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- Welcome to issue two of Amy PD and Shareware Review.
- Just click on it's icon to enter the magazine. If it fails
- to load due to lack of memory then try shutting down all
- other programs running and closing any windows that don't
- need to be open. If this fails then try auto-booting from
- the magazine disk. It has been tested on a half meg. 1.3
- A500 and found to load satisfactorily. It has also been
- tested on an A600 with no problems. If it auto-boots but
- doesn't run from the workbench then maybe it's due to you
- having altered the contents of your workbench disk at some
- time.
- You can test whether the disk has a read-write error by
- attempting to copy it to another disk using the workbench's
- DiskCopy. If it copies OK then the disk is probably not
- damaged and you have either a memory problem or a
- compatibility problem - assuming no one has moved or altered
- any files. If you are a subscriber and after trying all the
- above you are still having problems then please get in touch
- with CyberCraft and give as much details as possible
- relating to your problem.
- Amy PD and Shareware Review is...
- Copyright © Carl Read 1993
- The magazine is freely distributable with the following
- conditions...
- The magazine may only be distributed in it's present form
- and without any alterations. The only parts of the magazine
- that may be removed and distributed separately are those
- which are clearly of public domain origin. None of the text
- is public domain. Those parts of the magazine which are not
- public domain may only be saved to disk or printed out for
- your own personal use.
- The magazine may not be included in any Compact Disk
- compilations or similar medium without my written consent.
- It may not be sold as a commercial product without my
- written consent. The only charges that can be made for it
- are to cover the costs of duplication and distribution.
- Public Domain Libraries...
- You may include the magazine in your library as long as
- it is sold in it's present unmodified form and you charge no
- more for it than you charge for normal public domain
- software. The same conditions apply to electronic bulletin
- boards.
- Workbench 1.3 users. The magazine uses the Arp library
- file requester if available for saving text or graphics. If
- you auto-boot the magazine Arp is used but unless it is in
- your libs directory on your worbench disk a very simple
- requester is used when the magazine is run from Workbench
- and you will have to type in full path names. From the CLI
- you can copy the Arp library from the libs directory on the
- magazine's disk to your Workbench's libs directory. Make
- sure you are working with a copy of your Workbench disk if
- you do this and that there is enough space on it for the Arp
- library.
- Carl Read - CyberCraft - April 1993.
- The following is a list of all the files that should be in
- the AmyPDReviewApr93 directory...
- A0014-15 32580
- A0016 13884
- A0017 21944
- A0070 19096
- A0071 8568
- A0073 19960
- A0075 8556
- A0085 33280
- A0086 15772
- A0087 23604
- A0089 5616
- A0090 6624
- A0092 14508
- A0093 22140
- A0094 36328
- A0095 27912
- A0096 5416
- A0097 15536
- AmyPDReview2.Apr93 444
- AmyPDReview2.Apr93.docs 4454
- APDRInfo 7044
- BackIssues 7492
- CDRTraces 35616
- Contents 16532
- Copyright 5476
- Displayer 32584
- Displayer_Help 2184
- Editorial 7212
- FastOp 8596
- Feedback 5076
- FrontPage 122364
- GettingPD 6820
- Grapevine 26172
- Help! 8016
- Index 6716
- Info 11244
- Letters 7088
- MegaMix 11344
- NextIssue 6356
- Reviews 6620
- Shareware 7652
- SpaceWars 7572
- Submissions 6984
- Subscriptions 6080
- UsingMag 6024
- WhatsPD 7120