenses. A large
- hovercraft will rise from behind the canyon walls midway through the
- mission. It must be destroyed quickly or you will be toast.
- ARCHANGEL MILITARY PORT: This is the fourth Transfighter mission.
- Your goal here is to fly through the military port in order to reach
- a freight tunnel through the mountains. Keep alert for numerous air
- and ground defenses in the area. You will soon learn that the
- entrance to the tunnel is shielded and you must disable the shield
- generator. As you make your pass to make your attack, a large gun is
- readied against you from behind the generator building. You must
- destroy the generator building or you will be shot down by the gun.
- FREIGHT TUNNEL: This is the fifth Transfighter mission. Your goal
- here is to make it through the tunnel in one piece. Do not fire upon
- the fuel trucks which are designated by blue target boxes. If you do,
- you will destroy the truck, the tunnel, and everything inside...
- including yourself.
- ZUBROVSKA: This is the sixth Transfighter mission in which you must
- reach a refueling center. The trick to this mission is to be very
- accurate with your shots in the beginning of the mission, using as
- little weapon energy as possible, so you can have it available when
- things get hectic. Try firing individual shots instead of holding the
- trigger down. The hardest part of this mission comes near the end,
- when three fast enemy planes attack with missiles. Pay close
- attention where each of these planes appears on the screen, then go
- back and try to anticipate the arrival of each; readying your
- controller a moment before each one appears. Once you pass this
- point, be sure not to shoot the helicopter which passes as your
- Transfighter lands, or the resulting explosion will destroy you.
- ICE CANYONS: The seventh Transfighter mission is a very difficult
- mission. The most difficult aspect of the mission is to save enough
- shield and weapon power to defeat the huge enemy attack plane at the
- end of the mission. To do this you should try to shoot each enemy
- aircraft as soon as it is targeted with just one shot. After you make
- a sharp turn over the water, after battling two enemy helicopters,
- two targets will appear on the right side, one shortly after the
- other. You must destroy these ships quickly or suffer major damage to
- your fighter.
- SPACE SEQUENCE: This difficult sequence requires perseverance and the
- memorization of target locations. Try to anticipate the arrival of
- each enemy target, readying your cross-hairs at the proper location
- moments before the target actually comes into range. Being merged
- with the Cyberia weapon, you will have an unlimited supply of weapon
- energy...fire away!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~` -------------------------------------
- The Arcade difficulty level you set when first starting Cyberia
- adjusts the accuracy required for making hits on enemy units. The
- easy setting displays large target boxes, making enemy ships much
- easier to hit. Target boxes reduce in size as difficulty level
- increases.
- While playing the Transfighter sequences there are three small
- indicators near the top of your screen. The scale on the top right
- is your Shield levels. Each hit to your ship depletes your shield
- levels. When the shields are at very low level, hits from enemy
- weapons will cause damage to your ship. Shield energy recharges
- when the system is not being fired upon.
- The scale at the top left represents weapons energy levels. As energy
- is depleted, weapon effectiveness is reduced, until, at very low
- levels, firing becomes intermittent. Weapons energy recharges while
- weapons are not in use.
- Beneath the weapons energy is a scale representing actual hull
- damage. When this level drops to zero, the hull of your ship has
- been breached, and your Transfighter will explode. This scale will
- not recharge because damage will not be repaired during flight. All
- scales will return to full during the next Transfighter sequence.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~Cyberia Complex
- GAINING ENTRANCE: The main entrance is to the north and is guarded.
- To get there, walk north from your landed Transfighter, always
- staying as far to the left as possible. The other entrance is
- actually a ventilation shaft, and can be found east of the main
- entrance, by walking from the Transfighter and staying to the right.
- VISOR PUZZLES: Your visor aids you in solving many of the puzzles in
- Cyberia. During each visor puzzle, the F1 key activates the Infra Red
- Scan (IR), the F2 key activates the Magnetic Resonance Scan (MRI),
- and the F3 key activates the Bio-Mass scan. The right side of you
- visor has as small gauge, represented by four colored blocks,
- indicating your energy level.
- The solution to the Visor Puzzles will differ depending upon the
- puzzle level that you selected at the beginning of Cyberia.
- --------------------------------
- PERIMETER LOCK OF THE COMPLEX: To open the perimeter lock on the
- entrance to the complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then
- the third switch then the second switch.
- THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. This
- will display a reading of heat from the previous person to access
- the door. The keys are cooling off in the order in which they were
- touched, allowing you to read the combination, which is 2571. After
- punching in the code, press the enter key on the keypad to open the
- door.
- THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: To close the elevator doors to protect you
- from the blast grenade you will need the combination which can be
- obtained on the H. Suzuki computer terminal. If you do not have
- the combination, you must return to that computer terminal to
- retrieve it. Once at the Suzuki terminal you will find dossiers for
- the people who work in the complex. The last record is for a new
- employee who has been given a temporary access code. Make not of
- this code and return to the elevator. You must enter the code
- quickly to avoid being killed by the grenade. By pressing the
- buttons repeatedly, you may cycle through the various shapes to
- enter the code.
- THE PUMP PUZZLE: The doors which lead to the Cyberia Weapon are
- out of service and must be operated manually. To open the doors
- you must line up the four valves along the center line. Each valve
- has a pressure switch, which, when pushed, raises the level of the
- valve. To line up the valves you must press the switches to raise
- each valve in such a way that the valves will line up. When the
- valves line up they will lock in place and the door will open.
- --------------------------------
- PERIMETER LOCK OF THE COMPLEX: To open the perimeter lock on the
- entrance to the complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then
- the sixth switch and then the third switch.
- THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. You
- will see the keys cooling off from a previous entry. The code is
- 2571. Punch in the code and press the enter key.
- THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: To close the elevator doors to protect you
- from the blast grenade, you will need the combination, which can
- be obtained on the H. Suzuki computer terminal. If you do not have
- the combination, you must return to that computer terminal to
- retrieve it. Once at the Suzuki terminal you will find dossiers
- for the people who work in the complex. The last record is for a
- new employee who has been given a temporary access code. Make note
- of this code and return to the elevator. You must enter the code
- quickly to avoid being killed by the grenade. By pressing the
- buttons repeatedly, you will be able to cycle through the various
- shapes to enter the correct code.
- THE PUMP PUZZLE: The doors to the Cyberia Weapon are out of
- service and must be operated manually. You must line up the four
- valves along the center line. Each valve has a pressure switch,
- which, when pushed raises the level of the valve. You must press
- each switch in such a way as to line up each valve along the
- center line.
- --------------------------------
- PERIMETER LOCK: To open the perimeter lock on the entrance to the
- complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then the sixth
- switch, and then the third switch.
- THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. The
- code is 2571.
- THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: You must have a code to close the elevator
- doors to prevent being killed by the blast grenade. The code is at
- the H. Suzuki computer terminal. You will find dossiers for the
- people who work in the complex. A temporary access code has been
- given to a new employee who is the last record in the terminal.
- Obtain the code and return to the elevator. Enter the code quickly
- to avoid being killed by the grenade. To enter the code correctly,
- you must repeatedly press the buttons to cycle through the
- available choices.
- THE PUMP PUZZLE: You must align the pressure valves along the
- center valve to open the doors to the Cyberia Weapon. Press the
- pressure switches in such a way as to align the valves on the
- center line and they will lock into place and open the doors.
- COMPUTER TERMINALS: While using any of the terminals located in the
- complex, your arrow keys move between the different selections and
- the spacebar selects. The information you can access through the
- terminals will often provide game hints, so you should always check
- each room for any active computers. To use a terminal, simply move
- next to it, and if that computer is active it will come on-line with
- an audible tone.
- COMPUTER PASSWORD: Only one computer terminal in the complex requires
- a password. The hint to obtain the password was given on one of the
- Video Mail's earlier in the game. The hint tells you to go to the
- berthing area and look for a picture on the wall. Upon entering these
- rooms, you find a large portrait of Albert Einstein. This is your
- clue. The password is Einstein.
- ~------------------------
- *OUTSIDE THE CYBERIA COMPLEX: When you reach the main entrance of the
- complex, you will find a guard outside who begins shooting at you. If
- you get shot immediately, you have not followed the correct path to
- the complex. Be sure to stay as far to the right as possible as you
- walk from the Transfighter to the complex. The correct path will lead
- to a shed you can hide behind. Correct timing is the key to killing
- the guard. Try to time your move in between his shots, then lean out
- with the right arrow key and shoot with the spacebar.
- *FOUR GUARDS AND A DINING ROOM: The dining room contains four guards.
- If you try to sneak past this room, one of the guards will open the
- door and shoot you. You must enter the room to deal with the guards.
- When you enter the room, shoot the two guards on the left, then duck
- behind the crate to your right. The two guards left will duck behind
- the tables and continue to fire at you. Perfect timing is the key to
- killing these two guards. To fire from this position you must raise
- up with the up arrow, then turn to aim and shoot. You may use the
- down arrow to duck behind the crate at any time during this sequence.
- *GUARD BEHIND GLASS WALL: You will find yourself in a storeroom on
- the lower level of the complex with a guard behind a glass wall. If
- he sees you he will activate a Halon System and flood the room with
- poisonous gas. You must sneak past this guard. Watch his cycling
- movements from the computer terminal to his notes. Sneak past him
- when he turns away from the window. Once past him, take the door out
- into the corridor. The first door on the left is the room he is
- working in. Enter the room and kill him.
- *TWO GUARDS IN THE CORRIDOR: The doors blocking the corridor which
- leads away from the Halon Room are guarded by to men on the other
- side. To pass them, you must roll to the left just as the door opens.
- To do this, just press the left arrow key, and Zak will somersault to
- the left, taking cover. From this position you can lean out to aim
- and fire by pressing the right arrow key.
- *THE CONFERENCE ROOM: As you enter the conference room, you will find
- two men engaged in conversation about the Cyberia Project. If you try
- to enter the room you will be shot by the man who is standing. Wait
- until the conversation is finished and the standing man has left the
- room before you attempt anything. After he is gone, walk towards the
- crates to your left, to hide behind them. From this position you can
- lean out to fire upon the remaining guard.
- THE RED CARD: To pass through the door into the cryo-lab you will
- need the red security pass key. The key is located in the infirmary,
- located on the lower level of the complex, locked in a patients room
- that has been quarantined. Along the right wall of the room you can
- see the red key card lying on a table. On the wall are vents which
- are currently closed. Access the computer terminal in the room to
- open these vents. Once the vents are open, you must go back to
- retrieve the card. Leave this room and take the first door to the
- left through the storeroom to the door leading to the red corridor
- where the lift is located. After entering, immediately turn to the
- left, and walk to the steel grating blocks your path. Zak will push
- on the grating and it will fall, opening up a new passageway. At the
- end of this passage you will find the two vents you opened, and can
- reach through to get the card.
- THE MUTAGEN SEQUENCE: On your way through the complex you discover
- that an experimental virus has infected certain areas, and although
- a vaccine has been created, it too has become infected. Five of the
- eight vaccines have already been used, leaving three that you can
- use. To inoculate yourself against the virus you must first go
- through the culture to destroy the infection. If you are playing
- with Arcade Difficulty level set to 'EASY', you must destroy at
- least 50% of the virus. On 'Medium' difficulty you must kill at
- least 72% and on the 'Hard' level you must kill at least 80%. If
- you are successful, you are informed that the culture is safe to
- use, otherwise the culture is still contaminated and you must try
- another. After you are successful, note the number of the vaccine,
- (either 6, 7 or 8) and use that culture in inoculation chamber. Note
- that you have very little time in the chamber before the virus will
- kill you, so you must enter the vaccine number in the computer and
- move into the inoculation booth quickly.
- THE CHARLIE SEQUENCE: After you have inoculated yourself against the
- virus, you learn that some of the virus has mutated into larger
- creatures called Nanites and are infesting a portion of the complex.
- Since the infested areas contain the only passage to the Cyberia
- Weapon, you must clear this area before proceeding. The only method
- to kill the creatures is to fly a remote unit, named Charlie, into
- the infested area. You must kill EVERY Nanite before you can proceed
- pass this point. Note that the ENTER key on your keyboard fires a
- shock wave device, which will kill all the Nanites in the immediate
- area. An alarm in the bottom right of your screen will alert you if
- any Nanites get past you. If this alarm goes off, hit the enter key
- immediately to stop the Nanite from escaping. The Charlie unit has a
- limited amount of energy available for its weapons systems. The shock
- wave device uses much more energy than your regular weapons systems,
- and so should only be used in emergencies.