A600 wb 2.05 : YES$Multi-tasks : NO - Autoboots only.
Display : PAL& This is a very stylish disk&magazine in both it's look and&interface. It's controlled in much the&same way as most scene mags but with&the added advantage of leaving the&articles in memory once loaded so that&moving back to articles already seen&is very fast. There's only one glitch&here - the Help key brings up the Menu&while the Del key gives you the Help
page. Go figure.& A music selector is also missing&which is a pity as some people may&miss the second tune on the disk. The&other tune's nice but this one,&"Tribute To Lord" by Cerebroid, is&just lovely. The ending to it has to&be the slowest music I've heard on the&Amiga. It hovers right on the edge of&sounding like a software failure&playing a single note endlessly but&somehow the composer gets away with
it. Marvellous.& The overall look of the magazine is&nice and clean with good use of fonts&and colours in the text. Clip art is&also used well with the ones drawn by&Malice being outstanding. Oh that I&could draw like that! Small animations&are also included which helps to liven&up the screens. There's also a few&cartoons by Turbo, the artist who drew&the cover picture. These cartoons are&well drawn and, for a change, some are&funny. I especially liked the one with&the marooned sailor. Just the right
tone of hopelessness.& The news section is quite good and&there's also the usual advertisements&and charts, one of which is for drinks&with Coca Cola beating beer to the top&spot. There's also a Kick List. This&names the names of all those who have&been booted out of various groups.&Unfortunately it doesn't say why&they've been kicked which would have$made it much more interesting. Pity.
[3m Clip art is used well with" the ones drawn by Malice being! outstanding. Oh that I could
draw like that!
[23m& The general articles are mostly&quite good though it could do with a&few more. There's a good (non-&computer) music section with album&reviews, an article on hardcore&drumming and an interview with Front&242. A coder, Giga, also takes a close&look at the A1200 and comes to what&seems to be the consensus among those&in the scene who know the Amiga&intimately and that is that it's a&great upgrade but not quite the home&computer for the 90s. An 020 based&machine just isn't fast enough it&seems and there's other little things,&most of which I don't understand,&which still need upgrading. Giga, who&obviously knows what he's talking&about, does claim that compatibility&shouldn't be a problem for those who&code well - stuff that was written&correctly for the A500, demos&included, should work on an A1200. He&also praises the developers of the&A1200, something a few more could do&now and then. Somewhere in the&magazine someone said they thought the&Amiga had to have been designed by&aliens. No, just a man who had also&designed pacemakers for human hearts -&getting things right was his business.& Bronx, the group producing this&magazine, have got themselves into&some hot water it seems through&bringing out a magpack (whatever that&is) called Auschwitz. In the magazine&they refute accusations levelled at&them that they are Nazis and claim&they gave the disk the name Auschwitz&to help prevent the death camps from&ever being forgotten. While I believe&them when they say they're not Nazis I&think their reasoning is a bit off.&Giving something totally unrelated to&Auschwitz it's name will have the&opposite effect to what they claim. If&the Auschwitz disks (it seems there&will be a series of them) catch on it&won't be long before people will be&asking their friends if they've seen&the latest Auschwitz disk without a&single thought as to what the&name means. When words change their&meaning, they can loose them too. What&springs into your mind when you here&the words bedlam or Iron Maiden?&Auschwitz disks - what next? Belsen T-shirts?& On to happier subjects. There's an&article on Yali Of The Bosphorus which&is an architectural style from&Turkey's past and also, according to&the writer, a lifestyle as well. This&is one article that cries out for some&digitised pictures. A digitizer should&be an essential piece of hardware now&that disk magazines are covering&non-computer related subjects. Even if&using only black and white they would"enhance the look of many articles.& And while we're on the subject of&digitizing there's a neat piece on&"How To `Draw' A Hit Picture". First&you get a digitizer and some fantasy&art... It was written "To give you an&idea of the gfx scene today." Right on
the mark! `Artists' take note.& In one article the Turks get&slagged off by one of their own&countrymen in a piece called The&People Of Turkey. "Our country's&people are too lazy. They do not want&to work hard..." That's a human trait&you're talking about mate, not a&national characteristic. It's just&that the human body is most content%when immobile. Don't hurry, be happy!
A digitizer should be an essential piece of hardware now that disk magazines are
covering non-computer
related subjects.
[23m& As this magazine just slipped up in&getting into my PD library (there's&some music lyrics in it which may&breach copyright) and there's no&subscription address included you&could try getting a copy by sending a&few disks to the editor asking for the<latest issue and hope you get a response. As with all such<suggestions, you carry them out at your own risk. The<editor's address is... Baris Kurtlutepe, Mazharpasa sk.<15/7, 80700 Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKIYE. Note however, if<you're easily offended, that bad language is used throughout
the magazine.< All in all, a nice disk with a slightly different feel to<the usual scene magazine due perhaps to it's East European