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- ~Savage Warriors
- Special Moves List ver1.5
- by Sanny Yoon (SYOON1@AOL.COM)
- 7/6/95
- Updates from ver 1.0
- ====================
- - added the Master's Moves for two-player games
- - added more info about cheat mode
- - corrected some spelling
- - added the easy special moves *Only if cheat is active*
- The easy special moves is in parenthesis following the
- regular move
- This is a list of Special Moves for the Game Savage Warrior. It's
- a 1 or 2 player fighting game the likes of Mortal Kombat, Super
- Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, etc. The game was created by
- Atried and released through Mindscape. There are no fatalities or
- other types of bonuses that I have found but There is a CHEAT MODE
- that you can get into. If you look in the txt files under the BIN
- directory you will see that Cheat mode exists.
- Also if you wish to add on to this list then by all means do so; just
- let me know about it ok? The e-mail address is Syoon1@AOL.COM. Well
- have fun. MK II still rules though, but I've heard very good things
- about the Super Street Fighter Turbo that's out.
- U - Up
- D - Down
- L - Away from opponent
- R - Toward opponent
- 1 - Punch
- 2 - Kick
- ex: L,R, 2 = press away then press toward then press kick button
- A word about regular attacks. Use combinations of L - 1 (away and
- punch), R - 2 (toward and kick) etc. There's nothing fancy about
- them.
- Orphaned, she was taken by monks of the Shaolin temple who taught her
- the secrets of kung fu wushu.
- She uses excellent kicking techniques, quick strikes and huge jumps.
- D, R, 1 = Shreiking Scream - Freezes opponent
- (R, R, 1)
- R, R, 2 = Saumersault Kick
- (R, R, 2)
- L, D, R, D, 1 = Wushu Snake - Calls snake up from the ground.
- (L, R, 1)
- Born in carthage, he was captured by Romans to become a gladiator.
- He is now the champion of the coliseum.
- He fights with sword and armour, giving slow but deadly blows.
- R, R, 2 = Battering Ram - Runs into opponent with his head
- (R, R, 1)
- L, R, D, 2 = Roman Butt - Jumps in the air and lands on the opponent
- (R, R, 2) (kinda like E. Honda's Butt Attack)
- L, L, R, 1 = Trident Throw
- (L, R, 1)
- He signed up with the marines to fight in vietnam and acquired deadly
- combat techniques. Expert at full contact and kick boxing, he also
- uses modern weapons.
- D, L, 1 = Grenade - Rolls grenade at opponent
- (R, R, 1)
- L, D, R, 2 = Rushing Attack - Hits for two
- (R, R, 2)
- R, R, L, 1 = Rocket Launcher
- (L, R, 1) *notice a pattern yet?
- Ruthless pirate of the west indies, he scours the seas, sinking every
- ship and taking no prisoners.
- He makes up for his lack of strength by agility and extreme cruelty.
- R, R, 1 = Dagger Throw - Throws dagger at opponent
- (R, R, 1)
- L, R, R, 2 = Rushing Attack
- (R, R, 2)
- R, L, D, L, 2 = Skeleton Attack - Causes his skeleton to come out and
- (L, R, 1) attack opponent
- Born in the Jurassic period, this creature has evolved to become a
- supreme killer.
- He reacts mainly as an animal. He has strange fighting techniques
- using his teeth, claws and tail.
- L, R, R, 1 = Invisibility - Cool
- (R, R, 1)
- R, R, 2 = Acid Spit
- (R, R, 2)
- R, D, L, 2 = Spikes Away - Shoots spikes from his body attacks
- (L, R, 1)
- Born in the Shawnee tribe, he was initiated in the secrets of combat
- to struggle against the palefaces.
- He uses many techniques with his tomahawk and the power of the
- spirits.
- R, L, D, 1 = Lightning
- (R, R, 1)
- D, D, 1 = Shawnee Spirit - Spirit attacks opponent
- (R, R, 2)
- R, R, R, 2 = Scalper - Jumps up and lands on opponent
- (L, R, 1)
- The Druids of Erin predicted he would be a warlord. He has become the
- most feared fighter.
- This savage warrior uses fists and head to bring down his enemies.
- D, R, 1 = Sonic Lash - Rush of air attacks opponent
- (R, R, 1)
- R, R, 2 = Head Butt
- (R, R, 2)
- L, R, 2 = Giant Fist - Body tuns into a giant and hits opponent
- (L, R, 1)
- Born in the streets of the Bronx he fought as a boxer, then became
- head of a powerful gang.
- His destructive combat style is a mix of boxing and streetfighting.
- D, L, 1 = Laced Mace - Sprays mace at opponent
- (R, R, 1)
- L, D, R, 1 = BaseBall - Hits baseball at opponent
- (R, R, 2)
- D, L, L, 2 = Moltov Cocktail - Throws firebomb at floor
- (L, R, 1)
- Born in ancient Egypt, she was initiated to the occult secrets of
- sorcery and seduction.
- She has sold her soul to the most evil gods. (Wet Dream Girl of the
- Game!!!!)
- She is pretty weak but very agile and sly.
- L, D, D, 2 = Air Cobra
- (R, R, 1)
- D, R, 2 = Teleport - Teleports behind or in front of opponent
- (R, R, 2) close as possible.
- L, D, D, L, 1 = Shrinking RA - Shrinks opponent.
- (L, R, 1) *see the pattern right?
- Born in the greatest of the Masai tribes he learned the fighting
- techniques
- of the animal kingdom.
- He uses his assegai to take advantage of his reach.
- L, R, 1 = Fire Spear
- (R, R, 2) *not punch, use kick
- D, L, 2 = Flaming Lion
- (R, R, 1) *not kick, use punch
- R, D, L, L, 2 = Extended Punch - Can we say DHALSIM?????
- (L, R, 1)
- MASTER *You can only play the Master in 2-player games and only if
- you have the cheat on* (look below)
- R, R, 1 = Tentacle Whip - Arms turns into tentacles to attack
- (R, R, 1)
- L, R, 1 = Lightning Bolt
- (R, R, 2)
- R, R, 2 = Tractor Beam - Pulls opponent towards you
- (L, R, 1)
- L, R, 2 = Bats - Calls bats to attack for you *repeatedly pressing
- 2 tends
- (L, R, 2) too prolong the effect a little
- Just Type CHEAT at the Main Menu. The you'll get another Menu Option
- called Secret Way. Choose that option and type in the list below.
- Each word you type in gives you an option.
- The first set of words are things I haven't figured out yet. The
- second set are stuff I've figured out.
- Don't Know
- replay dunk pam gardener numberone
- Do Know
- word option What is it?
- ----------------------------------------
- eleventh = MASTER Allows you to choose the Master in two
- player game
- circus = ARENA Allows you to fight in the arena in two
- player game
- nopain = NO WEAPONS Self-explanatory
- tyson = NO SPECIAL Self-explanatory
- nogain = NOT LOSE WEAP. Can't get weapon knocked out of hands
- woo = NOT LOSE SPEC. ENERGY Special Moves don't take away
- energy
- nbk = ONLY ONE ROUND You only have to win one round
- finalfive= FIVE ROUNDS You have to play all five rounds
- snowwhite= TINY CHARACTERS All Characters are tiny
- evildeath= GORE Extra blood!!!!!
- forqa = DEV. TOOLS ???????
- easyspecialmoves= EASY SPEC. MOVES Special moves are easier
- Well here it is. The list as complete as far as I know. Remember this
- is just the list of special moves and does not include the regular
- hits and kicks. Well If anyone cares to add anything to the list
- by all means please do. But remember let me know and give me credit
- for this (ya' rite). E-mail to SYOON1@ AOL.COM.
- ~An alternative collection of moves and cheats can be found in the
- ~CHEATS section of this issue.