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- From: Glenda.Stocks@f201.n330.z1.fidonet.org (Glenda Stocks)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: J. white on ufo's
- Date: Sun Jan 16 07:45:00 1994
- John White
- 60 Pound Ridge Road
- Cheshire, CT 06410
- 203-272-2151
- By John White
- Let's play "What If." Recently, John Lear provoked widespread
- discussion and debate in the UFO research community by his hypothesis
- that aliens (or "Grays") and what is presumed to be a CIA/MJ-12 amalgam
- have had a long-time joint venture in which hidden underground bases for
- alien activities play a part. Lear characterizes this as nefarious. I
- agree with Lear and see aspects to the UFO abduction experience which
- indicate there may be even more vast and sinister dimensions to it than
- Lear has des cribed. Here is the "worst case scenario" I project.
- The thrust of UFO research is into the metaphysical, where
- things are not always as they seem. In the case of the Gray abducting
- aliens, my judgment is this: they are diabolical and completely
- untrustworthy. I get a strong of sense of conspiracy by them--a vast,
- subversive plot of long duration and careful coordination which aims at
- nothing less than the complete enslavement of humanity. I see
- nothing--absolutely nothing--about their words and deeds which indicates
- anything but deceit, evasion, misdirection, manipulation, exploitation
- and total disregard for human values, personal property and our concept
- of respect for the inviolability of personhood. We humans consider
- kidnaping and violation of civil rights to be criminal, rape to be
- loathsome , brainwashing and mind control to be heinous, lying to be
- despicable, unauthorized surgical invasion of the body to be monstrous,
- and damage to personal property to be vandalism. The Gray aliens exhibit
- such behavior. On the other hand, I know of no beh avior by them which
- is clearly intended to show respect for our personhood, property, civil
- rights, moral values and concern for truthful speech; they routinely
- violate all that. As I view the situation, it's a ghastly picture which
- emerges. It is not me rely alien; it is profoundly evil in precisely the
- sense given in the Book of Revelation and other sacred scriptures which
- describe a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness
- for the salvation or damnation of humanity and the planet. So when
- abducting aliens say, "We're here to serve you," I take it to mean they
- have have cookbook recipes in mind.
- What follows is a summary of my thoughts on the topic. I
- acknowledge at the outset that it is indistinguishable from
- scaremongering science fiction novels; I also acknowledge that it has
- numerous underpinning assumptions which are open to challenge . (To name
- just two: are the alien abductions literally real or are they
- psychological projections from the mythic level of the human
- unconscious, created by overactive, distraught human minds, and are the
- MJ-12 documents authentic?) Moreover, the data on which I hang this
- scenario are few, tenuous and far from indisputable. I've deliberately
- stayed away from discussing this topic in my public statements on the
- UFO experience because the evidence for my position is difficult to
- describe to an audience w hich is not psychologically sophisticated nor
- parapsychologically educated. Most people would take the paragraph above
- as evidence of bizarre mental disturbance in me bordering on paranoia
- and religious fantasy, if not full-blown psychosis. However, I cl aim to
- have enough self-awareness and psychological/psychiatric understanding
- to say that such is not the case, but rather is the result of thoughtful
- observation and analysis leading logically to a plausible conclusion by
- a seasoned investigator of the pa ranormal. So if the issue of my sanity
- can be put aside, at least temporarily, l offer this statement as an
- hypothesis for discussion of the most perplexing--and potentially
- important--aspect of the UFO experience. I am "floating" it first among
- members of the Paranormal section of CompuServe's ISSUES Forum because
- you are among the most sophisticated, clear-thinking people I know in
- this field of wild stories, fuzzy data and wounded psyches. I welcome
- the most hard-hitting feedback. I don't claim to ha ve the "final"
- answer to the UFO question. I only claim to offer the following with
- sincerity, the most rigorous thinking I can bring to it, and a wish to
- provoke further discussion and investigation along the line I'm
- developing. Of course, it's possibl e to be sincere but deluded. I am
- willing--indeed, eager--to be shown that is so in my case. Therefore, in
- hope of the most hard-hitting feedback, and in the interest of
- reality-testing, here we go with "What If."
- Let's begin with the humans and/or humanoids who have been
- reported by abductees to be present on UFOs, apparently working with/for
- the aliens. There are many such reports, most notably that by Travis
- Walton. If the Gray aliens have been conductin g a genetic experiment or
- an interspecies breeding program for at least several decades--which
- Budd Hopkins' work indicates--then there could be humans who've been
- raised under alien control since infancy and who are thoroughly alien in
- their loyalties and psychology, although they certainly would be able to
- pass as "real" people. While seeming to be ordinary citizens, they would
- nevertheless be at least programmed, if not naturally inclined through
- psychological bonding, to identify with the alien culture.
- Such people could have been raised in an off-world site--say, a
- base on the moon or Mars or even a gigantic "mother ship" *--and then
- reintroduced to human society, with sufficient training and ongoing
- support from aliens to make their way into careers in many fields.
- Depending on the scope of the aliens' work--which I take to be happening
- on an enormous scale--the abducting aliens/Grays could have hundreds or
- even thousands of their people infiltrated into science, industry,
- finance, politics, educatio n, the military, etc--with some undoubtedly
- in positions of great power and influence. These people could, in turn,
- have recruited others to various degrees, creating "cells" in the
- classic fashion of a resistance movement preparing to overthrow the
- estab lishment. More likely, though, they would have made their true
- identity known only to other "aliens among us" and committed true-human
- collaborators who have been voluntarily working with the aliens.
- This infiltration activity would not be limited to the USA. If
- the Gray aliens are doing it here, they're doing it everywhere. Of
- course, being scheming and untrustworthy, bent on planetary domination,
- they would not have told anything about this to MJ-12 or other official
- government/military groups they might have contacted over the decades.
- And if they contacted MJ-12 or its successors, we can be fairly certain
- they've contacted the Soviet Union and other major powers, but wouldn't
- have let each know about the others. The infiltration would represent a
- hidden agenda behind their relatively more open agenda with MJ-12.
- ("Open" is hardly the right word for an "Above Top Secret" operation, as
- the MJ-12 documents have been classified, but the alien infiltration of
- civilization would be above even that.)
- In parallel with that infiltration movement would be Manchurian
- Candidate-type programming of the abductees and alien-human/humanoids.
- In other words, if the Grays' ultimate intention is world control--which
- is my conclusion--they've got a couple of ways to get there. The last
- resort would be violent takeover, using naked warfare. That would
- certainly unite true humans in opposition, and even if the Grays
- conquered humanity, we would continue to resist by any and all means,
- even if our condition were reduced to the status of POWs at a Hanoi
- Hilton. No, the aliens would seek a bloodless takeover by conquering
- through propaganda and deception. Remember that American POWs in Korea
- and Vietnam were continually subjected to brainwashing because their
- bodies were captured but not their minds. The aliens would recognize
- that and, in order to make their victory complete, try to indoctrinate
- us, through covert means, to accept them as we walk down a garden path,
- rather than have to "reeducate" some five billion people in effect held
- captive as POWs.
- So, the more intelligent approach would be to co-opt the human
- race--subvert it through a cultural conditioning control system such as
- Jacques Valle suggests in Dimensions. The MJ-12 group and its
- counterparts in other nations would be the starting point. Here's where
- the plot thickens. In fact, it ties in with more mundane conspiracy
- theories in the political sphere which allege that the Rockefellers,
- Rothschilds, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations
- and other groups are th e hidden powers and the secret establishments
- directing world affairs through international banking and control of the
- media, education, science and military/political institutions in order
- to set up a one-world social order with themselves at the seats of
- power.
- There are some plausible arguments for this made by responsible,
- credible thinkers and scholars such as Carroll Quigley and Antony
- Sutton; there are also some absolutely bozo claims made by
- head-for-the-hills survivalists and fringe Christian fundam entalists. I
- try to assess them all to see what looks viable, weighing them against
- my standards of reason, logic and evidence. Now, it's perfectly clear,
- thanks to Irangate, that international conspiracies can and do happen;
- the question is to what degr ee and how well coordinated and controlled
- they are by the alleged secret powers. Until the last few years, I
- pretty much dismissed the notion of a generations-old international
- conspiracy to set up a one-world order controlled by international
- banking in terests such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. I reasoned
- that if there were one conspiracy, there would be others, and the net
- result would be to negate or at least neutralize each other. No one
- would gain total control or unassailable ascendancy. T he vagaries of
- world affairs were just too unpredictable; too many things could go
- wrong; people wouldn't stay loyal to such a cause all their lives;
- evidence of it simply couldn't be covered up forever.
- Then the Gray aliens came into view, and the situation took on a
- wholly different complexion.
- If the aliens have secretly planted their agents throughout
- civilization for decades and if they are pursuing contact with the top
- echelons of power here in the USA via MJ-12 and its successors--as
- suggested by reports of Project Aquarius, Project S igma, Project Garnet
- and Project Snowbird in Jerome Clark's four-part review of UFO
- crash/retrievals in Fate earlier this year--then over the years they
- could have been playing out a hand that was strategized nowhere but in
- Hell. Look at the membership of those power groups such as MJ-12. They
- lead straight into the heart of the most disturbing "conventional"
- conspiracy theories about international finance and military/political
- intrigue. For example, consider the Skull and Bones Society at Yale. It
- is, from the political conspiracy theorists' point of view, the
- quintessential "evil empire" within the USA. George Bush, McGeorge
- Bundy, and a large number of the Trilateral Commission members and the
- Council of Foreign Relations were tapped by this secret s ociety while
- they were undergraduates at Yale and were bound by an oath of secrecy to
- loyalty to the "Bones" purpose, which goes far, far beyond simple
- collegial fraternity and the typical "good ol' boy" network.
- The conspiracy theorists say that the aim of all this is to
- covertly create a new world order in which the secret establishment
- becomes the hidden power controlling global affairs--its economy,
- science, industry, religion, education, technology, et c., even while
- maintaining for the masses a facade of increasing freedom and prosperity
- for the world. Nationhood would wither away, but political power would
- not. It would be consolidated behind a screen through the fraternal
- bonds of men (Skull and Bon es excludes women) whose aims and loyalty
- are not to any country or group except their own transnational cabal.
- Imagine that such a conspiracy has been going on for decades;
- that would explain US State Department approval of high-technology
- transfer from American industry to the Soviet Union, even when it ends
- up used against America in military situations, a nd multimillion dollar
- bank loans to the Soviet Union with no assurances sought that they won't
- be used to underwrite anti-American activities. Then imagine that the
- aliens not only know of the conspiracy and understand its operations,
- but have also cunningly schemed to infiltrate it and co-opt it by
- pretending to establish friendly but secret relations with it. What
- would be the nature of the directing intelligence behind the aliens'
- scheme? It seems to me that the Gray aliens alone are not smart enough
- or powerful enough to pull it off, despite their technological edge. I
- see it like this:
- The aliens are glad to let the human conspirators continue their
- work aimed at world domination because the humans don't realize the
- danger they've gotten into by making what is in reality a diabolical
- pact. The human secret establishment thinks it' s simply got an edge by
- making contact with the aliens because the aliens can provide advanced
- technology to help the power brokers advance their scheme; all they have
- to do is let the aliens continue with their "scientific" work of
- abducting people for "e xamination." But the aliens' intention is to be
- the power behind the power behind the throne. And the MJ-12 successors
- played right into their hands.
- When John Lear says the MJ-12 team is scared of what they've
- gotten into, he would be right if the people involved have begun to
- realize the magnitude of the deadly game they've been suckered
- into--which seems likely. Just as they see their "final" victory
- nearing--i.e., global affairs are tending well for the establishment of
- a one-world order, exactly as they've been working for over decades--the
- aliens trump them and in effect the secret establishment itself becomes
- subtly, secretly but inescapab ly enslaved, exactly as they sought to do
- to others. A delicious irony there--but don't laugh too loud about it
- because the situation, if I'm correct, is appalling. It's the Book of
- Revelation coming true: a titanic war in the heavens between the power s
- of light and the powers of darkness for the liberation or enslavement of
- all humanity.
- Now, return to those alien-raised humans and humanoids. If the
- aliens are as knowledgeable about human psychology, physiology and
- anatomy as UFO research indicates--i.e., reports show that they can
- completely control the human nervous system, effec t instant healings,
- alter memory, perform precise surgical operations on the brain and
- visceral organs--then they are wholly competent to "program" human
- beings to react in certain ways upon signal. Under hypnosis, abductee
- Betty Andreasson stated repeate dly in The Andreasson Affair--Phase Two
- that she would reveal something in the future when the time is right as
- determined by the aliens; quite independently, her future husband, Bob
- Luca, received exactly the same mental programming from abducting Grays.
- Thus, the alien-humans would undoubtedly be programmed to rise
- up with violence and armed warfare if the aliens felt it necessary to
- achieve their aims in extremis. Imagine hundreds of thousands of
- Manchurian Candidates, each programmed to eliminate/assa ssinate
- designated leaders and officials so that the aliens' hand-picked
- candidates can come forward. Far out? Not in the shadowy world of
- subversion, political intrigue and life-or-death struggle for conquest
- of Planet Earth.
- Where do all the alien-humans come from? Many would undoubtedly
- be bred in vitro from sperm and ova, but many others would have been
- obtained the easy way--by kidnaping children. An estimated one million
- children are missing in the USA each year. Where could they all go? If
- just one percent of them were abducted by aliens, that's a sizable
- population to work with at off-world basesI
- If you will grant the plausibility of this admittedly fantastic
- scenario so far, it then makes sense to say that the Gray aliens are not
- the "ultimate" type of beings contacting us in this matter. They are
- alien, through I'm not convinced they're e xtraterrestrial. However, it
- appears there is another "race" behind the Gray aliens, covertly
- directing their activities. This "race" is not merely "alien"--it is
- evil. It is truly sinister, malevolent and unswervingly committed to the
- damnation of all humanity--and it is definitely not extraterrestrial.
- These intelligences have been characterized in ancient scriptures and
- sacred traditions as native to Earth, demonic, hostile to our very
- existence as free people and intent upon dominating us totally--p
- hysically, mentally and spiritually. St. Paul spoke of humanity
- contending with "powers and principalities." My reason, research and
- personal experience lead me to conclude that such entities are
- ontologically real, albeit paraphysical. I see the hand of such
- intelligences behind much of the UFO phenomenon. I will even name the
- chief entity, using its Judeo-Christian appellation: Lucifer/Satan. To
- say more than that in a meaningful manner, however, would take several
- more kilobytes. I am prepared to g et into the issue of Lucifer/Satan
- and its nature, purpose and role in the UFO experience, but that will
- depend on my assessment of the response to this discussion.
- In closing, I will say that, in my judgment, we humans are not
- alone against forces of darkness. I also see benign and even benevolent
- "alien intelligences" here as well, trying to assist us in this struggle
- for psychobiological integrity, spiritua l advancement and true
- planetary unity, as Brad Steiger suggests in The Fellowship. We are
- surrounded by "angels unawares" who, as agents of godliness, seek in
- subtle ways to guide and protect us. For example, the beings of light
- whom people meet during near-death experiences (NDE) are providing
- tremendous support for humanity in what I see as a struggle between the
- forces of light and darkness. The light-beings' nature is clearly
- evident by the effect they have upon human lives. Completely unlike the
- a bducting Gray aliens, the NDE light-beings produce no traumatic
- consequences on people whatsoever. Humans who meet them while in the
- near-death state report later that they sensed only unconditional love
- and forgiveness for misdeeds radiating wordlessly from these entities.
- Abducting aliens induce fear and long-lasting anxiety, disturbing dreams
- and a disturbed personality; NDE light-beings have an aftereffect which
- brings people a sense of ultimate peace, cosmic goodness, reverence for
- life, deepened spi rituality, concern for fellow humans and the
- environment--a general revaluing of a materialistic, egotistic
- life-style in the name of God and Love. Here in America alone, an
- estimated 8,000,000 people have undergone an NDE. If America is the
- leading edge of a millennial demonic invasion, as I'm postulating, it is
- also the site of an even greater number of transformative, uplifting,
- inspiring encounters with entities traditionally called angels, saints
- and enlightened teachers. And such activity must be h appening around
- the globe. Does this not indicate a colossal support system of
- metaphysical forces which intend salvation for humanity, building in
- opposition to what I have posited as a hellish plot aimed at complete
- enslavement of humanity and Planet Earth?
- //////////////////
- * In 1972, while visiting the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
- California, I learned from my guide--a JPL employee--that the facility
- had analyzed many UFO photographs. My guide told me that JPL had
- explained away all of them except one. Tha t one, he told me, was taken
- by a man who provided such good information about the time of day,
- location, camera and film that JPL, after using computer enhancement of
- the photo, could offer only two explanations. The man who submitted the
- photo said he s aw a UFO passing in front of the moon. JPL would not
- confirm it but said there definitely was something real in the photo.
- The only trouble was that they couldn't tell if it was a small object
- about two feet in front of the camera or something 1,000 mile s long at
- a distance of 100,000 miles from Earth. A mother ship?
- // Note : I have re-edited this file from it's appearance at the noted
- newsgroup up there, but not changed anything - just word
- spacing, cr's and such.