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- ~Dragon Lore (CD-ROM)
- First part of a solution by John Johnson-Apoo and Lu Richardson,
- with a few crucial clues from S. Blease
- First part
- ----------
- General tips:
- At each screen, move the cursor around all over, very carefully, to
- see what can be picked up or manipulated. Don't go around with a
- weapon equipped because if you approach someone while armed, meaning
- to have a chat with them, you might instead clobber them over the head
- with a hammer - and that won't do at all.
- When you right-click on someone to talk to them, you get a close up
- and speech. Keep clicking till the character starts repeting the
- last sentence. Sometimes you get automatically separated from the
- close up - right click again to make sure you've got all the info.
- Every time you get a spell, it's a good idea to look at it (by
- placing it on Werner's face) and make a little drawing of it, so
- that it's handy. You must put each scroll in the spell book as soon
- as you get them.
- You can avoid almost all fights, save for a few, by walking past
- the nasty. You'll have to decide how aggresive you are going to
- be. At any rate, when you have killed someone, click on the bodies
- to collect whatever they are carrying.
- Finally, the game is all about getting the Dragon Knights on your
- side so that they'll vote in your favour. As you talk to each one
- you will find out how to win them over - whether you do or not, is
- up to you. Preferably, talk to them again after sorting out their
- patch.
- The game begins with Werner unloading some logs and taking time to
- knock a fly on the head with a branch. Oh my, that's what I call
- quick reflexes!
- As soon as you are in charge, save and experiment with the cursor
- till you are comfortable with it. Reload and walk around the farm -
- pick up the hammer and put it in the inventory. Find the old
- servant (Guthrie) by the door and talk to him. He will ask you to
- get something for milking the cow. Turn around and leave the farm
- through the gate. Take the right path and you will walk past a
- dog, though it looks more like a hellhound, guarding the barnyard.
- Keep going and turn left. You will come to the cowshed and you will
- see a bone - take it and give it to dog, which will let you pass
- into the barnyard. Pick up the bowl and take it to Guthrie. Talk
- to him and he will say the cow has escaped again and tells you to
- put it in the cowshed.
- Follow him into the house and pick up a rope you will see hanging on
- the wall. Leave the farm through the gate and go to the left. You
- will see the cow in the vegetable patch. Ignore the dog in the
- background for now.
- Use the rope on the cow and it will follow you, so walk to the
- cowshed. The cow will place itself by a tree. Walk around the
- other side of the cow and use the rope on the tree. Now you can go
- back to Guthrie.
- He will reveal who you are and will give you two useful items (open
- the inventory and use them on Werner's face to find out what they
- are). He also invites you to take anything in the farm that you can
- use; so take everything not actually part of the scenery. Don't
- forget to equip the armour and the shield. Leave the house now and
- pick up the sword laying in the cart by the gate.
- Go out and turn left. When you come to the dog blocking your path,
- use the whistle (go into the inventory and place it on Werner's
- face) and the dog will let you pass. Carry on along this path and
- you will come to...
- When you come to the big monolith, turn to your right and look at
- the static warriors surrounded by dolmens. They will eventually
- ask you to join them if you choose the right path, i.e., you must
- choose between Violence and Wisdom, you'll find out more as you go
- along. Go back to the monolith and continue along here. You will
- meet the first Dragon Knight. Talk to him and he will tell you how
- to behave if you want to win his vote (yes, folks, you will be voted
- Dragon Knight of the year if you can get enough of the other knights
- on your side).
- Continue travelling and you will come to a...
- You can go through the first door, but you will find you that can't
- go through the next one. Never mind. Turn to your left and you
- will see a loose panel. Use the hammer on it and retrieve the spell
- book. Go back the way you came to where the static warriors were
- and go under...
- Just go in and pick up a key you will find laying on the floor.
- Leave and go under...
- Open the door with the key. Equip your sword. Save the game. Go
- in and turn right. You will have to fight a skeleton. Once he's
- dead (?!), go along the corridor it was guarding. Note a panel on
- the wall on your right. When you activate it, an enormous ball
- comes towards you, but luckily you get out of the way automatically.
- It will roll past you and shatter. Go back to it and examine it.
- You will find another key.
- This opens another gate further along the corridor. Once inside,
- click on the trap door and go down it. Now you must use the ring
- Guthrie gave you to open the ornate door. Once inside, make a bee
- line for the large casket in the middle of the room (yes, I have
- noticed the green dragon; no, I won't forget about it). Look at the
- right side of the casket and you will see a ruby on it. Walk right
- around to the left side and you will see a hollow. Attempt to
- manipulate this and the green dragon will talk to you. Evidently,
- you need another ruby. He will also give you an Open Door scroll.
- You can now go to the Cave where you got the spell book. Face the
- door which wouldn't open, put the spell book in Werner's hand, click
- on the right runes and then right-click in the center of the door.
- This should open it.
- Advance along here till you come to a crossroads. Turn left and
- enter the inn. Talk to the guys behind the counter. Keep talking
- till they ask you to do a job for them. They will give you a ladle.
- Go out and across to...
- Save before you enter, arm the character and go for it. Once you've
- killed the spider, advance till you come to the nectar container and
- use the ladle on it, emptying it. The ladle should change colour.
- Take it back to the inn and you'll get a Fire Ball spell plus other
- goodies. Go out of the inn and turn left. Continue till you come to...
- All you have to do here is cast a Fire Ball spell and the web will
- disappear. Advance to...
- Here you will meet with the villain of the piece, Diakonov, so arm
- yourself and go for him. He will speak to you and an orc will
- appear. Fight him and, preferably, kill him. Click on the body and
- retrieve what he is carrying, specially the oar.
- Advance along the dock and use the oar on the barge, then step on
- it. This should take you to the other side, where you will meet
- another Dragon Knight. Talk to him and continue on your way.
- Eventually you'll come to a...
- Keeping a respectful distance, pick up a strange skull from near the
- plant (to its right). Combine this with the rope in your inventory
- and you get a grappling hook. Use it on the tree to the left of the
- plant and you'll swing over safely.
- Then you meet yet another Dragon Knight - she gives you some useful
- information.
- Keep going and you'll come to a mushroom patch - at the end, another
- Dragon Knight puts in her twoppeny's worth. Keep going till you get
- to a...
- Go to the left and walk to a house where you'll find a winged lady.
- Speak to her and she will give you a cog. Go upstairs (clicking on
- the right hand side of the exit), where you'll find a piece of cloth
- in a drawer. Go back to the fountain and this time go to the right.
- Advance to the water's edge and pick up and apple. Turn right and
- feed it to the pussycat (looks more like a Bengal tiger to me). It
- will move away and you will be able to pull a lever behind him.
- This will take you to the treehouse. Speak to the other winged
- lady. She will give you a key. Go to the door, pull the lever and
- go back to the fountain.
- Now go along the central path and you'll come to a garden. Attempt
- to pull some flowers and you'll pass out. Watch the sequence. Talk
- to the knight, then use the piece of cloth in the fountain and place
- it on Werner's face. Go back to the garden and pick up some blue
- flowers.
- Go back to...
- Eat the blue flowers (i.e., put them on Werner's face) and you'll
- shrink. First, you have to kill the scorpion. Next, enter the
- nearest house. An Elf will thank you and give you a scroll, and
- you'll also get a blue potion outside (a healing potion). Go
- outside and enter another house (it will seem empty because the
- elves have made themselves invisible, but you'll hear funny
- noises). Search amongst the flasks and you'll find a green potion.
- Go outside and drink the green potion, and you'll be restored to
- your normal size. Talk once more to the knight and then go back to
- the garden (ensure you are wearing the cloth over the face). You
- will find another path by the red flowers. Go through to...
- Go and examine the gears and you will see an empty peg, so put the
- cog on it. If you try to pull the lever it won't work.
- Another Dragon Knight will appear - talk to him. To the right of
- the house there is a wall and you will see the outline of a door.
- Cast Dispel Illusion and you'll get through to...
- Now, it is important that you understand the nature of these
- tunnels. You might go along one and enter a door - but when you
- come out, the geography of the place changes and you are channelled
- to the exit. This is what you do.
- First, here is the layout. Once through the illusionary door,
- the corridor has two branches - to the right, you will find an
- upside down room. To the left, a door leads to a corridor which
- branches once more. To the left of it, there is a locked door which
- can be opened with the key the winged lady gave you; behind, there
- is a gold chest. Don't touch it. If you follow the right branch
- you come to another corridor which, once more, branches left and
- right. To the right, you'll find a knight (you must talk to him)
- and a torch. To the left, you'll find three buckets hanging upside
- down (you must get the middle one). Opposite this there is a dark
- entrance to a room in which there is a skeleton. On the other side
- there is a dark doorway. OK? Now you know where everything is, and
- that you have to go to the exit everytime you need to get to a new
- room, do the following.
- Get the bucket and fill it in the upside down room by clicking it
- along the top of the screen. Go outside and hang the full bucket on
- the lever above the gears. This opens the gate. Enter and grab the
- silver chest (which cannot be opened). Go to the skeleton and place
- the chest on it. This causes the tomb to sink and you get a ring
- from the top it. Now go to the room with the knight, talk to him
- and get the torch. Go back to the room with the skeleton and you
- will be able to go through the darkened door and outside.
- As you come out, speak to the Dragon Knight. If you want to get his
- vote, advance till you get to the water edge. Go forward and watch
- the sequence. Once inside the pike, get the diamond. Arm the
- character and take a swipe at the inside of the pike. It spews you
- out on the other side of the river. Turn left and keep going till
- you come to the water edge. Jump in, turn left and click on the
- waterfall. Once inside, use the diamond on the dragon - follow it,
- and then take the jewel. Out, turn right, click on top of the rocks
- to climb up. Advance and then cross the river by just jumping into
- it. Get back to the knight and hand him the jewel. Now you can go
- back, via the pike, to the waterfall. Only, this time, use the
- three stepping stones to get on dry land.
- Here advance to the end of the path and turn right to find the way
- up to the...
- Advance to the center of the semi-circle and watch the sequence.
- Talk to the knight and then give her the ring Guthrie gave you. She
- will acknowledge you and suggest a sparring match. Arm the
- character but don't fight back. At the end, she will congratulate
- you and heal your wounds. She will also give you a pickaxe, then
- disappear. Find your way down from the circle, advance as though
- you were going back to the waterfall but turn to your left around
- the tree. Move along here till you see some boulders blocking the
- way - use the pickaxe on them and you'll be able to go through,
- though you'll find difficulty in manoeuvring yourself in the right
- position. This path leads to...
- Diakonov appears again. Talk to him and you'll get an axe. Use it
- on the thick tree trunk, which will fall and bridge the chasm. Go
- across and you will meet two guys. Talk to them and then fight
- them. Click on their bodies to find a bag. Inside, a broken vase
- and a whole one. Walk through the gap to...
- Here you meet two characters, both of which want their vase in
- return for their vote. Of course, you have only one, and it doesn't
- really matter who you give it to, you'll only get one vote.
- Afterwards, go under the central the arch to the castle gates. At
- this point you have to change the disk, and this concludes the first
- part of this solution.
- ~Part 2 (CD No.2)
- ~----------------
- I was going to save this till next issue, but as so many of you
- are stuck on the later half of the game, I didn't wantyou to tear
- your hair out waiting....
- Part Two By Lu Richardson, with the kind help of Steven Blease.
- Sorry to keep you waiting, folks. Harrrumph. The instructions that
- follow are meant to direct you to the end of the game - but there is
- so much to see and enjoy along the way, it would be a pity if you
- did not take time to look around. You don't get to see such superb
- graphics every day of the week!
- Having changed the disk, advance through the gate, up the stairs and
- through the first door. Note the sphere, try to pick it up and a
- dragon will give you a dirty look. Leave it, move around and out
- the other door.
- At the drawbridge you'll meet another dragon who questions your
- presence there - use your ring on it and it will disappear. Arm
- yourself and continue into...
- Here you will have to kill a zombie. Go forward from the entrance
- until you get to the throne. Click on the snake and watch the
- sequence. Turn right around and face the entrance. Get rid of all
- your surplus goods by throwing them - the items you really need are
- any weapon you fancy, the hammer, the spell book, the sulphur and
- flint (to make fire, you have to have them in your inventory and
- click with one on the other) and the rings. If you kept the bag,
- this will be useful to carry extra goods in your inventory - and you
- are going to find plenty.
- Turn to your left and go through the first door near the throne.
- Turn left and go down the stairs. You'll come to a door on which
- something is missing. Turn around to your right and pick up the
- sword under the stairs. Turn some more and go up the stairs and out
- of the door. Now turn to your left and go through the next door.
- Advance to the fireplace and click on the left iron. Turn left and
- go through the curtain to the next room. Get a key from the lamp
- over the chess table. Turn left and come to the chest - use the key
- on it and you will get the first part of the seal. Leave and, in
- the hall, turn left and advance to the next door.
- Look around and find the stand. Click on it and you will see and
- hear all you need to know about freeing souls. Observe the items
- well. Go out of the door, turn left and advance past the entrance
- and turn left into the next door.
- Just inside, turn right and go along the pews to the end, turn right
- and enter the Vestry. Click all over the place and get the candles
- and the bible. Go outside and go to the altar. Pick up the
- sprinkler and use the candles on the candlestick. The altar opens
- and you get another piece of seal. Leave now and go forward to the
- end of the hall, turn left and enter the next door.
- Inside, turn right. First enter the little room on your left and
- get the statuette above the bed. Leave this room and go to the
- dinning room proper. Walk straight ahead and use the hammer on the
- flask - you get a stone eye. Leave, turn left and into the next
- room.
- Look at the shields and replace the missing sword. This causes the
- shield to move and reveal the last piece of the seal. Combine all
- three pieces by clicking with them on one another. Now you can go
- down the stairs, face the door with the plaque and place the seal on
- it. This will open it.
- First go to the door on your left. This is the wine cellar. Go up
- the ladder and get the broken key. The little bedroom next door
- does not contain anything. Leave the cellar and walk across to the
- next door. Turn left and enter the first cell. Click on the
- blanket but you won't be able to get what's underneath. Don't
- worry, it's a red herring and I can smell it from here. Move on to
- the next cell and click on the skeleton to get another stone eye.
- Walk out. Go through the central door.
- To your left is the kitchen (sorry, am I beginning to sound like a
- tour guide?). Go inside and find a ladle. Leave and walk across to
- the dinning hall. Turn right and walk along the side of the long
- table to find a crowbar. Leave through the central door and go to
- the next door to your left.
- More cells; find a blanket, click on it and you'll get the third
- stone eye. Go out, and the last door on your left is...
- First, follow the wall to your left till you come to another door.
- Behind an unhinged gate you will find a bag of coal. Pick it up and
- go back to the smithy. Find a hammer and a hacksaw. Standing in
- fron of the door and facing the furnace, put the coal in it, use the
- flint and sulphur to make fire, use that on the coal, use the belows
- a couple of times, put the broken key in the fire and then on the
- anvil. Your hands must be made of asbestos. Hit the key with the
- hammer, use the ladle on the trough to get some water, and then use
- the water on the key. You've got a reforged key. Now you can go
- below. Leave this room and find the last door. Face it and use the
- reforged key on it. You will go through to what looks to me like...
- Turn to your left and enter the first room. Inside, turn left and
- examine the second weapon stand - you will see the fourth stone eye
- on it. Advance to the middle of the room and put the eyes in the
- skull's sockets. This lifts the four glass cases and reveals the
- weapons, shield and key. If you are short of room in your
- inventory, you can leave everything here.
- Leave this room and turn to your left. You will see some stairs
- going down (to a door which is locked) and a fountain. Ignore all
- this just now and move on to the next door.
- When you enter you must turn right and you'll see some stairs going
- up and also a barred door. This can be openned with the crowbar,
- but don't do it - it's just an alternative route, and I have a much
- better one. Besides, it floods the dungeon and I don't want to get
- my feet wet, even if I'm wearing clogs.
- Go up the stairs and jump into the pool. Get the crank handle and
- ignore the two doors, we don't need them. Get out of the pool and
- leave this room.
- Go across to the next door. This is the torture chamber. You can
- kill the troll or you can ignore him and walk straight ahead. On a
- little table to the right there is a pair of pliers you must have.
- Leave.
- Next, to your left, there is a row of three cells. Ignore the first
- one. In the second one there is a small skeleton - pick it up. I
- understand that the sword in this cell is not available in all
- versions of this game. In my version, if you touch it a horrible
- monster appear and you have to kill it. Touch it again, and the
- same thing happens. I can only conclude that it is useful if you
- want to get your balance right (by this point, I was heavy on the
- Wisdom, though you wouldn't think it by looking at me); that is to
- say, you could do plenty of Violence to the poor monster and
- reddress the balance. I didn't bother.
- On to the next cell. Step in front of it (but ouside) and use the
- bible, the sprinkler, the small skeleton and the statuette on the
- chained skeleton. This gives you the Magician's key.
- Go along to the next door and turn right; you will see another
- door. Inside, on a chest, you'll find a handy bunch of maps.
- Leave, you can't take anything else.
- Now walk across to the other side. You can use the crank on the
- fountain in the corner. It's a very pretty effect, but blessed if I
- know what good it did. Never mind, go down the stairs. Open the
- door with the key and go in. Note the saddle and dragonlance to
- your right. Again, if you are short of room in your inventory,
- don't take them. You'll have to come down this way later anyway and
- you don't need them just now. Go through the other door and talk to
- the dragon. He will give you two potions and some instructions.
- Turn around and go back the way you came.
- (The other exit of the cave, on the other side of the dragon, is the
- alternative route I was telling you about. What you do is open the
- door by the pool with a crowbar, go up to the pool jump in and go
- through one of the doors and you finish up in the cave anyway.)
- Right. You should be up the stairs by now. Now is the time to pick
- up the four items from the Armoury, and go all the way to the Main
- Hall. Go across to the entrance and to the chamber with the
- sphere. Use the sleeping potion (it has ZZZZ on it!) on the dragon
- and pick up the sphere. Back to the stairs. This time, use the
- other potion on the stairs and go up to...
- Turn left and go up the stairs here. You'll come to a guard room,
- and one of them obviously forgot that he's dead and is still walking
- around. You can ignore him or not, up to you. Go through the other
- door and you'll come to a bedroom. Advance straight ahead and look
- at the bedside table - pick up the ball you'll see in the drawer.
- Leave and go back to the door through which you entered this floor.
- With your back to it, advance and go through the next door.
- Turn to your left and advance to get the ball from the plant. Don't
- bother to go upstairs to the next floor yet. Go back to the door,
- turn left and advance to the wall and turn left. Go through the
- door into the Nursery. Advance and pick up another ball off the
- floor. You could turn left and go amongst the cradles, where you'll
- find a red bottle. I couldn't find any use of it, maybe you can.
- Leave through the same door you used to come in and walk across to
- the next.
- This is the dinning hall - leave it for now and find the other
- door, almost opposite. Go through and you'll be in a corridor with
- doors to your left and right. Turn right, go into the bedroom.
- Step onto the balcony, turn right and you will see a statue. Try to
- pick it up and it will talk to you. I attended carefully to what it
- had to say and then I took it with me - although I did exactly as
- told, nothing happened, so I guess someone goofed here. Never
- mind. You can leave the statue safely, but do pick it up if you
- want.
- Walk along the balcony (enjoy the view) and enter the room again;
- pick up the ball in the bookcase. Go through the door in fron of
- you and look at the scroll on the table. This is a CLUE, would you
- believe? And what about the three pots with Roman numerals? Ah,
- well.
- Go back to the bedroom and leave through the door to the corridor.
- Now you've got all four balls, enter the dinning hall through the
- central door and go to the fireplace. Pick up the twig and go and
- face the bird on the chest. You should see a key hanging from the
- ceiling. Go into your inventory, make fire with the sulphur and
- flint and light the twig. Use that on the bird. Four holes will
- appear on the floor. Put the four balls in. The bird flaps and
- the chest opens. Get the claw.
- Go back to the corridor and this time turn left. Enter the bedroom
- and step on the small balcony. You will see the nest. Go through
- the door next to the balcony and you'll come to another door, which
- leads to the Nursery. Turn to your right and face the window. Use
- the hacksaw on it and go through to the nest. Turn right and take a
- step forward, then turn around and look at the egg. Place the
- molten sphere in the nest and use the pliers on it. You will see a
- large egg with the dragon's son in it. Now, just go back through
- the window and throught the nursery all the way back to the cave
- under the pool. You kind of "push" the egg alongside you.
- When you get to the dragon speak to it. He will ask you for an item
- (you get it back afterwards) and sends you to a secret place.
- There, pick up the scroll, look at it and shove it in the spell
- book. Look inside the chest and pick up a flask. Now get your
- spell book and cast Teleport - your maps will appear. Leaf through
- the different pages and pick your spot. Just point to the room you
- want to be in and right-click. Since you want to go to the second
- floor, point to the Basement, near the stairs. Make your way up
- to the stairs we ignored before, over the entrance to the Nursery.
- Go up and use the key you found in the Armoury. Once through, go
- through the door immediately opposite you. Turn to your left and
- "advance" towards the pot. You will see close-up of a pot with a
- hole in it. Use the claw with the bit of string and watch what
- happens. You now have another key. Leave this room. You could
- explore around here and go out on the battlements; it's very pretty
- but you'll find nothing. Go instead up the stairs to the third
- floor. Use the key you've just retrieved and go in.
- Turn to your left and enter the room. Here you fill find
- Addlepate. Speak to him and he'll give you a lot of information.
- He wants you to drop the three items from the Armoury in his
- pentacle, so step back and do so (you "use" them on the floor).
- Although he tells you you can pick them up, actually you can't.
- Fortunately, you don't need them. He will now tell you to get the
- dragon armour. Go through the opposite entrance to the one you used
- to come in and through a door. Go up the ladder and look around.
- You should just be able to see the ruby. Get it and go back to
- Addlepate. Speak to him and he will give you a magic map.
- Cast Teleport and go through the leaves (click at the bottom to go
- forward and at the top to go back) until you get to the map, then
- point at the first stone circle. You should be teleported there and
- left in front of the skull. All you have to do here is go to the
- coffin, put the missing ruby in then walk around and interfere with
- the first ruby. The coffin opens up and you get the armour and
- shield. Equip them. Now teleport to Addlepate.
- Talk to Addlepate and he'll give you a chalice and will give you
- detailed instructions. When asked, drop the flask with the blood in
- the pentacle, or "use" it on the floor. Whassisname appears. At
- the right prompt, go into your inventory, right click on the chalice
- to get the talisman and chuck it at him. You get a statuette. The
- next thing that happens is that you get more instructions and a
- crystal ball (for which I found no use, but I love getting
- presents). Break the statuette (in your inventory, with the
- hammer). All you have to do is teleport to the dungeon, go down
- the stairs, pick up the saddle and the dragonlance, and go through
- to the dragon. Use the saddle on the dragon.
- Now it's all over bar the shouting. The voting takes place (very
- exciting) and you win the election (wot? you didn't? You'll have to
- start over again!). Diakonov gets exiled, you get his lands and
- goods, and everybody lives happily ever after; you also get the
- hook-up for Son of Dragon Lore and you are then returned to the game
- in case you want to wander around some more.