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- ~Wasteland
- Solution, Written in ASCII format by Jc 2
- Alright, kiddies, here's a modern solution file to that three
- year-old adventure game called Wasteland. This game is one of
- the best games EVER created. The great variety of skills you
- can put into your characters, the smooth interface and the
- rock-solid (well, almost) plot is reason enough to put this
- among the classics. And if you haven't bought the game, yet,
- do.
- This solve covers many of the main points to the Wasteland
- scenario, but I hope I didn't miss too many nuances. There are
- many parts to this file: the basic solution, an essay on
- character creation and a list of all the armor, weapons and
- equipment you'll find in the game. There's also a section on
- general hints and some unknowns.
- Oh, by the way, if you really want to thank me, send me the
- solution put out by Origin. I never managed to get a copy of
- that.
- If you have any other problems or updates, you can reach me at
- Caesar's Palace: (213) 398-1224, node @4 for most WWIV nets.
- You start out at Ranger Center in the southern part of the
- Wasteland. Go west to the kids' camp of Highpool. Try and
- enter all the various buildings. Complete the dog quest. (There
- is no way to avoid killing Rex.) Rescue Jackie in the hidden
- cave on the west side (by talking to the boy; use Perceptionto
- find the cave). Find the building with the bed and junk.
- You'll find a secret cache under the bed. Use perception on the
- pump beside the bed. Your first quest will be to find an engine.
- Go to Quartz, a four-square city to the northwest. There is an
- ammo shop at the southwestern end. Pawn some items/sell excess
- equipment until you have $500. (Re-supply whenever needed.)
- Travel to the Nomads' Camp, which is a square with tents to the
- east, on the north side of the desert. Buy an engine. See the
- brakeman.
- Return to Highpool. Fix the pump by U)sing the Engine on the
- pump. Wow... dinero and some armor.
- Travel to the Agriculture town to the west to earn some
- easily-acquired experience. The final quest will be to kill
- Harry the Bunnymaster, who lies in the southern section of the
- farm, in the northwestern fields. You also might want to
- venture into a cave in the southwest part of the fields.
- Head on over to Quartz. Take the back entrance to Scott's Bar
- in the southeast section of town. Enter the Men's Room around
- the corner and question the boy. Hmm...another quest? Find the
- Head Crusher and give him the Visa card. (You can go get the
- stuff later on.) You can also "CHAT" with him about the Muty
- Cuties. Go to the riddler in the northwestern section of the
- bar. The answers are "TOAST" and "R." The last answer you can
- find yourself. Cute, huh? Ellen can be reached on one of the
- central bar seats on the west end of the bar.
- The Stagecoach Inn is in the center of town. Find Room #18 and
- get what you need. Explore if you want. Enter the Courthouse
- via the secret entrance on the northeastern end. Climb the
- vines up each level. Blow up hard to open doors with TNT if you
- can't pick them. The rest is up to you...go in the front door
- if you want. Password is "MUERTE."
- Little known fact #1: Dan Citrin is the key to $1000. He's on
- the second floor. Once you rescue him, he'll tell you about how
- he and his father hid money right under Ugly's nose. His father
- is on the third floor, in the same cell block as the mayor.
- Rescue him and you get the cash.
- Once you have rescued Mayor Pedros (and Dan Citrin, if you did),
- then you can hit the Hideout in the northeast part of town. You
- can enter by a secret entrance on the space directly to the
- southwest of the Hideout. Use rope to climb up the wall. The
- glass wall is a good place to raise Perception levels; just walk
- along the wall. Break the glass with a crowbar, get down and
- party. There is a safe behind the map of Quartz in Ugly's
- office. Crack it, or use the combo: 27-11-16. Ugly is to the
- east. Rescue Felicia.
- You can drop Felicia, Mayor Pedros or Dan Citrin. They are not
- crucial to the game. Find Ace via a secret passageway in the
- officer's lounge. You need him for the game.
- Go to the jeep north of Quartz. Ace will fix it. He's the only
- useful character; he drives you around. (Be like me: use extra
- characters as slave-burdens and decoys.)
- Now you're in Needles. It's on a real map, if you want to
- check. Explore the town, being careful of the radioactive dump
- site on the northwest section of the town. Look through
- Downtown. You'll find things ranging from yummy hobo dogs to
- three-legged prostitutes. Important places: the gang meeting
- behind some rubble, the bloodstaff tester, the ammo shop, the
- howitzer. There is also a locked room for gambling; the password
- in is "ACAPULCO." Use the howitzer to load up shells (found
- later in the game) to increase your Demolitions and AT Weapons
- skill. You can also find Christina, an Uzi-packing
- soldier-ette.
- Remember that you'll find lots of bloodstaffs, but there is only
- one real one.
- To the southwest of Downtown, you'll find a toxic waste dump
- (actually a missile silo). Bring plenty of TNT.
- To the northeast of Downtown, you can find an ammo dump, a
- police building and a library. Go down the ammo dump to find a
- ruby ring. Get some equipment, too. Enter the police building
- and explore. Get the ruby ring to the priest in southeastern
- Needles. Drop the ruby ring after he sees it.
- There are a bunch of sand dunes on the southern end of Needles.
- Use them to improve Climbing skill. On top of one dune is a
- note.
- Now you should be ready for the Temple of Blood, which is in
- northwest Needles. There is a radioactive field to the
- southeast, so I suggest walking along the edges. Once inside,
- explore around until you find the chess game. Here are the
- keys:
- U-L-L-L-L-U-U-R-R-R-R-R-D-R-R-U-U-U-U-L-L-D-L-L-L-L-U-U-R-R.
- That's thirty steps.
- Swim north across the moat and get the one, true bloodstaff. Be
- careful about the pressure pad. Now, here is where you want to
- get the power packs and the LAW rockets; you'll need them later
- in the game. Try and make sure you get two LAWs or five power
- packs whenever you can. If not, just restore and try again.
- (Read the Miscellaneous section for more info.)
- After you get the bloodstaff, head back south into the rocket.
- The launch code is "MOTEKIM." Return to the priest in
- southeastern Needles and give him the real bloodstaff. Use the
- engine to fix the jeep. You're off to Las Vegas!
- There's no way to avoid losing the jeep. You won't need it
- anyway. Important sites in Las Vegas: the library in the
- southeast corner, casinos on the west strip (Spade's Casino and
- Fat Freddy's Place), a scorpitron (an almost invicible enemy) in
- the center and a jail in the northeast. Las Vegas is also a
- hotbed of killer robots, so be careful. You'll also find many
- rockets from these robots. Collect as many LAWs and RPG-7s as
- you can; you're going to blow Guardian Citadel soon. By the
- way, there is a secret stash of equipment on the northern part
- of the golf course. It's between four flags. Make sure you
- pick up the sonic key with it. You can also find a sonic key
- from 10 cyborg commandos in the northeast.
- First off, step to the library and see if you can find any new
- skills. Second, find a building with a beggar in it. It's just
- west of the library. You'll learn about Covenant, Max, Fat
- Freddy and Faran Brygo. Rescue Covenant at the Jail.
- Third, you should see Fat Freddy. The password is "BIRD."
- He'll ask you to kill Faran Brygo and bring back his onyx ring.
- However, there are TWO rings in the game. One is held by Faran,
- the other is in the Guardian Citadel. In other words, you don't
- have to kill Faran to get the $10K reward.
- Fourth, you should go to Spade's Casino. Explore, but make sure
- you step up to the bar. You'll also notice that there's a path
- to the basement from the 2nd floor of the casino. Use a rope,
- and you'll find a rock and pebble hill to the northwest. This
- is a good place to improve your Climbing skill. Faran Brygo's
- place is in the center of town, just east of the scorpitron.
- There's no way to get to Faran Brygo without getting past the
- scorpitron, and there's no getting past the scorpitron without
- getting blown to bits. So, hold off on that task for now.
- Finally, you should head over to the Temple of the Servants of
- the Mushroom Cloud. It's on the east side of Las Vegas, a
- building with a little nuclear explosion on it. Get in with
- "OPPENHEIMER" or "EINSTEIN," and explore. There's a doctor in
- there that will join you. You can also find a library and a
- hospital. There's a secret door on the west side of the temple
- that you use to get to the sewers. You can either use the sonic
- key to open it, or talk to Charmaine, who'll give you an
- alternate solution. Tell her "FARAN BRYGO" sent you.
- Before you head into the sewers, you have one monumental task
- ahead of you: beseiging the Guardian Citadel. By now, you
- should have collected about 15 LAW rockets and 10 RPG-7s. Arm
- your best shots with rockets and raid the Guardian Citadel. The
- Guardian Citadel is filled with fanatical xenophobics, which is
- not at all harmless; however, these guys are armed with energy
- weapons and power armor (rating 14), which make these monks
- lethal.
- First thing you should do is enter, and then SAVE. Scout around
- a bit, trying not to use too many restores; get to know the
- positions of each enemy. Brother Goliath blocks the only
- entrance to the Citadel. He only has a melee weapon, and he
- won't move, so he won't be a problem. The two bunkers on the
- left and the right are inaccessible, so don't bother with them.
- First target: Brother David, who is just east of Goliath. Take
- him out with one rocket. (Don't waste rockets!) Next, are the
- two sisters to the left of Goliath. You might have to take a
- few steps up, but don't get within range of Goliath. Last, you
- can waste Goliath. Approach him at 20', and execute him in
- whatever style you prefer. Pick up his pulsar key. There are
- four keys you can get from this place; you'll need all of them
- to end of the game.
- Enter the Guardian Citadel by way of the brick wall just before
- the big gate. Blow up the brick wall with some TNT and take the
- side door in. Notice that there are some rooms to the
- northwest, one of which is a vault. That is your first
- objective. Blow away anything that gets in front of you up to
- the vault. Crack the vault--you better be able to--and take
- everything BUT one power pack. Trust me. (Well, go ahead if you
- want.) You'll pick up the meson canon, one of the most powerful
- weapons in the game. From then on, you can just autofire
- anything that gets in your way. Watch your ammo, though.
- Finish through the rest of the northwestern rooms. Your next
- objective will be the power armor buried deep within the
- Guardian Citadel. Go east and then north through the main
- chamber. You'll enter the Outer Sanctum. Blow away everything
- (using some strategy) until you get to the steps on the northern
- side of the chamber. Enter the side door to the west (since the
- gate will be locked) and turn the winch. Now, you can exit the
- winch room and climb up to the Inner Sanctum of the Citadel.
- First thing you see is a locked vault. Password is "ROSEBUD."
- Take EVERYTHING. Try and get six power packs from each stack.
- Everything is pretty simple once you have power armor. Clean
- up. Important sites: a library, a helicopter, a place to fix
- broken toasters, cells. Make sure you find all four keys. You
- should also have found secpass B. Pick up the grazer bat fetish
- and make sure to give that to the Junk Master in Savage Village.
- The password for the village is "REDHAWK." You can also bring
- Redhawk instead of the fetish if you want. The Junk Master will
- put Base Cochise on the map, which you'll get to later. Pick up
- the onyx ring and give that to Fat Freddy. Kill the scorpitron
- and talk to Faran Brigo. Enter the sewers through the Temple of
- the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud.
- The object of the sewers is to find and repair Max. You'll find
- plenty of parts, e.g., rom boards, fusion cells, servo motors
- and power converters, strewn about the locale. Don't lose them.
- Use ropes to get across the rivers and chasms. Dig (with a
- shovel) through the weak walls and passageways. Finally, find
- the assembly room and unlock the door with your sonic key.
- Stick Max together again, and get out. You should have some
- extra parts; don't drop them.
- Since you have rescued Max, you'll now be able to access Sleeper
- Base, which is in the northeastern part of the Wasteland map.
- Go there. The next three bases where you'll be exploring will
- be operated by security passes, or SecPasses. You'll find them
- in this order: 1, 3, A, 7, B. Secpass 1 is in the northwestern
- room; secpass 3 is somewhere in the center. Secpass A is on the
- second floor. Secpass 7 will be on the third. There are two
- secpass Bs, you only need one. You should have one from the
- Guardian Citadel. Secpass B is used to open the armory on the
- second floor. To get past the glass wall, use TNT or plastic
- explosives.
- There is a chopper simulator on the third floor. This is where
- you can learn how to fly the chopper at the Guardian Citadel.
- Use one of the extra ROM boards you got from the sewers to fix
- it. Also, there is a secret door in the same room where you got
- secpass 7. The problem is, the secret passage has an electric
- current going through it. Disband one character to the
- northeastern room, where the power is controlled. Switch views
- to turn on the power to open each door, and to turn off the
- power to walk across the passageways. At the end of the secret
- passage, you should find some parts you'll need for the last
- stage of the game.
- You can also have some fun creating clones. All you need is
- Clone Tech skill and a jug. You can create an interesting party
- that way...at least you don't get any of their stubborness when
- you trade items.
- That's about it for Sleeper Base. Next stop is Darwin Base to
- the south. Go there. You'll find some sick characters in the
- bar. You'll need to make some antitoxin in the town lab. You
- need some fruit, and some chemicals (which you found at Ugly's
- hideout in Quartz, right?). Hire them and see what they're
- like.
- From there, head south to the actual research center. You need
- secpass 7 that you got from Sleeper Base to get through all the
- doors. You'll eventually need to use the elevator to get
- anywhere. Go to the Upper Level and meet Finster. Note where
- the one-person cyborg room is. Go back down to Ground Level.
- (Don't go to the Lower Level.) Exit to the southwest into the
- primaeval scene. Your objective here is to get to an opening on
- the far east side of the field. You can have some fun with the
- animals if you want; it's good experience. Once you get to the
- east room, open up the door and someone'll tell you Finster's a
- robot. Take the elevator back to the Upper Level, meet Finster,
- blow him away and take his head. Use the head and Cyborg Tech
- skill in the cyborg room. Make sure you bring plenty of TNT.
- You are now in Finster's electronic brain. The answers to the
- first three questions are 32, 512 and 20. The fourth test is
- kind of tricky. Walk around until you get stuck in the
- upper-left corner. Then, use your IQ on that space (Use, IQ,
- space bar) several times until you can walk freely to the
- testing space. The answer is "FINSTER." The next box will have
- "Walls of Deceit." Use IQ or some other attribute to destroy
- them. The answer for the testing space is "NOTHING." Save the
- game, and try and score on the bases. Silent Movement skill
- will be used when stealing. If you get caught, then try using
- luck or charisma to get you out of the showers. If none of this
- works, just restore and try again.
- The fifth test is real hard. You are held back by two web-like
- walls; you can only use strength or explosives to get through.
- Kill the two fake Finsters. The second will have a jug; picking
- it up will open up the next test. Go north. Kill three more
- Finsters and solve another riddle with "ICEBERG." For the next
- test, take the left path. Use your IQ to fool the android.
- Head southwest to kill the final Finster, Finster Leviathon.
- Take secpass B (and open up that armory in Sleeper Base if you
- haven't already).
- Now you can stock up on all those power packs that you want to
- use, 'cause you only have one more base to go before you win the
- game. Stock up on your equipment and head for the Guardian
- Citadel. Take the chopper and head for Base Cochise. (You can
- go on foot to Base Cochise, but I don't advise it.) Make sure
- you bring some rope and some rockets with you.
- When you land on the roof, the computer should have destroyed
- all the ground-based robots around you. Pick up any equipment
- lying around on the roof, and blow open one of the gun turrets
- with TNT. Use rope to slide down.
- Go north and talk to the computer if you want. (Don't say
- "BREAK!") Afterwards, head east and discover a secret door in
- the wall. Use TNT to open it up. Enter the chute.
- North of you is a ladder down and an energy field to get
- outside. Disregard those for now. To the southwest should be a
- radioactive pool and a retracted bridge. Three xenon laser
- cannons should be guarding it. They are very tough, so autofire
- those meson cannons to dispense of them. Extend the bridge,
- cross it, and you should find yourself filled in a room with
- computer consoles. Go to an active one on the left, and enter
- "RUN." Choose an administration robot, which will cough up VAX.
- He's an excellent NPC, so take him. You can continue southeast,
- following the passage (which will eventually lead up to a stash
- of rockets and power packs), but I recommend against it, as it
- is heavily guarded.
- Instead, go back to the starting point and take the ladder going
- down. The level is divided into a number of compartments, each
- with its own vault door and testing site. (You have to finish
- the testing site to open up the next vault door.) For the first
- one, just disband a character across the oily pipes and open the
- door. The second one should be just as easy. Your Perception
- should bring out all the land mines to the open. The fourth
- test involves a set of tumultous weather conditions. Send in
- your luckiest character (who should be VAX) to open up the next
- vault. The fifth test is a bit trickier. You are put in a
- combat simulator, guarded by xenon laser cannons mounted on the
- wall. I suggest taking a southern route, but it doesn't really
- matter. After you open the last vault door, climb down the next
- ladder.
- Open up the sealed room with secpass B, and blow away the
- gatlin' guns. This level is composed of four rooms, one in the
- NW, NE, SE and SW. Each room also has a little compartment with
- a self-destruct mechanism, a cylinder. Head for the NW room,
- first. You have to blow away the doors with a rocket; none of
- the cards will work. (Will Visa cards work? I don't know.)
- Equip one guy with a RAD suit, a rocket, a power coupler and the
- blackstar key. Send him to the lower-right corner first to
- breach the glass wall and fix the machine with the power
- coupler. Have him or her use the blackstar key in the
- northwestern cylinder
- Head toward the NE room, next. You'll have to break a machine
- on the upper-left to stop the conveyor belt. Use the nova key
- on the cylinder.
- For the SE room, fiddle around with the gadgets with Electronics
- skill. Make sure you fix the southernmost computer, as it
- controls the cylinder closing system. The correct key is the
- pulsar key.
- For the SW room, just stroll through all the wrestlers and enter
- the final compartment. The quasar key is the correct key.
- The program will then ask you if you want to start the destruct
- sequence by pressing a buttong. Press escape. First, disband
- three characters to the other cylinder compartments. Select the
- NW character and start the sequence with red, then SE with
- yellow, then SW with green, then NE with blue.
- You now have one hour before the place blows. The escape pod is
- just north of where you started from in this level. Group your
- characters in the most efficient time-saving method and enter
- the pod as a group. You emerge where the main computer WAS.
- You can't escape from the same way you came in, so head south to
- the left escalator. Exit the building and use secpass B to get
- through the first door. Picklock the second door and run like
- hell.
- Congrats...you've solved Wasteland.
- Nope, that's not it. Another little known fact: radio HQ and
- they'll tell you some more.
- This is the most important part of the game, as the attributes
- you have in the beginning will either make you or break you in
- both the beginning and climax of the game. Here are some
- guidelines:
- Have high intelligence (14-18). IQ translates into skill
- points. In the future, every character MUST have Energy Weapons
- skill, which has a minimum 23 IQ rating. Starting out with high
- IQ early will also allow you to buff up some of your combat
- abilities.
- Start with high dexterity (15-18). This is a must have. 95% of
- the time you'll be fighting with some type of projectile weapon.
- Your "thieves" should start out with very high dexterity.
- For the rest of the abilities, there is not that much
- importance. Strength and agility are good for close-in
- fighting. You can bash up lotsa people with multiple attacks if
- you have Brawling skill. You can really whip the
- armored-enemies when you find chainsaws and the Proton Axe.
- Luck is supposed to be good for hand-to-hand, according to the
- rule book, but I've seen no great effect from it. Luck is good
- also for lock-picking and disarming bombs. Charisma...neah...you
- can be as ugly as hell and still kick the sh*t out of enemies.
- Speed is also pretty much useless.
- Generally, you should have at least two characters with starting
- Medic skills. All should be skilled in the various arts of
- weaponry (including hand-to-hand and projectile). You NEED a
- lock-picker and a bomb specialist.
- Generally, you need only level 1 abilities when you start out.
- Using the abilities will actually increase your skill level
- occassionally WITHOUT subtracting from your available skill
- points. I've found that using a skill against an especially
- tough problem (like shooting an armored Cyborg with an AK-97)
- and then succeeding (by scoring really heavily on the robot) has
- a very good chance of getting a skill upgrade. However, if
- you're up against an impossible problem (like hitting an xenon
- laser cannon with a crowbar), you don't have much chance at all
- at raising your skill. Here are the skills according to IQ
- level:
- (Those preceded by a "*" indicate all characters should have
- this. Those preceded by a "#" indicate at least one should.)
- *Brawling (IQ 3): For any type of hand-to-hand combat. (All
- melee skills correlate with damage and number of attacks.)
- #Climb (IQ 3): Climb ropes, ravines, etc.
- *Clip Pistol (IQ 3): For M1911A1 .45 caliber and VP91Z 9mm
- handguns. (All projectile weapon skill levels are correlated
- with shot penetration, damage and maximum effective range.)
- Knife Fighting (IQ 3): For melee knife combat. (I suggest just
- getting Brawling.)
- Pugilism (IQ 3): For bare-hand combat. (Again, Brawling is
- enough.)
- *Rifle (IQ 3): For M17 and M19 rifles.
- Swim (IQ 3): Swimming in water (or blood, for those
- accident-prone). (There is only one part in the game where you
- HAVE to swim, so I don't recommend this.)
- Knife Throwing (IQ 6): For knife-throwing.
- *Perception (IQ 6): For spotting concealed items, traps, etc.
- Acts both passively and actively.
- *Assault Rifle (IQ 9): For that AK-97 and M1989A1 assault
- rifles. A must-have.
- *AT Weapon (IQ 9): For those extremely cheap Sabot, LAW and
- RPG-7 anti-tank rockets.
- *SMG (IQ 9): For Mac 17s or the ever-present Uzi.
- Acrobat (IQ 10): (I have hardly any idea what this does. The
- only thing I can think of is dodging melee blows.)
- Gamble (IQ 10): For those games of chance. (I don't recommend
- this. You can earn more money by killing people.)
- #Picklock (IQ 10): For getting past locked doors, boxes, etc.
- (Why is everybody so secretive?)
- #Silent Movement (IQ 10): For moving stealthily in dangerous
- places. (You don't really need this if you have heavy
- firepower. Just blow the enemies away.)
- Confidence (IQ 11): For empathizing with sad characters.
- (Actually, a good charisma will suffice.)
- Sleight of Hand (IQ 12): For card tricks. (Stupid!)
- Demolition (IQ 13): For explosive charges. (You only use this
- once.)
- Forgery (IQ 13): For creating false passes. (Most enemies will
- just let you pass if you are well-equipped and/or experienced.)
- Alarm Disarm (IQ 14): For disarming alarms. (You never need
- this.)
- Bureaucracy (IQ 14): For dealing with serious people. (You
- also never need this.)
- #Bomb Disarm (IQ 15): For disarming bombs. (Occurs quite a
- while in the game.)
- #Medic (IQ 15): For reviving characters who are UNConscious,
- SERious, CRTical, MRTally wounded or COMatose. Doesn't help
- dead people, though. Skill level dictates how far into death a
- medic can operate. Level 1=SER, Level 2=CRT, etc. Can't bring
- back hit points in the traditional spell casting way, though.
- #Safecrack (IQ 15): For opening sealed containers.
- Cryptology (IQ 16): For deciphering weird writing.
- Metallurgy (IQ 17): For discerning what's valuable mineral and
- what's worthless rock.
- #Helicopter Pilot (IQ 19): For flying that one helicopter in
- the game.
- Toaster Repair (IQ 20): For fixing broken toasters.
- #Electronics (IQ 20): For numerous electrical fix-ups late in
- the game.
- #Doctor (IQ 21): Like Medic, but considerably more efficient.
- Clone Tech (IQ 22): For adjusting cloning equipment.
- *Energy Weapon (IQ 23): For laser weapons, the Ion Beamer and
- the Meson Cannon.
- #Cyborg Tech (IQ 24): For delving into cyborg brains
- (especially evil ones named Finster).
- Ammo is limited! There comes a point when trading stations run
- out of 7.62mm, 9mm and .45 caliber ammo. Conserve it wisely.
- Here is a list of all acquireable weapons according to damage
- effect.
- Club: Melee weapon.
- Knife: Melee weapon.
- Throwing knife: Projectile weapon best used at close range.
- Crowbar: Melee weapon.
- Sledge hammer: Melee weapon.
- Axe/Pick axe: Melee Weapon. Good all-around hand-to-hand weapon.
- VP91Z 9mm pistol: General purpose handgun with a big clip and
- smaller bullets. Has 18 bullets per clip and a maximum range of
- 29'.
- 1911A1 .45 pistol: General purpose handgun with better
- penetrating power than the VP91Z. Has 7 bullets per clip and a
- maximum range of 29'.
- Spear: Projectile weapon with maximum range of 59'. (Strange
- that the computer treats this as a rocket.)
- M17 carbine: Short-barreled rifle which uses 7.62mm ammo.
- Easier to score with at short range than with the M19, though
- harder to score at longer ranges. Has 10 bullets per clip.
- Maximum range at 79', though designed for medium range.
- M19 rifle: Standard rifle which uses 7.62mm ammo. Effective at
- long range only if the user is sufficiently skilled. Has 8
- bullets per clip. Hits at any visible range.
- Chainsaw: Self-powered melee weapon.
- Grenade/TNT/Plastic explosives: Can be tossed in combat for
- area effect. Best used at close range.
- Flame thrower: Liquid-fueled fire weapon. Has 40 shots per
- package. Best used at short range. Not reloadable. (I don't
- recommend this.)
- Laser pistol: Weakest and smallest energy weapon with very low
- penetrating power. Hits at any visible range. Has 40 shots per
- clip. (All energy weapons use power clips.)
- Uzi 27 SMG: Simple and efficient automatic weapon which uses
- 9mm ammo. (The FBI likes to use these.) Has 40 bullets per
- clip. Hits at any visible range, though designed for medium
- range.
- MAC 17 SMG: Sturdy automatic weapon which uses .45 ammo. Has
- 30 bullets per clip. Hits at any visible range, though designed
- for medium range.
- Mangler: Primitive rocket weapon used to score on
- lightly-armored enemies. Maximum range of 79'.
- Laser carbine: Bigger energy weapon with fair penetrating
- power. Hits at any visible range. Has 30 shots per clip.
- Sabot rocket: Small anti-tank missile for medium-armored
- enemies. Can be used at any visible range.
- M1989A1 NATO assault rifle: Standard assault rifle which uses
- 7.62mm ammo. Fires as a semi or full automatic. Can score at
- any visible range. Has 35 bullets per clip.
- AK-97 assault rifle: Standard Russian assault rifle which uses
- 7.62mm ammo. Has higher penetrating power than the M1989A1, but
- has five fewer bullets. Fires as a semi or full automatic. Can
- score at any visible range. Has 30 bullets per clip.
- Laser rifle: Standard energy weapon with good penetrating
- power. Hits at any visible range. Has 20 shots per clip. (I
- recommend this.)
- LAW rocket: Small, armor-piercing explosive rocket good for
- those alloy-skinned enemies. Hits at any visible range.
- (Expensive! You better be sure you don't miss.)
- RPG-7 rocket: Best AT rocket available. Hits at any visible
- range.
- Ion beamer: Heavy energy weapon with very good penetrating
- power. Hits at any visible range. Has 20 shots per clip.
- Meson cannon: Heaviest energy weapon with annihilation
- penetrating power. Hits at any visible range. Has 10 shots per
- clip. Not to be used against rodentia (or leeches).
- Proton axe: Self-powered melee weapon. Heavy penetration and
- damage effect. (Awesome with level 7 Brawling.)
- Armor varies from plain clothing (rating 0) to power armor
- (rating 14). There is no way your armor can be damaged or
- destroyed. Here is a list, with armor ratings in parentheses:
- Nothing (0): For sex and rodentia.
- Leather jacket (1): For those a tier higher on the evolutionary
- ladder.
- Robe (1): As above. (Used probably as a disguise to travel
- unnoticed in the Temple of Blood.)
- Bullet-proof shirt (2): For canines and handguns.
- Kevlar vest (4): For rifles.
- RAD suit (5): For small automatic weapons. Also protects
- against radiation.
- Kevlar suit (6): For automatic weapons.
- Pseudo-Chitin armor (10): For most automatic weapons and weak
- energy weapons.
- Power armor (14): For rockets and heavy energy weapons. (I
- wish I had one of these! Actually, in the last level of the
- game power armor won't help you much. Be sure you have a good
- doctor.)
- Some items are useless, some not. You should either drop or
- sell anything useless. Here is a list in alphabetical order:
- Android head: There are two in the game: one to fix Max and
- the other to "hook" yourself up with Finster's electronic brain
- at Darwin Base.
- Antitoxin: For curing radiation sickness.
- Blackstar/Nova/Pulsar/Quasar keys: For the final part of
- Wasteland. Used only once.
- Bloodstaff: Many fake copies of this lying around. The real
- one is held BELOW Needles. Give this to the priest in
- southeastern Needles. You also will receive it later to give to
- Charmaine in Las Vegas.
- Book: Useless.
- Broken toaster: Use Toaster Repair skill at the workstation in
- the Guardian Citadel to pop up some extra power packs and a
- plasma coupler (in case you lost or can't find the other one).
- Canteen: Needed to survive in the desert. Prevents heat
- exhaustion for each character that has one.
- Chemical: For making antitoxin around Darwin Base.
- Clay pot: Useless.
- Club/Crowbar/Sledge Hammer: Used to break through glass.
- Engine: Used to fix the water purifier at Highpool and the
- jeep.
- Fruit: Useless.
- Fusion cell: Used to fix Max, the robot.
- Gas mask: For poisonous and sleeping gases. You only use it
- once in Vegas.
- Geiger counter: Detects nearby radiation by two methods. Stop
- for a while and you will hear clicking. Or, look at the
- graduated bar on the right.
- Hand mirror: Useless.
- Howitzer shell: For loading and firing in Downtown Needles.
- Loading will sometimes upgrade Demolitions and AT Weapons skill.
- Jewelry: Useless.
- Jug: For cloning fluid at Sleeper Base--otherwise useless.
- Map: Useless.
- Match: Useless.
- Pick Axe: Used to pick minerals at specific areas in the mine
- south of Quartz.
- Plasma coupler: Used to fix many things late in the game,
- including the force field mechanism in the northwestern key room
- under Base Cochise.
- Plastic explosives/TNT: In non-combat purposes, used to clear
- debris. Both do the same job; plastic explosives are just more
- expensive.
- Power converter: Used to fix Max.
- ROM board: Used to fix many things late in the game, including
- the helicopter simulator at Sleeper Base and Max, the friendly
- robot.
- Rope: For those hard-to-reach places. Keep four handy.
- Ruby ring: Give this to the priest in southeastern Needles.
- Once recognized, get rid of it.
- Secpasses 1,3,7,A,B: Used to unlock numerous power doors in
- Sleeper Base, Darwin Base, and Base Cochise.
- Servo motor: Used to fix Max, the friendly robot.
- Shovel: For digging. Be sure to keep one handy.
- Snake Squeezins [sic]: The standard Wasteland alcoholic
- beverage. Give this to bums and they'll move their *ss. Keep
- some handy.
- Visa card: For the Head Crusher at the Quartz bar.
- Here is some general information:
- Sell any equipment you don't need at ONE location. That way,
- you don't have to wonder which shop your ammo is in. I
- recommend selling power packs early in the game; you can always
- buy them back later.
- Attack the largest groups or the most dangerous groups first.
- Damage can "spill over" onto others in a large group. When you
- attack a group with only one enemy, and you kill him
- prematurely, you still have many other attackers without a
- target.
- When U)sing an item, ability or attribute, many people don't
- know that you can press the space bar to use it on the space
- your party is standing on. Without this knowledge, they
- wouldn't be able to pass Finster's brain.
- Whenever you enter or leave a place, make sure you save it
- before quitting. Strange things can happen, i.e., after entering
- an ammo shop and qutting without saving, the ammo shop can no
- longer be entered.
- If you want to upgrade your Medic or Doctor skill fast, then let
- someone who is in SER condition fall into deeper shades of
- death. When you feel like it, try the Medic or Doctor skill.
- The more difficult the problem, the better chance you have at
- increasing your skill level. Make sure you save the game before
- you do this.
- When acquiring some items, the computer randomly rolls for the
- amount of cash, equipment, etc. I think it is dependent on the
- total luck or the highest personal luck of the party. Anyhow,
- if the equipment is important, like LAW rockets or power packs,
- be sure to save it just before you step on the loot space. That
- way, if you don't get what you want, you can just restore and
- try again.
- Develop your Brawling skill once you have the power armor.
- Almost nothing can hurt you after that, so you won't have to
- worry about first shots. Just arm an axe, chainsaw or proton
- axe and you're set to waste some people. Conserves a lot of
- ammo.
- The IBM version has macro capability. You should know this if
- you bought the game.
- Here are a few things you could try: (Remember to save the game!)
- Kill everything and anything in sight.
- Kill all the "Juvies" in Highpool. The programmers did quite
- some designing for this scenario.
- Go on stage at Scott's Bar in Quartz.
- Go in the front door of the Courthouse and the Hideout in
- Quartz. Lotsa fun.
- Use Perception on the crystal ball in Crowley's shop at Needles.
- Look through the poster room in Downtown Needles.
- Shell the hobo dob stand with the howitzer in Downtown Needles.
- Blow away all the police robots in Needles.
- Torture yourself in the Temple of Blood.
- Try launch code "MORTAR" below the Temple of Blood. (Actually,
- use any of the false passwords given in the fake journal
- entries.)
- Blow up the front gate at Savage Village.
- Kill everyone in Spade's Casino. There's a trapdoor behind the bar.
- Jump in the sewer water or the river.
- Clone several versions of you at Sleeper Base.
- Enter "BREAK" at the main computer in Base Cochise.
- Get killed at Base Cochise.
- I have no idea what these things do, but I have a feeling they
- do do SOMETHING. If you find out about them, tell me:
- Combat Shooting skill
- Crowley's Occult Shop in Needles
- Ralf, the hobo, in the Temple of Blood
- ("So this is why we lost AcaDec!")