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- ~Universe
- ~FULL SOLUTiON - Typed by : The Silent Assasin
- Go West, South, South, PICKUP bent metal bar, North, North,
- East, East, PICKUP piece of circuit board, East, stay in the
- middle of the place and wait till the spinning asteroid will
- show up and JUMP on it (if you fail the first time, just wait
- and try again :), Go East (wait), JUMP on the duct and you
- should be back in the place you started the game. Here stand
- near the satellite dish and INSERT bent metal bar into panel,
- INSERT circuit board into panel, USE panel, the terminal menu
- will show up, select CONNECT CHANNEL option and GAVRIC
- HOMEWORLD, USE panel again, select SET FILTRATION SYSTEM and
- GAVRIC HOMEWORLD (should be OFF, if its ON, try again), Go
- North, Stand near the ventilation shaft to the left of the
- screen and PUSH/PULL it. You should come out at the same
- planetoid as in the beginning of the game, PICKUP mirror, repeat
- all the steps with the spinning asteroid and go to the room with
- the ventilation shaft again. Go North-West to another place,
- Here on the right of the screen is the doorway with 2 lasers
- over it, THROW mirror at the doorway and the lasers should get
- burned (You can do it only if the robot that is moving on the
- screen is outside), the Alien will tell you to go and see
- Silphinaa, USE door console at the northern doorway, talk with
- Silphinaa until she will allow you inside, enter, say that you
- don't know where you are, read the rest of conversiation until
- she will tell you to go upstairs, ATTACK keypad (on the door)
- with bent metal bar, OPEN wardrobe, WEAR suit (its inside the
- wardrobe), USE arm computer on the console over the bed, USE
- console, select WINDOW SHUTTER option, JUMP through the window,
- USE arm computer on the car, JUMP into car, INSERT key-card into
- console to the left of the screen, USE anti-theft keypad to the
- right of the screen, enter 87764 or anything if you have cracked
- version. Ok, now you are in space, you'll have some kind of
- vision where you'll see your soon-to-be pursuer Baron Kaleev,
- then you'll meet with Snorglat galactic trader, talk with him
- using options 1, 1, he will leave, now you can use your PTV car
- by clicking on the console in the middle of the screen. Select
- NAVIGATE COURSE, check the position of the planet Balkamos 7 (to
- the left of your actual position), use LAY IN COURSE icon and
- select Balkanos 7 as a destination, select DESCEND TO PLANET
- option and SELECT QUADRANT, choose north-eastern quadrant, go
- north, PICKUP droid, go east, south, south, PICKUP canister,
- COMBINE droid + canister, go west, west, north, here is your car
- with some nasty aliens on it, USE droid on alien, JUMP into car,
- use ASCEND FROM PLANET option, use NAVIGATE COURSE option, use
- LAY IN COURSE icon to Jor-Slev 4 planet, use DESCEND TO PLANET
- option, SELECT QUADRANT, and choose N-W part of the planet, go
- east, PICKUP rock, THROW rock at Alien, USE droid on blob, you
- should now have Blobs in your inventory, go back to car, JUMP
- into car, use SELECT QUADRANT option, choose S-E part of the
- planet, go west, west, talk with the alien until you'll have the
- chance to offer him blobs, select this option, he will give you
- carvite in exchange, go east, east, JUMP into car, ASCEND FROM
- Cluster, You'll meet Snorglat again, offer him carvite, he will
- agree to take you to WheelWorld, now its a simple arcade part
- where you have to dock to Snorglat's spaceship using left mouse
- button to move your car and right mouse button to catch it.
- Nothing hard anyway. When you arrive at WheelWorld choose any
- dialog with Snorglat he will paralyse you anyway and take
- carvite. JUMP into car, LAY IN COURSE to Landing Bay - REF.40e.
- Here you'll find working droid, PUSH droid, PICKUP cable, JUMP
- into car, LAY IN COURSE to Landing Bay - REF.1h, go east through
- the open portal, go east, north, go near dispenser, INSERT i.d
- card into dispenser, select ORDER option, you'll have now
- synthetic carvite in your inventory, go west, enter through the
- door into the bar, you can use console to the right to play
- SPACE INVADERS !!! :), talk with the guy who sit alone, select
- dialog: 2, 2, 2, you'll go and buy a bottle of Gh'Narhl brandy,
- COMBINE brandy with syntetic carvite, SAVE here because the game
- is a little bit buggy and when you try now to talk with the guy
- again, sometimes it gives you again the 1st conversation and you
- lose your carvite. So talk with the same guy again and in case
- its the same conversation as the one you already had, load your
- saved position and it should be fine then, he will drink brandy
- with carvite and fall asleep, you'll get the badge. Exit the
- bar, go south, you'll find here healer being attacked by some
- jet-packers. While talking select dialog 3, 3, and you'll follow
- jet-packers then. Here is another arcade part of the game, also
- quite easy to pass. After combat, you'll find injuried
- jet-packer. Select dialog: 1, 2, 1, you'll have the healer's
- hand now, go east, north, and east again, talk with the healer,
- follow him west, here you'll get attacked by baron Kaleev and
- his droids, your character will run to the room with the
- elevator, stand on the elevator, it will start to go down but
- then blow up, USE cable on the elevator to go down, go beetween
- the buildings to the east, stand on the bridge above the rails,
- JUMP on the train when it will show up, in the next screen
- fastly JUMP on the anchion to the right of you, JUMP to the
- lower entrance (on the left of the screen), go near the door,
- USE droid on the air duct to the left of the door, he will open
- the door for you, USE I.D card on the ordering terminal, select
- MEKANTHALLOR GALAXY as the destination route to obtain a ticket,
- USE door to the left, USE ticket on the terminal, go east, use
- keypad on the door to enter the ship. You'll find yourself in
- the lounge of big spaceship. USE lift to go to level 1, here are
- 2 guys speaking about healer aboard the ship. Talk to them.
- Select dialog: 3, 1. Go left, USE door console, watch the
- transmission for you, USE communicator, select LEVEL 3, MYRELL,
- exit your room, go east, USE lift to reach level 3, go east,
- north, east, east, north, east, east, USE doorconsole, use
- dialog: 1, 1, 1, exit the room, here you'll meet the assasin
- sent to kill you, select dialog: 1, 2, and the explosion on the
- ship will knock her unconsious, PICKUP key-card from the
- assasin, go back to lift, select LAUNCH BAY, JUMP into blue car
- 3rd from the right side, watch Emperor King's fleet, NAVIGATE
- QUADRANT, choose N-W part, go west, PULL junk to the left of the
- screen to get straight metal bar, COMBINE both parts of
- starchart, COMBINE starchart with straight metal bar, go east,
- JUMP into car, fly to the mekanthallor galaxy again and then to
- Daarlor-Korv. Land on the S-E part of the planet, go east, east,
- INSERT starchart+spindle into recess, you'll get teleported to
- some weird place, go east, PICKUP the rock, LOOK at the plaque,
- it will show you some kind of diagram with 6 stones. Now, you
- have to run through all of these stones (each disables one of
- the laser beams) ending at the one in the entrance to this room.
- Standing on it, fastly throw a rock at the power gem. PICKUP the
- gem and run to the exit! In the next room, JUMP over the hole
- and run to the teleport, try again if you get caught by demons.
- Go west, west, JUMP into car. Fly to Ankarlon 5 again, land on
- N-W part, go west, LOOK at various places on the giant ship
- until you'll find a terminal. INSERT metal bar into it, USE
- power gem on terminal, USE arm computer on terminal, choose 2nd
- option, transporter beam will show up, go there, you'll have an
- interesting talk with an Alien of the Mekalien race, select
- dialog: 2, 3, 2. He will give you cloaking device. Go east, JUMP
- into car, ascend from planet, fly to mekanthallor galaxy again,
- here you'll get on board of the rebellion ship, select dialog:
- 2, 1, 2, 1. Use transporter pad to land on Coros. Here you'll
- meet 2 smugglers who will stole your car. Select dialog: 2, 2, 3
- to get with it fastly, go north, TALK to waiting man, Select
- dialog: 2, 1. He will lead you to the room with droids, wait
- till he leaves, go west too, go south, speak for a while with
- sentinels, dialog: 2, 1. Go back, talk to the robot, choose
- dialog: 1, 2 (about the sentinels), wait till he comes back,
- choose dialog 2 and wait till he get blasted, go south, PICKUP
- batteries, COMBINE power gem with cloaking device, COMBINE power
- gem with batteries, USE arm computer on power gem, go west,
- Baron will wait for you and try to kill you, unfortunately power
- gem defends you and you can get I.D pass out Keelev. USE arm
- computer on power gem, go back to the room with the 4 droids,
- talk to the rightmost one, he will recognise you now as Baron
- Keelev, select dialog: 2, 1, 1. He will blast a hole in the
- wall, you'll enter it. SAVE here! This is another arcade part,
- you'll have to run EAST, UP, EAST, EAST, UP (room with the rock,
- but don't kill the droid with it coz the game likes to stop
- sending droids after you when you kill 1 with the rock, so just
- keep running. Also if you save while running, most of the time
- after loading such version you'll get automatically killed,
- another bug in the game), EAST, SOUTH, EAST, UP, EAST. You
- should be now in the room with giant lizard. Quickly, THROW I.D
- chip into lizard's head and JUMP on lizard's tail. Wait for the
- droid to come after you, he will get killed by the lizard,
- PICKUP batteries, COMBINE power gem with batteries, USE arm
- computer on power gem to turn invicible again, go up, west, you
- should be in the room with security droids, PUSH the one that
- got his back to you, go north-west, TALK to man-brute, select
- dialog: 2, 1. He will give you his armoured glove, go west,
- watch Emperor King's silly talk, select dialog: 1, 1. Baron will
- get terminated by the king, select dialog: 1, 1, 1, 1...