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- @4}by zYLAX / PTK
- @5
- Armitage III is the latest anime from
- Japan to hit the western market via
- the Pioneer Anime label.
- @2
- !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!
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- If I were to sum it up in a sentence,
- I would say that Armitage III is the
- sexy, anime version of Blade Runner.
- Armitage III is set in 2179 on the
- planet Mars, which has now been
- terraformed. This was achieved by
- corporations that employed the work of
- an army of worker droids.
- The Conception Company is the industry
- leader in the manufacturing of
- robotics. The benchmark standard it
- set are as follows: It's first
- generation of machines are gadgets and
- the second generation are actual
- robots. Business is booming for the
- company so they have expanded their
- robotics expertise into other areas
- such as providing sexual services to
- humans.
- The only problem with all these
- human-looking androids, are that they
- are not welcomed into society by
- everyone. They have been made the
- scapegoat for everything from mass
- unemployment to domestic discord.
- There is even an organisation known as
- the National Trust (don't they plant
- trees and look after the countryside
- and shit) whose sole purpose is to
- support demonstrations against the
- robots, or more accurately androids.
- All this has caused a growing and more
- violent hatred towards the mechanical
- beings.
- Enter Detective Ross Sylibus whose
- been partnered with Armitage (the
- aforementioned android of the title),
- on their first mission.
- An assassin (who has a remarkable
- likeness to Rutger Hauer's Roy Batty
- from Blade Runner) emerges whose
- bitter hatred of all androids has set
- him on a crazy crusade executing
- robots. Rene D'anclaude, the assassin
- in question, manages to murder country
- singer named Kelly McCanon who
- although looked human was infact a
- "Third".
- "Thirds" are a totally new generation
- of robots in that they are virtually
- human, by being free thinking and
- organically composed.
- D'anclaude then begins transmitting to
- the populous, thus generating more
- hatred towards all robotkind.
- @2
- i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^i
- @5
- The first part of Armitage III -
- Electro Blood is an sale now priced
- £6.99.