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- Right, this could be a very exciting project for some of you out there in
- Amos land. What we want to do is get some top Amos coders/Artists/designers
- and musicians together to make a really stunning game that will blow any
- previous PD/Licenceware game out of the water and hopefully make us all a
- few bob into the bargain, sound like fun? read on....
- 1) AMOS CODERS: We need two top Amos coders. Send a sample
- of your work to us in source form.
- 2) GAME DESIGNER: Just send your idea or complete design in. It would be
- best to keep it a simple game design (not a massive adventure or strategy
- game) We want something that will appeal to the masses and not take a year
- to write. Knowing some of the limitations of Amos will help. The designer
- will get something out of it, a small lump sum or a royalty.
- 3) GRAPHICS ARTIST: send us a disk of some of your work, you will get a
- royalty or small lump sum.
- 4) MUSICIAN: Send me some examples, you will have to supply the music and
- sound effects, you will get a royalty or small lump sum.
- Before you put your forward for the project make sure you have the time
- spare (up to 2 months, who knows?) and that you REALLY want to do it.
- Bung a stamp in if you want your disks back. Everyone on the project will
- work from home and I will direct the work from here at F1 H.Q.
- When the project is complete we will evaluate it and decide whether to
- release it as Licenceware through F1, sell it as a coverdisk exclusive or
- if it`s as good as we hope sell it to a commercial software house.
- If things turn out really well maybe we will produce more games?
- OK it`s back down to earth time, realistically none of us could make a penny
- out of it, but then again? but just remember this is just an idea at this
- stage (I`ve been dreaming of doing this for months) And Project Amoszine
- may never get off the ground, so stop dreaming about the fame and fortune
- for now and let`s see what happens.
- Please reply before 1st July 1994.
- Steve Bye.