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- ~Help Needed
- This is the section where you can make a plea for help. Are you
- desperate for a tip to get past a certain part in a game, do you
- want a cheat/tip to help you out ? Well this is where you ask....
- and if YOU CAN HELP then please do, by sending everything you have
- to the normal Cheet Sheets address....
- ~Little Big Adventure
- Where do you hide in the house when you meet your Wife ? (JB)
- ~Cannon Fodder
- I'm stuck on Mission 8 Phase 2, please HELP !!! (MP)
- Look no further than this issue, have a look in the Hints & Tips !!
- Plus if there is anybody else needing help on this game then do get
- in touch as I have complete tips on EVERY level, of which will be
- typed up and stuck in a future issue of Cheet Sheets.
- ~Under A Killing Moon
- How do I get into Tucker's Safe ?
- I have the TV and laser disk player combined.
- I have found the VCR player.
- ~Can anybody help out ? A full solution would be handy .....
- ~Legend Of Kyrandia 3 : Malcolm's Revenge.
- I'm stuck at the point where I have returned to Kyrandia, the
- pirates have wrecked the place, and mousified/imprisoned
- everyone, and they want me to go back to the Isle of Cats and
- retrieve all the gems there.
- The trouble is I can't find a way back to the Isle of Cats - the
- pirate's ship is useless, I can't use the Pegasus landing pad,
- and the shell in the Catacombs which had a Portal Potion in it
- is empty.
- Do you or any of your readers know what I should do next, if so
- please print the help (or full solve) in the next Cheet Sheets.
- Well this issue boasts a solve for the game, have a look if your
- still stuck then get back to me.....
- ~Star Trek : Interactive
- How do I enable the War Bird schematic ? (OS)
- I'm really completeley stuck on the mechanical and stoneship
- ages. How do you get off them? Please Help.....
- ~Warcraft
- Help..... Has anybody completed level seven of Warcraft. I'm
- finding hard to crack this level. Any help appreciated.
- ~Burn Cycle
- Don't you hate it when you play a game for hours on end, get to the
- end... and can't finish it! :(
- This game is driving me mad, please help.
- I've return RAGE to my persona and solved the singing tree thing,
- but the fat orange git just said "You have to look Deeper!". My
- ex- (as in dead) appeared and walked through a wall and left a
- third eye (or is that 'I'???).
- Now I'm left to wander around the pulse until my head explodes.
- What Do I Do Now?
- ~Death Gate
- Can someone please!!!! help me with Death Gate from Legend software.
- I need to know what I am supposed to do with the clock in the
- merchants house on Skurvash in the realm of Arianus. I can get
- into the painting and talk to the merchent and have to answer
- questions about his bride to be. So I assume that the clock reveals
- the hiding place of his journal. I have read the love poems book
- and I know it holds the answer but I cannot figure it out.
- Please help me!!!
- ~Heretic
- Can some kind soul please tell me where/how to get the green key
- on E1M6: The Cathedral of Heretic ?
- Well have a look at the guide printed in this issue, I'm sure this
- will give you a little help !!!
- ~Little Big Adventure
- Has anybody figured out how to get passed the stone of the
- Septendrion under Funfrocks fortress? I got there but couldn't get
- out of the room it was in.
- ~Descent
- I'm stuck on Level 7 !!
- Anyone got any tips/tricks for that big nasty mining droid on
- level 7 ? It took me three or four lives before I noticed it.......
- I wondered what was killing me! It has a nasty habit of cloaking and
- fires something extremely powerful.......
- There's also a red bit on the map in one of the passages in his
- chamber; is this significant?
- ~Mines Of Titan
- I know this is an old game, but I've been stuck on it for ages, I
- can feel the end is near... Please can anybody help me out.. ??
- ~General Requests
- Here are a few games that some readers have requested help on through
- the Questionairre printed in Issue 34. If you can help or have any
- tips/cheats/hints etc on these game then please send them in as you
- will make a few people happy......
- Entombed (Registered) Inferno Rise Of The Robots
- Llamatron Magic Carpet Heimdall
- Inferno Shadoworlds Lion King
- Little Big Adventure US Navy Fighters Elite 2 (yes, more)
- Legend Of Kyrandia 3 Shadow Of The Comet Lord Of The Rings
- Under A Killing Moon Noctropolis The Settlers
- 11th Hour (The) Championship Manager '94 Warcraft
- Mad TV Day of the Tentacle (?) Dragon Lore
- Master of Magic Discworld Magic Candle III
- Dungeon Hack One Must Fall Dark Forces
- Quarantine Doom II (OH, no !) FIFA Soccer
- Fields of Glory SSN ZI Seawolf (?) Frontier: Elite II
- Simcity 2000 Harpoon II Stunt Island
- Iron Fist Transport Tycoon TFX
- Lands of Lore The Lost Likings Mortal Kombat II
- Wing Commander 3
- And help on any other games that haven't been covered (or not enough
- coverage) in past issues. FREE issues to anyone helping out....
- From the above list there's help coming or been done, on Inferno,
- Magic Carpet, Lion King, Little Big Adventure, Legend Of Kyrandia 3,
- Dragon Lore, Dungeon Hack, and Fields of Glory, so look out in this
- issue or a future issue....