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- Ascii-Magzines
- - -÷--------------÷- -
- Is something that defintly seems to be really popular right now. After
- the great success of the first real Ascii-magazine, the ArtMag produced
- by RoadHogz (who they are? see the RoadHogz-part) suddenly the whole
- scene went crazy and started to support and follow the evolution of the
- ascii-scene.
- ArtMag was created using amiga-guide and included lists over the latest
- mounths released collections and a special vote-panel where the best
- artist and the best ascii-group was voted. The votes were made with
- simple messages and text-files to the editors, and therefor not what I'd
- call the 100% reliable thruth. But there was a /X-door-project going on
- and ArtMag hoped to be able to use Flite's 'ArtChart-door' as soon as
- possible.
- What was RoadHogz created for then? And what did they do if the liked ascii
- but didn't produce any themselves? The answer were that they concisted of
- some pc-dudes who leeched the collections and spread them through their
- pc's all over europe. And they also added a special tag at the bottom of
- every collections which proved that the collection had been spread by a
- RoadHogger. It looked like this;
- [%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]
- This passage through a pc made some chars in the collections to change.
- Acctually quite alot, just look at this;
- Original: Roadhogged:
- ¦ ------------> ª
- ¬ ------------> ¼
- ¯ ------------> »
- · ------------>
- Ä ------------>
- ä ------------> S
- ö ------------> ÷
- í ------------> ø
- ì ------------>
- ¡ ------------> í
- ¤ ------------> ñ
- That makes quite a difference, take a look at this ascii by DeathLord,
- and how it looks like when Roadhogged;
- Original: Roadhogged:
- . . . .
- ¯| |||/ »| |||/
- | | +\_ | | +\_
- _j .(__o/ _j .(__o/
- |_ ¦¯ ¯¯\ |_ ª» »»\
- |\\l l\_)_ |\\l l\_)_
- | \(____¯__ ) | \(____»__ )
- |{_¯ _}|| ¦ |{_» _}|| ª
- `-| | || l_ `-| | || l_
- /¯dL! ¯\ll___) /»dL! »\ll___)
- There came a converter from Count Zero ( rooDe-Hog 1.0 ), but some chars
- became single spaces, and that's impossible for every converter to fix.
- So everything wasn't as pleasing as it could have been. Phase and Vinzi
- didn't at all like the pc-transport of the collections and created a
- group called A4 (Ascii Artists Against Artmag).
- Also the general reaction of the trade with pc's were very bad, but the
- scene seemed to like the idea of a ascii-mag though, and the general advice
- was for RoadHogz to quit the trade but to keep their mag.
- ArtMag dissapeared with Zen as he moved to Botswana (see the RoadHogz-part)
- and the new main-editor became Satans Fire. Now, this was where the mag
- started to dissapear. It got heavely delayed and when it came were it fill-
- ed with really stupid mistakes that made the main impression really nega-
- tive. Every since that latest double-issue hasn't anything at all been
- heard from RDZ and I think the mag is delayed with about 4 mounths by now.
- Well, read more about this matter in the RoadHogz-part, and now to what
- else is coming up in the ascii-magazine business.
- The rumors about Mark Ryder's ascii-magazine has been quite well-spread by
- now, and Mark Ryder himself tells us that it'll be out sometime after he
- has finished his military service later this year. But no further comments
- about what it'll include and how it'll look. But it'll be a amiga-guide-
- project.
- I've also heard about another big project that is on the scetch-board,
- ready to get released soon, anyway this winter/spring. It'll be a special-
- coded ascii-magazine with loads of feautures and many wellknown editors.
- But as it's really classified I can't tell you any more.
- This magazine, Ascii-Gazette, has rechieved many positive reactions
- (not only positive ones though) and I'm pleased to see that all my work
- wasn't just thrown away. This issue, Number 2, will perhaps/probably be
- the last one, the requirements I had to continue with the Gazette-project
- was that I got help from persons, and that I developed new parts of it as
- AsciiCollection-reviews, Previews, Interviews, Group-pages, Advertisments
- and much more. I now has gotten a new offer to join a different magazine,
- which I'm very interested in. And I will perhaps also make some ascii-
- pages in the ST-magazine that will be reborn soon. That is what has made
- me change my mind about this magazine, and that is perhaps also the
- reasons that I abandon it after this issue. But we never know for sure,
- do we? And I havn't made up my mind to 100% percent yet...