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- PLAYSID V3.0 (C)1990-94 Per Håkan Sundell & Ron Birk
- Release date: 1 Aug 1994
- From version 2.1 of PlaySID kickstart 2.04 (v37) or above is
- required! This is because it makes heavy use of Release 2 System
- routines.
- This is SHAREWARE, not Public Domain. That means that if you like
- this program and want further updates, you can be a registered owner
- by sending us $15. It also means that you can copy this program only
- if all files (including this) are included and nothing is changed.
- You are not allowed to replicate any portion of the program, both
- code or data. Note also that we take no responsibilities for the use
- of this program considering any damage to or failure of your hardware
- , software etc.
- You have the permission to put this unmodified and full archive on
- any BBS, FTP site, CD Rom, Magazine, Disk etc. In other words, the
- archive may be freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal
- fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
- If you just like the program, PLEASE let us know so by sending us a
- postcard or similiar to the addresses below.
- V3.0 (1994)
- * Uses PLAYSID.LIBRARY (please read separate docs)
- * Support of XPK Data Compression
- * Realtime waveform and envelope display (uses low priority task)
- * Shows C64 pictures (Koala, Blazing Paddles, Doodle, Adv Art Studio etc.)
- * TV System detection and selection
- * Channel on/off selection
- * PlaySID is now a commodity
- * Uses a config file for settings
- * Multifile selection (music and pictures)
- * Ability to show and hide PlaySID windows
- * Second PlaySID instance redirect modules to the running one
- * PlaySID font removed
- * More arexx commands
- * Many major bugs corrected
- This is a utility which uses the playsid.library to emulate the SID
- and 6510 chip. The SID chip is the component in the C64 computer that
- handles sound. The 6510 chip is the CPU of the C64, that means the
- component that actually executes all programs. Because the Amiga
- does not have these chips and others, you can't run C64 programs
- directly on Amiga.
- Now this utility lets you play all those C64 programs that produce
- sound. As you probably know, the C64 has three sound channels (the
- amiga has four). But this utility also allows use of the fourth
- channel. This channel is the product of some special programming on
- the C64, it isn't really a channel.
- The purpose of this product is to make the best conversion of C64
- sound on Amiga ever possible. If you think some sound isn't correctly
- converted please let us know.
- This utility is designed to work with true multitasking, under any
- system version and any amiga model. It can be run from both Workbench
- and CLI/Shell. It should work with any other program that don't use
- sound or timing. If this isn't the fact please let us know.
- Some time ago we released a similar product called "The 100 most
- remembered C64 game-tunes". This product is the version 3.0 of that
- program. The tunes on that demonstration disk are now also available
- to this version. And up to date there are more than 400 tunes
- available. We and others are also working with more.
- The playsid.library is a standard amiga library where all the C64
- music emulation is done. You can now add support for PlaySID modules
- in your own programs!! REMEMBER that you still need to supply the
- whole PlaySID archive with your program and CAN NOT only extract the
- library. Read the library documentation for more information.
- From v3.0 and on PlaySID uses a library called "playsid.library".
- This file should be in your LIBS: directory.
- To use this utility from Workbench you could assign SID: to a
- directory containing PlaySID. Then all you have to do is to double
- click on the icon of the tune you want to play. You could also just
- select the icon of the tune, then press the shift key and hold it
- down while double clicking on the PlaySID icon.
- If you want to run this utility from CLI/Shell, just put the
- directory containing PlaySID in your path (e.g. c: ) and then write:
- PlaySID [<tune directory>/<tune name>]
- From Workbech PlaySID uses startup parameters in in its icon
- tooltypes.
- CX_POPUP = <Yes|No>
- Use "Yes" if you want the PlaySID windows showable at the startup. A
- "No" means all windows will be hidden instead. Default is "Yes".
- CX_POPKEY = <key>
- The key combination is used as a HotKey for the PlaySID main window.
- Default key is "Ctrl Shift P".
- CX_PRORITY = <pri>
- This sets the priority of the commodity engine in PlaySID. Default
- value is zero. IF you do not know what this parameter is used for,
- please leave it then.
- From Shell or CLI you can supply extra parameters after the PlaySID
- command.
- Same as above tooltypes parameters.
- FILES = <list>
- A list of the files to play. The first one is loaded at startup. As
- default no file is loaded and played.
- It works almost like an ordinary cassette player, with the symbols
- for play, forward, rewind, pause and stop. While PlaySID is active
- you can just drag a tune icon and drop it on the PlaySID window. To
- most commands there are keyboard shortcuts.
- l - Play
- a - Pause
- s - Stop
- t - Next Tune
- T - Previous Tune
- o - Open
- p - Previus module
- n - Next module
- The menu have more options like about, open, quit, filter, rewind
- and display. The filter option turns on and off the amiga sound
- filter. Please try it.
- If the rewind option is turned on, the rewind gadget will be enabled
- first when you press the play gadget. The rewind routines are very
- complex and need a lot of memory. Thats the reason of the option. It
- takes approximately 30k every minute of playing.
- From version 3.0 of PlaySID and on, a special window with real-time
- information about envelopes and waveforms is included. To enable the
- window, use the display option in the menu.
- This option opens a screen with a C64 Picture. The first 2 bytes is
- the loading address and is ignored by PlaySID. Then follows a 8000
- bytes bitmap and a 1000 bytes charmap. For multicolor pictures
- there is also a 1000 bytes colormap and 1 byte holding the background
- color. The order and base addresses is depending on the file format.
- PlaySID have support for the following formats:
- HIRES Art Studio
- Image System
- Doodle
- Advanced Art Studio
- Vidcom 64
- Image System
- Blazing Paddles
- Version 2.2 of PlaySID and above support powerpacked files. V3.0 and
- above also support the XPK Compression libraries. If PlaySID finds
- XPK or Powerpacker installed all file loading is done with it. To
- save space you can now crunch all your files, e.g. songs and
- pictures.
- Many users requested a new "one file" format of PlaySID data files.
- The file SIDConv on the disk will convert a regular data/icon file
- to the new one-file format or the opposite. Of course these new
- files can be crunched as well.
- SIDConv iconfile newfile - To convert a data/icon file to the
- "one file" format.
- SIDConv one-filefile newfile ICON
- - To convert a file in "one file"
- format to the regular data/icon
- file.
- PlaySID have an Arexx Port named 'PLAYSID'. This mean that you now
- have full controll of PlaySID through your arexx scripts. Supplied
- with this release are two examples of what you can do with arexx:
- Jukebox - This will take given file as input and play each
- module the amount of time given.
- Try: RX Jukebox JukeDemo
- Preview - This will play each tune in given module for 10 sec.
- Like the preview found in CD Players.
- Try: RX Preview Songs/RunTheGauntlet
- Arexx commands supported:
- SID_PLAY() - Start current tune
- SID_STOP() - Stop current tune
- SID_PAUSE() - Toggles the pause state of the current playing
- tune
- SID_QUIT() - Quit PlaySID
- SID_LOAD(module) - Load <module> into PlaySID
- SID_SETTUNE(tune) - Set <tune> to current one
- SID_NUMTUNES() - return number of tunes
- SID_SHOW() - Show PlaySID windows
- SID_HIDE() - Hide PlaySID windows
- Syntax of the Tooltypes of <tune>.info:
- SIDSONG = <Yes|No>
- If "yes", the module is recognized as a Compute! SID .mus-file.
- Default is "No".
- ADDRESS = <loadaddress>,<initaddress>,<playaddress> ;in hex
- loadaddress should be the C64 adress where the file should be loaded.
- If 0 is specified, the first two bytes of the file will instead be
- used as loadaddress.
- initaddress should point to a subroutine which initializes the tunenr
- in accumulator (starting with $00). If 0 is specified, then the
- initaddress will be the first C64 address loaded.
- playaddress should point to a subroutine which plays a note of the
- song. This will be called as often as described in the speed
- parameter. If 0 is specified, then the playaddress will be the
- address of the interrupt initialized by the subroutine at the
- initaddress. This address will be the contents of $0314/0315 or
- $FFFE/FFFF depending on what value $0001 contains.
- SONGS = <nr of songs>,[<start song nr>] ;in dec
- The number of tunes the module have and the startup tune to play.
- Default values are 1 tune and the first tune as startup tune.
- SPEED = <speeddata> ;in hex
- speeddata contains info about playspeed. For each tune a bit is
- reserved, bit 0 for tune nr 1 and so on. A 0 bit means vertical sync
- (50Hz PAL or 60Hz NTSC) and a 1 bit means 60 Hz or the time set in
- $DC04/05. Default value is 0 for all bits.
- NAME = <name of the module> ;in ascii
- AUTHOR = <name of the author> ;in ascii
- COPYRIGHT = <name of the copyright owner> ;in ascii
- Default values are "?" for the above three tooltypes.
- PlaySID is written with GnuEmacs 18.58 and compiled with SAS/C 6.50
- and Devpac 3.02 assembler. The user interface was designed with
- Toolmaker. It uses about 50kB of chip memory and 160kB of other
- memory. If playing samples or rewind option is on, more memory will
- be used. Also add the length of the tune to the amount of other
- memory.
- This is a list of features that still isn't included into the current
- version. They will probably be included in future versions.
- * Save C64 pictures as IFF files.
- * Show Compute! SID ".mus" file information.
- * Utilities to create icon files and convert to/from different
- playsid fileformats.
- * Features YOU would like to be added (PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US).
- If you want to support our work, you have the option to become a
- registered owner of this utility and receive further upgrades WHEN
- THEY ARE READY. Send $15 USD (US DOLLAR) or equal amount in SEK
- (Swedish Krona) or DM (German Mark). Send it to either address below
- with your name, address, e-mail, phone etc. If you later change
- address, PLEASE let us know.
- Håkan Sundell Ron Birk
- Dr. Lindhs Gata 3,II Krögarvägen 11
- 413 25 Göteborg 145 52 Norsborg
- Those of you who already are registered users and have got one or
- more upgrade version, and want further upgrades can send either a
- fully post-paid return letter (swedish stamps!) with a disk or $5
- USD for our expenses. You can do this right now so that you will
- get the upgrade the same moment it is ready.
- You will reach us through usual mail, phone or Internet mail. Regular
- mail is very slow so Internet mail is the best way to reach us and is
- usually answered the very same day!
- If you want to call us about suggestions, bug report or complains
- about PlaySID you may call:
- +46 (0)31 419 418 (Håkan) about 6502 and SID Emulation
- +46 (0)8 531 88626 (Ron) about Library, User Interface and Features
- If you have access to Internet you will reach us at the following
- e-mail addresses:
- md1phs@mdstud.chalmers.se (Håkan)
- rbk@ios.se (Ron)
- We want to thank the following people for helping us with the
- development of PlaySID:
- Robert Eichelsheim - For supporting us with extremely many ripped
- tunes and for information about the authors
- and copyrights. For beta testings and good
- suggestions about improvements.
- Bent Nielsen - For supporting good ideas and algorithms
- about synthesized waveforms.
- Alexander Andelkovic - For lending us your C64, 1541 and many
- games to rip songs from.
- Peter Kunath - For good suggestions and beta testing.
- Stefan Boberg - For early beta tests and good suggestions.
- ??? (Florida?) - For giving us the Compute! SID player.
- Teijo Kinnunen - For making MED! It inspired us to make
- PlaySID multitask.
- Olaf Barthel - For making Term! Without it we would still
- use snail mail during development, as we
- live 460 km from each other.
- Registered Users - Thanks for supporting our work. You are
- the reason for our work.
- Commodore-Amiga - For making all this possible!
- We hope that you will find this program useful and that
- it will bring back the old C64 athmosphere to you too...
- V2.2 (1993)
- * Powerpacker support
- * New onefile support
- V2.1 (1992)
- * Gadtools controlled workbench window
- * Appwindow
- * Arexx port
- * Keyboard shortcuts
- * Rewind Button
- * Open Button
- * Pause Button
- * Jukebox (arexx)
- * Preview (arexx)
- * Faster emulation of 6502
- * Faster and enhanced emulation of waveforms
- * Faster emulation of ringmodulation/synchronize
- * Emulation of undocumented 6502 instructions
- * Enhanced tooltype format
- V2.0 (1991)
- * Load icon files
- * Multitasking and system friendliness
- * Uses a workbench screen
- V1.0 - V1.3 (1990)
- * Old releases...