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- +-------------------+
- ! What Hypnotism Is !
- +-------------------+
- Hypnotism, contrary to common beleif, is merely state when your mind and body
- are in a state of relaxation and your mind is open to positive, or cleverly
- worded negative, influences. It is NOT a trance where you:
- o Are totally influencable.
- o Cannot lie.
- o A sleep which you cannot wake
- up from without help.
- This may bring down your hopes somewhat, but, hypnotism is a powerful for
- self help, and/or mischeif.
- +-----------------------+
- ! Your Subconcious Mind !
- +-----------------------+
- Before going in further, I'd like to state that hypnotism not only is great
- in the way that it relaxes you and gets you (in the long run) what you want,
- but also that it taps a force of incredible power, beleive it or not, this
- power is your subconcious mind. The subconcious mind always knows what is
- going on with every part of your body, every moment of the day. It protects
- you from negative influences, and retains the power to slow your heartbeat
- down and stuff like that. The subconcious mind holds just about all the info
- you would like to know about yourself, or, in this case, the person you will
- be hypnotising.
- There are many ways to talk to your subconcious and have it talk
- back to you. One way is the ouja board, no its not a spirit, merely
- the minds of those who are using it.
- Another, which I will discuss here, is the pendulum method.
- Ok, here is how it goes. First, get a ring or a washer and tie it to
- a thread a little longer than half of your forearm.
- Now, take a sheet of paper
- and draw a big circle in it. In the big circle you must now draw a crosshair
- (a big +). Now, put the sheet of paper on a table. Next, hold the thread
- with the ring or washer on it and place it (holding the thread so that the
- ring is 1 inch above the paper swinging) in the middle of the crosshair. Now,
- swing the thread so the washer goes up and down, say to yourself the word
- "yes"
- Now, do it side to side and say the word "no". Do it counter clockwise and
- say
- "I don't know". And lastly, do it clockwise and say "I dont want to say."
- Now, with the thread back in the middle of the crosshair, ask yourself
- questions and wait for the pendulum to swing in the direction for the answer.
- (Yes, no, I dont know or I dont wanna say...). Soon, to your amazement, it
- will be answering questions like anything... Let the pendulum answer, dont
- try..
- When you try you will never get an answer. Let the answer come to you.
- +-------------------------+
- ! How to Induce Hypnotism !
- +-------------------------+
- Now that you know how to talk to your subconcious mind, I will now tell you
- how to guide someone into hypnosis. Note that I said guide, you can never,
- hynotise someone, they must be willing. Ok, the subject must be lying or
- sit-
- ing in a comfortable position, relaxed, and at a time when things arent going
- to be interrupted. Tell them the following, or something close to it, in a
- peaceful, monotinous tone (not a commanding tone of voice)
- NOTE: Light a candle and place it somewhere where it can be easily seen.
- Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it in for the count of 8.
- Now, through your mouth, exhale completely and slowly. Continued breathing
- long, deep, breaths through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Tense
- up all your muscles very tight, now, counting from ten to one, release them
- slowly, you will find them very relaxed. Now, look at the candle, as you
- look
- at it, with every breath and passing momement, you are feeling increasingly
- more and more peaceful and relaxed. The candles flame is peaceful and bright
- As you look at it I will count from 100 down, as a count, your eyes will
- become
- more and more relaxed, getting more and more tired with each passing moment.
- Now, count down from 100, about every 10 numbers say "When I reach xx your
- eyes
- (or you will find your eyes) are becoming more and more tired." Tell them
- they
- may close their eyes whenever they feel like it. If the persons eyes are
- still open when you get to 50 then instead of saying "your eyes will.."
- say
- "your eyes are...". When their eyes are shut say the following.
- "..as you lie (or sit) here with your eyes comfortably close you find your
- self relaxing more and more with each moment and breath. The relaxation
- feels
- pleasant and blissful so, you happily give way to this wonderful feeling."
- " Imaginge yourself on a cloud, resting peacefully, with a slight breeze
- caressing your body.
- A tingling sensasion begins to work its way, within and without
- your toes, it slowly moves up your feet, making them warm, heavy and relaxed.
- The cloud is soft and supports your body with its soft texture, the scene is
- peaceful and absorbing, the peacefulness absorbs you copletely. The tingling
- gently and slowly moves up your legs, relaxing them. Making them warm and
- heavy. The relaxation feels very good, it feels so good to relax and let go.
- As the tingling continues its journey up into your solar plexus, you feel
- your
- inner stomach become very relaxed. Now, it moves slowly into your chest,
- making
- your breathing relaxed as well. The feeling begins to move up your arms to
- your shoulders, making your arms heavy and relaxed as well.
- You are aware of
- the total relaxation you are now experiencing, and you give way to it. It is
- good and peaceful, the tingling now moveves into your face and head, relaxing
- your jaws, neck, and facial muscles, making your cares and worries float
- away.
- Away into the blue sky as you rest blisfully on the cloud.."
- If they are not responsive or you think they (he or she..) is going to sleep,
- then add in a "...always concentrating upon my voice, ingoring all other
- sounds.
- Even though other sounds exsist, they aid you in your relaxation..."
- They should soon let out a sigh as if they were letting go, and their face
- should have a "woodeness" to it, becoming featurless... Now, say the
- following
- "...You now find yourself in a hallway, the hallway is peaceful and nice.
- As I count from 10 to 1 you will imagine yourself walking further and
- further down the hall.
- When I reach one you will find yourself where you want to be,
- in another, higher state of concious and mind. (Count from ten to one)..."
- Do this about three or four times. Then, to test if the subject is under
- hypnosis or not, say..
- "...You feel a strange sensation in your (arm they write with) arm, the
- feeling
- begins at your fingers and slowly moves up your arm, as it moves through your
- arm your arm becomes lighter and lighter, it will soon be so light it
- will rise...
- Becoming lighter and lighter which each breath and moment..."
- Their fingers should begin to twitch and then move up, the arm following,
- now
- my friend, you have him/her in hypnosis. The first time you do this, while
- he/she is under say good things, like: "your going to feel great tomorrow"
- or
- "every day in every way you will find yourself becoming better and better"..
- Or some crap like that... The more they go under, the deeper in hypnosis
- they will get each time you do it.
- +----------------------------+
- ! What to do when Hypnotised !
- +----------------------------+
- When you have them under you must word things very carefully to get your
- way.
- You cannot simply say... Take off your clothes and hump the pillow.
- No, that
- would not really do the trick. You must say something like....
- "you find your
- self at home, in your room and you have to take a shower (vividly describe
- their room and whats happening), you begin to take off your clothes..."
- Now,
- it cant be THAT simple, you must know the persons house, room, and shower
- room.
- Then describe things vividly and tell them to act it out (they have to be
- DEEPLY under to do this...). I would just suggest that you experiment a
- while,
- and get to know how to do things.
- +-----------+
- ! Waking Up !
- +-----------+
- Waking up is very easy, just say..
- "...as I count from 1 to 5 you will find yourself becomming more and more
- awake, more and more lively. When you wake up you will find yourself
- completely
- alive, awake, and refreshed. Mentally and physically, remembering the
- pleasant sensation that hypnosis brings... Waking up feeling like a new
- born
- baby, reborn with life and vigor, feeling excellent. Remembering that next
- time
- you enter hypnosis it will become an ever increasing deeper and deeper state
- than before. 1- you feel energy course throughout your limbs. 2- you begin
- to breathe deeply, stirring. 3- begining to move more and more your eyes
- open, bringing you up to full concious. 4- you are up,up, up and awakening
- more and more. 5- you are awake and feeling great."
- And thats it! You now know how to hypnotise yourself and someone else.
- You will learn more and more as you experiment.
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- ! (C)opyright 1985 Metal Communications Inc. All Rights Rebuked. !
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