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- ~FX Fighter (Moves)
- Another collection of moves nabbed from the Internet.
- ~Bob's FX Moves FAQ Text Version
- ~-------------------------------
- This file is extracted from my FX Fighter site, known around the Net
- to be stolen from some of the best players around. That's right,
- this file is definitely not authorized!
- It is best viewed using Netscape 1.1 or better. The address is:
- http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~bobby/fx/fxmoves.html
- Included there are all the moves I have, constantly updated.
- There are eight species represented by the eight different fighters,
- each with 40 (?) moves consisting of two or three buttons pressed
- sequentially or simultaneously. In addition, most moves can be
- combined to form combination attacks, or "combos."
- The combos are smoothly animated on a VERY high end PC, but a bit
- jumpy on anything less than a 486dx2 66Mhz.
- ~KEY:
- F - Forward
- B - Backward
- P - Punch
- K - Kick
- J - Jump
- + - and
- / - either
- , - release before issuing next command
- -> - roll into next command
- lowercase - hold button longer than normal
- All Players can use most of these moves.
- Forward Kick: F + K
- Forward Punch: F + P
- When enemy has fallen:
- Trounce: U + P
- Jumping Punch: U + P
- Jumping Kick: U + K
- When you have Fallen:
- Sweep: D + K
- Kick Stand: Head is towards opponent + K
- ~Ashraf's FX Moves
- Charging Punch: F + P
- Hammer Punch: D + P
- Elbow Lunge: F, D + P
- Heavy Uppercut: B, P
- Jumping Kick: F/B + U + K
- Hidden Moves:
- Handstand Kick: F, B + K
- Excellent Combo: F, B, P
- Fireball: B + P, F + P
- Energy Push: F, D, F + P
- Jumping Roundhouse: U, K
- Kneeling Punch: U + P
- Charging Punch Elbow: F + P, F + P
- Charging Punch Spin Kick: F + P, U + K
- Charging Punch to Back Breaker: F + P, D + P
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known
- Trounce Moves:
- Suicide Flip Trounce: U + P
- ~Cyben 30's FX Moves
- Jumping Kick: F/B + U + K
- Shock: F + P
- Hidden Moves:
- Torpedo: B, F + P
- Drop Kick: F, B + K
- Running Punch: F, F + P
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Handspring Trounce: U + P
- ~Jake's FX Moves
- Jumping Kick: F/B + U + K
- Hammer Punch: D + P
- Shoulder Charge: F + P
- Hidden Moves:
- Spinning Uppercut: B, F, P
- Headbutt: F, F + P
- Uppercut: B, F + P
- Foot Sweep: F, D + K
- Rabbit Punches: F, F, P, P
- Body Slam: F, D, B + P (close)
- 2-hit Combo: F +P, B +K
- Excellent Combo: F, B + P
- Another Combo: F + P, B, D + K
- 6-hit Combo: F + P, B + P, F + P, D + K
- Infinite Combo: F, B + P, U + K, repeat as necessary!
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Elbow Drop: U + P
- ~Kiko's FX Moves
- Triple Kick: K, K, K
- Throwing Star: B, F + P
- 3-Hit Combo: B, B + P
- Back Spring Kick(facing away): B(toward your opp) + K
- 2-Hit Combo: K, F + K
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Trounce Stomp: U + P
- ~Magnon's FX Moves
- Head Butt: F + P
- Moving Elbow: F + P
- Knee: F + K
- Mid Kick: F/D + K
- Overhead Smash: D + P
- Flying Punch: F/B + U + P
- Kick to Knee: D, K
- Roll away: B -> B + D
- Jumping Stomp: F/B + U + K
- Hidden Moves:
- Double Stomp: F, F, K
- Flailing Arms: B, F + P
- Flame Spit: B, F, K
- Bear Hug: B + K (close)
- Triple Chop: F, F + P
- Leg Sweep: B/D, B/D + K
- Roll Kick: D -> F + P
- Roll Kick Knee Combo: D -> F + P, F + K
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- Toss behind: F,D + P
- Trounce Moves:
- Flying Press Trounce: U + P
- Leg Toss: F + D + P
- ~Mr. X's FX Moves
- Mr. X is the only REAL author of a FAQ. He originally started the
- FAQ all by himself and therefore myself, and all other FAQ compilers
- have no right to be here at all and we should all probably go make
- jello ads with Bill Cosby.
- Punch: P
- Kick: K
- Gee! I sure hope no one else thought of those names. Maybe I should
- come up with some on my own. :)
- Hidden Moves:
- Back Stab: B + P
- Talk Sh-t: B, B, F
- Throw Up: F + U + B + D
- When you are down:
- Stay Down: -
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- Gaze Lovingly: F + P + K
- Trounce Moves:
- Stomp on My Heart Trounce : U + P
- ~Sheba's FX Moves
- Jumping Kick: F/B + U + K
- Two-handed Uppercut: U + P
- Hidden Moves:
- Heavy Slash: B, P
- 4-Hitter: F, B, P
- Flip Away Kick: B + K
- Kart-Wheel Crouch: B + K, F + P
- Leg Throw: F,F,K (close)
- Scratch 'n Kick: B, F + P
- While Sheba crouches:
- Foot Charge: F, B + K
- Face Rake: F + K
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Stomping Trounce: U + P
- ~Siren's FX Moves
- Knee to Groin kick: F + K
- Jumping Kick: F/B + U + K
- Hidden Moves:
- Flip Kick: F, F + K
- Throw: F + P(close)
- Flip: B + D + P(close)
- Telekinetic Throw: U + P (Close)
- Pseudo 6-hit: U + K, P, P, P, K, F + D + K, repeat.
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Stomping Trounce: U + P
- ~Venam's FX Moves
- Swipe Punch: F, P
- Hidden Moves:
- Leg Throw: B, F + K
- Leg Grab: F, B + K
- Acid Breath: B, F + P
- Crappy Combo: F + P, K
- 4-hit Combo: F + P, B + P
- 5-hit Combo: F + P, (pause), B + P
- Spinning Punch Combo: F + P, D + P
- During Spinning Punch:
- Overhead Throw: D + P, D + P
- Low Arm Sweep (5-hit): D + B + K
- When you are down:
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Cowboy Trounce: U + P
- ~Rygil's FX Moves
- Note that Rygil's cheat patch replaces Venam completely, so no venam
- with the patch in place. :( Sorry, Frostbyt...
- Combo Punch: B, F + P
- Combo Kick: F, B + K
- Running Kick: F, F + K
- Spinout: U + P (near opp's feet)
- Throw: F, B + P (close)
- When you are down
- Roll away: B
- Roll Towards: F
- Leg Sweep: D + K
- When opponent is crouched:
- None Known.
- Trounce Moves:
- Stomping Trounce: U + P
- There is an undocumented feature available. Hit the HOME key and
- use the arrow keys to change the camera angle. Use PgUp and PgDn
- to zoom in and out.
- There are four or five known FAQ's, so don't believe anyone telling
- you they're the *only* one. They're dreamin', Bub.
- http://www.im.gte.com/FXF/fxfhdmvs.html The GTE FX
- Fighter Homepage
- http://www.esu.edu/~pwilson Pete Wilson's FX Fighter FAQ
- http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/m447/reinb001/mvcheat.html Jon
- Reinberg's "There can be only one..." FAQ
- -----------------------------------------
- If you know of any additions, please email
- bobby@student.umass.edu
- --------------------------------------------
- The following people made this FAQ possible:
- reinb001@maroon.tc.umn.edu - Jon Reinberg- Who would really like to
- hear you say my FAQ stinks... Tell
- him, make him feel good. :) Smile, Jon!
- frostbyt@ix.netcom.com Frostbyt- Who never left his real name...
- wctan@csu.murdoch.edu.au Wee Chuan Tan (Benjamin) - Rygil Patch
- Writer
- dtebbin@alumni.caltech.edu Dirk Tebbin - Gave us Jake's Infinite
- Combo :). Definitely a
- house rule against that
- one, Dirk!
- jspickes@Glue.umd.edu - John Spickes with some useful combos for
- Ashraf.
- Web site: http://www.wam.umd.edu/~jspickes
- bbecker@Glue.umd.edu - Bo. Thanks for the various moves, Bo. Do
- you and John Spickes know each other?
- terry@bonk.io.org - Terry Lin for the 6-hit combo from Jake.
- reinb001@maroon.tc.umn.edu - Jon Reinberg - Who I just can't seem
- to thank enough...
- ~-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~ FX-Fighter: Jake Unplugged! (All Combos)
- ~-------------------------------------------------------------------
- Okay folks, after EXTENSIVE playing with the only human in FX-Figher
- (well, aside from Kiko, but she blows), I've come to extract ALL of
- Jake's combos. I'm going to turn this guy inside out, and you, with
- the chained move list I am about to give you, can create ANY POSSIBLE
- combination YOURSELF. How? Well read on and you'll find out.
- This is NOT going to describe to you the special moves, that you can
- get from the multitude of FAQS floating around. First though a
- complete explanation of the combo system in FX-Fighter (if you don't
- understand this you won't understand the list I've created):
- **** Chain Technique ****
- 1 thing you MUST know about FX-Figher is the "chain technique".
- Basically, certain moves for certain characters can be linked with
- others to flow together and create combos. Note I said other*s*,
- this means than 1 particular move can lead to several, depending on
- the direction and button pushed. I'm not going to explain how to
- use the chain technique, it's self explanatory if you've looked at
- any of the combos from any FAQ.
- The most powerful chain you can create is a LOOP: which means that
- starting with a certain move, you can follow that up with a sequence
- of moves which will eventually lead back to the one you started
- with. This essentially gives you an "Infinite Combo", which is of
- course VERY CHEAP :)
- **** Other Technique ****
- I really have no name for this. It's simply creating a combo without
- using chains... it's often possible if a character has a very rapid
- move like Jake's jabs and kicks. To create combos like this requires
- great creativity, but often then look pretty cool.
- So if you understand all that, read on! (if you don't read it again
- or e-mail me)
- ********************************************************************
- ALL of Jake's Moves/Chains
- ********************************************************************
- Explanation:
- Keywords are pretty standard stuff. The format is like this:
- (move execution) - (move name)
- (chained move execution) - (chained move name)
- ... etc.etc.etc
- So taking the first example, it means that P will execute a left jab,
- and if you chain with another P, it will give you a right jab. Get
- it? Some things to note: I did not include ducking moves because
- you can't create *anything* from them, same goes for jumping attacks.
- P - Left Jab
- P - Right Jab
- x - Right Jab (cannot be performed unless chained)
- K - Half-Roundhouse
- F,P - Charge Punch
- B,P - Backhand
- K - Half-Roundhouse
- D,K - Sweep
- B,P - Backhand
- F,P - 3-hit combo (strange that a special move can be
- chained...)
- K - Front Kick
- U,K - Hop Kick
- UF,P - Forward Hop Punch
- U,P - Head Banger
- D,K - Sweep
- U,P - Head Banger
- K - Groin Kick
- D,P - Sidewipe
- **nothing**
- F,F,P - Head Butt
- K - Sweep
- K - Snap Kick
- U,P - Head Banger
- UF,P - Forward Hop Punch
- B,K - Full-Roundhouse
- F,P - Head Butt
- F,K - Half-Roundhouse
- UF,K - Forward Hop Kick
- P - Sideswipe
- K - Full-Roundhouse
- U,K - Hop Kick
- F,P - Charge Punch (find the loop combo yet?) :)
- B,K - Roundhouse
- DF,K - Groin Kick
- *nothing*
- DB,K - Front Kick
- *nothing*
- F,F,K - Half-Roundhouse
- *nothing*
- ********************************************************************
- That's about it for Jake! If you find any more chains, please
- inform me at <terry@io.org>. Due to time constraints, this is
- probably the only character I'm going to do this kind of list,
- because it takes TIME :) Perhaps the 2 or 3 of FAQ writers could
- do this kind of thing instead of simply ripping moves off newsgroups
- and mixing regular moves, combos, and special moves together :)
- Have fun creating all those combos! (hint: Infinite combo is:
- Charging Punch -> Backhand -> Hop Kick -> Charging Punch -> ...)...
- credits go out to Dirk Tebbin for finding that one out.
- Terry Lin <terry@io.org>