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- ----------------
- Welcome to the first ever issue of Amoszine, the first of many I hope.
- This issue is Public Domain and available freely as a sampler of issues
- to come. Please feel free to spread this disk, in fact you will be helping
- us if you do.
- Amoszine (as if you didn`t know already) uses the F1 Licenceware disk mag
- creator MAGNUM PRO which costs 3.99 and comes complete with Amos Source
- so you can configure it to your needs. I haven`t had much time to make
- many changes myself, maybe next issue if I get time.
- ------------------
- Just in case you have never used a similar mag (where have you living? in a
- cave?) below tells you all the secrets of being a disk mag professional:
- At the bottom far right of the screen you will see four arrows, pointing
- UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT, forget the UP and DOWN arrows.
- Click with the left mouse button over the arrow pointing right to see the
- second menu of articles. Now click on the left arrow to go back to the
- first menu page.
- Move the mouse pointer over any of the article names in the centre of the
- screen and highlight your choosen article. Now click on it with the left
- mouse button. Thearticle will now load/decrunch and display page one of that
- article. At the top right hand corner it will say 1/7 or similar this shows
- you are on page 1 of a 7 page article. Click on the left and right arrows
- to move about the article. Clicking on the icons 1st page and last page are
- quiet obvious as is EXIT and MUSIC so I won`t insult you by explaining them.
- To get back to the menu from whence you came just click on INDEX.
- ----------------------
- Yuk! I hate writing instructions for anything, did you guess that?
- Right back to reality.
- Just like all magazines, to be able to continue publishing we need
- contributions from you, the reader.
- Whether there is going to be a next issue of Amoszine is entirely up to you.
- If we don`t get enough articles/programs/letters etc. then it will be
- pointless continuing.
- Here are some ideas/suggetions:
- Your reviews of anything written in Amos
- Amos projects you are working on
- Amos programming hints/tips/tutorials
- Amos programming problems that you have
- Any of your source code (preferably documented, but not essential)
- We can consider putting small demo versions of your products on the disk(s)
- if there is enough room and we think it`s good enough.
- Adverts for anything Amos related that you are selling.
- This applies to companies as well as individuals. This service is free but
- we would appreciate it if you could accompy any ASCII or 16 colour NTSC IFF
- file with an article for the mag or at least some source code.
- Adverts/articles cannot be accepted on paper, sorry.
- Adverts for Amos contacts or buying/selling/swapping are all ok and free.
- Any comments for improvements etc. are welcome, let us know what you want!
- Is it more source? less articles? more compos? We can`t know unless you
- tell us.
- To get the next issue of AMOSZINE send just 2.00 and a stamp to:
- Steve Bye,
- 31 Wellington Rd,
- Exeter, Devon.
- EX2-9DU
- *Important* Make cheques payable only to S.BYE please.
- At £2.00 we are the cheapest Amos mag around so no complaints, ok.
- and when you consider most of the files on this disk are crunched then
- really you are getting value for money, so there.
- If you would like to join the Amoszine team then send me a few articles,
- some source and a bit about yourself and I am sure we can do something.
- Let me know what you could do for Amoszine.
- As a part of the team you will recieve many benefits, but of course you
- won`t get paid any cash.
- As Amoszine is new, now is your chance to join in and make a name for
- yourself. If you are a competent coder with time to spare why not offer your
- services as the Amoszine problem page editor? There`s plenty of vacancies at
- the moment, so if you want to be a part of Amoszine,
- "There`s never been a better time." (C) Margret Thatcher 1984.
- The music you are listening to (if you haven`t switched it off) is a small
- mod from one of F1`s music disks by Steve Gane. These mods are for people
- like me, who have more chance of growing a third nipple than writing a decent
- piece of music. See F1 PRODUCTS for more details.
- Don`t forget that on this disk there is a drawer called SOURCE_CODE that is
- full of (you guessed it) Source. The source is a selection from F1 Source
- disks and is some of the finest source around, but then again I would say
- that wouldn`t I! See F1 SOURCE DISKS article.
- Amoszine is sponsored by F1 Licenceware, that is why you will see a lot of
- articles to do with F1`s products and services.
- *****************
- !!!STOP PRESS!!!!
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- On the very day of release of this issue, Andrew Cambell, one of the best
- has contacted me and sent a disk of source that will knock your sox off!!
- I have put a few of his routines on this issue but I have saved the BEST
- for next issue. And when I say the best I mean the source to one or maybe
- (if I feel generous) two of the games listed above. If you are into source
- then you will absloutley BONKING MAD if you don`t get ISSUE 1, which will be
- ready as soon as possible, dependant on you lot sending articles and source
- in. Thanks Andrew.
- Also special thanks to the indomitable Lee "2meg chip required" Bamber and
- of course Alan "I`m working on 17 projects at the mo" Carter and everyone
- else who has contributed and helped on this production and with the F1 Source
- disks.
- P.S This disk has been optimised for fast loading,can you tell the differnce?