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- @6}by Sal Bright
- @4
- Peterborough based band, the Sonic
- Energy Authority are building up a
- reputation in SF circles and have
- appeared in a number of SF novels. To
- find out more about them I tracked
- down the band's two main members:
- keyboards - Paul Preston and words -
- Cardinal Cox, to their favourite pub.
- @2
- -=- -=- -=- -=-
- @1
- I started by asking Paul about the
- equipment he uses.
- @3
- "I started using a Commodore 64 which
- still makes guest appearances on some
- tracks. A few years back I moved to
- an Amiga 500 and now I use an Amiga
- 1200.
- The software is 'Dr. T's Keyboard
- Control Sequencer, Level 2' and 'Dr.
- T's X-oR'. These help run the other
- equipment which includes a Roland D50,
- D110, MKS50, JD990, JV880, an Akai
- AX73 and a Casio FZ12. This is all
- mixed on a Roland M240E.
- I`m considering using an A2000 as a
- hard-disk recorder, but that depends
- on the cost."
- @1
- With all that Roland equipment it will
- come as no surprise to learn that Paul
- is a leading light in the Roland
- Owners Club.
- @3
- "The club acts as an information
- exchange, helping people overcome bugs
- and letting them know about new
- products. It was through the Roland
- Owners Club that the Cardinal and I
- went to the Museum of Synthesesia
- Technology a couple of years back.
- They had masses of equipment there
- including a Theramin (an old VCS3, or
- Putney as it was affectionatly
- known) and loads of Moog's. This was
- probably on show because the special
- guest was Dr. Robert Moog from
- America. Other people there included
- a technician from Kraftwerk, keyboard
- players from Iron Maiden, Shakespear's
- Sister and a few other bands."
- @1
- Next I asked the Cardinal about some
- of the books that the band have
- appeared in.
- @3
- "We've appeared in three novels by
- Robert Rankin, once in a full speaking
- role, that's in 'Raiders of the Lost
- Car Park'. We also get a mention in
- Peter F. Hamilton's 'The Nano
- Flower'. That's his third
- techno-thriller series set in the
- middle of the next century. I`ve
- known Peter for years now, he's going
- to be a very big name, especially with
- his new space-opera trilogy. In the
- first of those, 'The Reality
- Dysfunction', I get listed as missing,
- presumed dead. I think that's great!"
- @1
- I then asked him about his recent
- experiences in filming an advert for
- the retail chain: PC World.
- @3
- "Hmmm... I`ve done some TV and film
- work before, but was still dead
- chuffed to get through the auditions.
- Apparently they screen-tested about
- 800 people for the 8 main parts. To
- start with I had a line to say in the
- advert but when I got to where they
- were filming, I discovered another guy
- also had the same line to say. He's
- about 6ft 6 tall, good looking and a
- sharp dresser, while I`m not. So I
- figured that I`d just have to say the
- line better. So when they're doing
- some general shots, I`m told that I`ve
- got to tuck my pony-tail in as the
- Managing Director of PC World hates
- pony-tails. So, I then realize that
- I`ll never get to say my line.
- Still, I spent two days walking back
- and forth in the background. Don`t
- know if I`ll be seen. It was boring
- at times. Amongst the other people in
- the advert are a women who does
- kissagrams, a bloke who collects and
- restores Victorian Rocking-Horses and
- another who has an Eel Farm.
- The casting company apparently did the
- film 'The Commitments', so I figure
- they always cast a fat, red-haired
- slob in everything they do. For
- luck!"
- @1
- Do you think of yourselves as
- Cyberpunks?
- @3
- "Oh, no. There's no way you could
- describe us as Cyberpunks. Though
- I`ve got a wicked pair of
- mirror-shades. (He laughs.)
- Musically, that term has been
- castrated by Billy Idol's crappy
- discopunk album. I once received a
- post card from William Gibson in the
- late eighties. He'd read a comic I'd
- edited and our friend, the guitarist
- Dave Millsop drew, that was called
- 'Psychoted'. But I`m getting off the
- point. I suppose my favourite
- 'cyberpunk' author is the generally
- derided Mick Farren. He did some okay
- books in the early seventies, a shite
- one called 'Phaid the Gambler' and
- then some good cyberpunk ones. He
- was in a band called the Social
- Deviants, way back then. Perhaps
- after Paul and I have made a million,
- we'll move to California and record an
- album with him."
- @1
- Would you like to do some music for a
- computer game?
- @3
- "Don't know about that,"@1 says the
- Cardinal.@3 "Pop Will Eat Itself have
- just done 'Loaded'. Aerosmith have
- done some shoot'em'up. Orbital and
- The Chemical Brothers did some for
- some racing game,"@1 Paul tells him.
- @3
- "That right? I think they played some
- boring Chemical Brothers track at that
- Club the other week. It was my
- birthday, okay! I doubt if I'll go
- back. What was the question? Oh,
- yes, computer games? That'd be up to
- Paul. He's the musical one."
- "Lets get the current album finished
- first,"@1 says Paul.
- I continued to ask them about the
- rumours linking them to the Cyberian
- Tigers.
- @3
- "Uh, oh!"@1 shuddered the Cardinal,
- @3"That was Sid (the band's second
- keyboard player). He tells us stories
- he's heard about the Neterrorists and
- Ho Chi Max, their legendary leader.
- Like sending postcards (so everyone
- could read them) to loads of Euro
- M.P.'s telling them to book a second
- appointment at the V.D. clinic of Dr.
- H. C. Maximillian. Then there were
- the cards in the phone boxes of one
- Australian city saying 'Talk filth to
- me - H. C. Maxine", and the number
- is a direct line to the local
- vice-squad. But no, we've no link to
- them."
- @2
- -=- -=- -=- -=-
- @4
- With that I left them to their pints.
- Until they're ready to release their
- next album you can find tracks from
- them on a selection of compliation
- tapes. For more information send an
- SAE to either:
- @3
- Super Trooper
- 41 Salmon Street
- Sheffield
- S11 8DD
- @4 or@3
- 24 Marshfield Road
- Chippenham
- Wiltshire
- SN15 1JX