ocr: CEMETERY NEWS ISSUE 3 IND 03/05, MIXED SCENE REPORTS All day and night 56 French scene report 47 Couscous 57 Turkish scene report 48 Decay in Paris 58 Austrilian scene report 49 Degeneration 59 South African scene report 50 Gaming Guide - 2. 60 Hard Reality 1 Hidden Parts -2 62 Infinity of the Universe 63 Kocatepe mosque 64 BOOK CORNER Necessary Reyolution 02 New Jork 1997 00 Introduction 51 Poem Stephen King 24 Poem Needfull things 53 Wanted 69 The Dark Half 54 What a love ! 70 Fantasy Books - 2 55 Level codes 71 HELP MENU 000123