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- @4}by NeTiX / PTK
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- System: Sony PlayStation
- Players: 1
- Developer: Microprose
- Publisher: Microprose
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- X-COM Enemy Unknown from Microprose is
- Space Invaders with a difference. In
- fact, you could possibly describe it
- as the first strategy game for the
- Next Gen consoles.
- Already with a cult PC following (and
- a sequel on that particular machine!)
- X-COM (previously known as UFO: Enemy
- Unknown) pits you against numerous
- alien races that are trying to take
- over the world.
- @3
- [Fuck the PC! What about the Amiga
- version you traitor! zYLAX!]
- @1
- You are the big boss at X-COM
- (Extra-terrestrial combat unit), a
- special division set up to deal with
- the extra-terrestrial threat, and you
- must act on behalf of the major
- governmental powers of the world.
- Whose populations are beginning to be
- spooked by increasing numbers of
- abductions, UFO sightings and cattle
- mutilations. (MOOOO... BANG!!!)
- A good performance will mean increased
- funding - which you will need in order
- to develop better alien arse-kicking
- technology. Whereas a poor effort
- will only result in a fortnightly trip
- down to the DSS.
- X-COM is played out in one or two
- different settings. The first is
- called the Geoscape. This shows you a
- map of the Earth which you can spin
- around and zoom in and out of to your
- hearts content. This is also the area
- where you will track UFO activity.
- When you get a report of a UFO
- sighting, you can then dispatch some
- of your ultra-hard fighter craft to
- try to shoot it down. These start off
- as fairly standard warplanes, but as
- research is carried out, technological
- improvements can be made.
- Upon blasting an ET from the sky, you
- can despatch your troops to secure the
- area and see what you can salvage for
- research purposes. Be warned, all the
- aliens are rarely killed in a crash
- landing, so arm your boys to the teeth
- and prepare to go in blasting. This
- brings us to the second section; a
- turn based 3D isometrical, tactical
- sequence where you move your guys
- around individually, then wait for the
- aliens to move. Somewhere in the
- middle of this you'll catch sight of
- them and shoot them. If they see you
- first you'll be plasma fodder (EAT
- PLASMA!!!), so your tactics need to be
- considered very carefully.
- When you are about to embark on a
- tactical mission (i.e. you've managed
- to shoot one of the grey bastards
- down), you get the chance to decide
- what your troops will take with them,
- and how much artillary they will be
- packing. Do you really want to waste
- any survivors, or do you fancy
- capturing a couple and letting your
- scientists kick them shitless and
- frighten them for a change?
- Your tactics will all have to be
- decided in advance, although theres
- nothing to stop you improvising once
- you have your boys in the field.
- There is very little data available to
- begin with, so to a certain extent you
- just have to stick your head over a
- wall and see if you get shot at.
- Initially you'll start off with the
- plain old grey aliens, but as the game
- goes on, new lifeforms will begin to
- appear. All species can be
- interrogated, and if you do the job
- right, details of a big conspiracy
- will begin to emerge.
- While all this is going on, you can
- set your scientists to work on alien
- research projects, build new bases on
- Earth, improve existing ones, and
- generally prepare for the big invasion
- that's planned. Like I said before,
- this is Space Invaders for real!
- Controlling the action was pretty easy
- in the PC version. The game was
- played via a series of menus, and you
- simply used your mouse to perform
- every function necessary. On a
- PlayStation there's the obvious
- problem that not everybody has a mouse
- but this has been solved by the
- inclusion of the option to use the
- control pad which performs the action
- perfectly well. You can even set up
- the pad so it behaves in two different
- ways. You won't actually know which
- one of these setups you prefer until
- you've tried them both, however, I
- prefer the "Point and Click" option.
- X-COM Enemy Unknown is probably the
- finest PC strategy game of all time,
- and it makes a terrific game whatever
- format it's on. Microprose isn't
- really aiming this at the 14 year olds
- who want to play instant quicksters
- like Mortal Kombat 3. But if you are
- after a little bit more of a
- challenge, this is for you. You'll
- need a Memory Card to save the game,
- and you'll only get one save to a card
- but this really is the only problem
- with a game that is almost flawless.
- @3