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- -*X*- CHANGE #2 JULY 1994 -*X*-
- ..By Goozer / T.S.S. & Tractor / Vectra & HMC / Alcatraz..
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- 00) [txt/Write anything you like]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Think about UFOs, New Age and life."
- 01) [txt/A Review of MIBS]
- 02) [txt/Amid the Pyramids]
- 03) [txt/Cryonics]
- 04) [txt/George Adamski ja Humanoidit]
- 05) [txt/Kheopsin Tutkimukset]
- 06) [txt/Kontakteja Humanoidien Kanssa]
- 07) [txt/Lucid Dreaming]
- 08) [txt/Mars Probe Loss]
- 09) [txt/MUFON UFO Journal 92]
- 10) [txt/Mustat Aukot Avaruudessa]
- 11) [txt/Out of Body Experience]
- 12) [txt/Petition to Indict]
- 13) [txt/Sexism and the Urantia Book]
- 14) [txt/The Gates of Hell Opened ?]
- 15) [txt/The Project Blue Book]
- 16) [txt/The Cattle Mutilations]
- 17) [txt/Urantia-Kirja]
- 18) [txt/What Hypnotism is ?]
- 19) [txt/Basics of Astrology]
- 20) [txt/Sirius B]
- 21) [txt/Atomic Blast]
- 22) [txt/Satanism]
- 23) [txt/Michel Nostradamus]
- 24) [txt/Electronic Superhighways]
- 25) [txt/The Cosmic Battleground]
- 26) [txt/Famous People Seen UFOs]
- 27) [txt/Aliens Among Us]
- 28) [txt/Seat]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "I'd like to have more friends / Advertisements."
- 29) [txt/Friendship lives]
- 30) [txt/Write a letter to me]
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- "ESC" = Exit to DOS.