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- Extension_Tutorial_Part2 (18/7/1995)
- -------------------------------------
- I hope you've enjoyed the first part of the extension tutorial and
- maybe you have made an interesting routine yourself.
- If so, feel free to share it with the rest of the AMOS community.
- I've decided to move from 'ready to compile' format to a 'cut and insert'
- format.
- Each new command/function will consist of three parts:
- 1) Command description.
- 2) Token description.
- 3) Any data to be inserted into the extension data area.
- 4) The routine itself.
- To include a routine into the your extension, you have to insert
- the token description into the token list and insert the routine at
- a free label.
- Have fun!
- 2600 BERCHEM
- Belgium
- Chapter Three.
- ==============
- Accessing Amos system pointers, variables and structures.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- When Amos is loaded, several libraries are opened and ready for usage.
- These can be found in the _wequ.s file.
- Also many variables and structures are set up for direct use.
- All of these are accessed through address register A5.
- A new command will show how to use them...
- Az Triangle X1,Y1 To X2,Y2
- Draws a triangle starting from X1,Y1 to X1,Y2 to X2,Y2 to X1,Y1
- None of the parameters may be ommitted.
- Token definition for Az Triangle X1,Y1 To X2,Y2
- DC.B "az triangl","e"+$80,"I0,0t0,0",-1
- No new data to be inserted into the extension data zone.
- Code for Az Triangle X1,Y1 To X2,Y2
- L4 MOVE.L (A3)+,D7 Y2 \
- MOVE.L (A3)+,D6 X2 |
- MOVE.L (A3)+,D5 Y1 |-> Reversed order !
- MOVE.L (A3)+,D4 X1 /
- ; Push A6 onto the stack, we need this register
- MOVE.L A6,-(SP)
- MOVE.L T_GFXBASE(A5),A6 for the Graphics library base.
- MOVE.L T_RASTPORT(A5),A1 Load A1 with RastPort adress.
- MOVE.L A1,D3 RastPort adress in spare reg.
- ;
- ;We have received all four coordinates in registers D4 to D7.
- ;Registers D4 to D7 are a good place to put them, because their contents
- ;are NOT trashed by the two Gaphics Library calls we are going to use.
- ;Beware, register A1 will be trashed AFTER every call to Move or Draw, so
- ;we have to reload it with the RastPort address after each call.
- ;Instead of fetching this address every time from memory, we store it in a
- ;spare data register that will not be trashed.
- ;This will save some precious CPU time...
- ;Alert minds will also spot that the address register A6 is only loaded
- ;once with the Graphics library base.
- ;This is also a, rather risky, technique to speed up things a little bit more.
- ;Risky, because it is only to be used when you are not calling routines from
- ;other libraries...
- ;Offcourse, one could allways try..and die ;-)
- ;
- MOVE.L D4,D0 X1 -> D0
- MOVE.L D5,D1 Y1 -> D1
- JSR -240(A6) Move(rastp,x,y)(A1,D0,D1)
- MOVE.L D4,D0 X1 -> D0
- MOVE.L D7,D1 Y2 -> D1
- MOVE.L D3,A1 Restore RastPort adress.
- JSR -246(A6) Draw(rastp,x,y)(A1,D0,D1)
- MOVE.L D6,D0 X2 -> D0
- MOVE.L D7,D1 Y2 -> D1
- MOVE.L D3,A1 Restore RastPort adress.
- JSR -246(A6) Draw(rastp,x,y)(A1,D0,D1)
- MOVE.L D4,D0 X1 -> D0
- MOVE.L D5,D1 Y1 -> D1
- MOVE.L D3,A1 Restore RastPort adress.
- JSR -246(A6) Draw(rastp,x,y)(A1,D0,D1)
- ; Pop our saved value from the stack, else crash!
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A6
- RTS Amos back in control
- A small comment on the RastPort structure.
- It is a vital part of the Amiga ® display building blocks when dealing
- with most of the graphical operations, such as drawing lines, plotting
- points, etc, etc...
- Like allmost anything on the Amiga ®, it is organized as a structure of
- a certain lenght.
- Let's examine some interesting parts of it.
- STRUCTURE RastPort,0 Hey, a structure!
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- LONG rp_Layer
- ;Contains the pointer to it's BitMap, containing amongst other things, the
- ;actual displayed memory.
- LONG rp_BitMap
- ;Contains the address that points to the pattern that will be used when filling
- ;area's of the screen.
- LONG rp_AreaPtrn
- ;Contains the address that points to our temporary RastPort.
- ;See the Set Tempras command.
- LONG rp_TmpRas
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- LONG rp_AreaInfo
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- LONG rp_GelsInfo
- ;This one is only 1 byte wide and holds which bitplanes of this rp_BitMap
- ;are to be updated, depending on the colour you're drawing with.
- ;Each bit represents a bitplane and is selected when set.
- ;It is normally set to $FF (all bitplanes).
- BYTE rp_Mask
- ;The foreground pen (colour).
- BYTE rp_FgPen
- ;The background pen (colour).
- BYTE rp_BgPen
- ;The outline pen when doing areafills (colour).
- BYTE rp_AOLPen
- ;The drawmode : 0 = JAM1 , 1 = JAM2 , 2 = COMPLEMENT , 4 = INVERSED
- BYTE rp_DrawMode
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- BYTE rp_AreaPtSz
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- BYTE rp_linpatcnt
- ;Just included for boundary reasons...
- BYTE rp_Dummy
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry...
- WORD rp_Flags
- ;16 bit pattern to be used when drawing lines.
- WORD rp_LinePtrn
- ;The X-coordinate of our graphical cursor.
- WORD rp_cp_x
- ;The Y-coordinate of our graphical cursor.
- WORD rp_cp_y
- ;Not interested at this time, sorry... \
- STRUCT rp_minterms,8 |
- WORD rp_PenWidth |
- WORD rp_PenHeight |
- LONG rp_Font |
- BYTE rp_AlgoStyle |
- BYTE rp_TxFlags |
- WORD rp_TxHeight |
- WORD rp_TxWidth |
- WORD rp_TxBaseline |
- WORD rp_TxSpacing |
- APTR rp_RP_User |
- STRUCT rp_longreserved,8 |
- ifnd GFX_RASTPORT_1_2 |
- STRUCT rp_wordreserved,14 |
- STRUCT rp_reserved,8 |
- endc /
- ;Defines the lenght of the rastport structure.
- Hmm, very interesting, but how to access all this fields by name?
- You'll have to 'include' the definition of a rastport into you program.
- Where do we find this file?
- If you are using one of the commercial assemblers, it is very likely
- that you will find it here... INCLUDE:Graphics/rastport.i
- So...where does this leave us now???
- We are going to make our triangle command even faster!!!
- Instead of using the graphics.library Move function, which updates the
- rp_cp_x and rp_cp_y values, we are going to poke them ourselves.
- Just replace the JSR -$240(A6) line with MOVEM.W D4-5,rp_cp_x(A1)
- and remove the two MOVE.L's...
- MOVEM.W ???? Means : MOVE Multiple Words (16 bit)
- D4-5 ???? Means : register D4 and D5
- Another example :
- MOVEM.L D0-3/D5/D7,-(SP)
- MOVEM.L Means : MOVE Multiple Longwords (32 bit)
- D0-3/D5/D7 Means : registers D0 to D3, skip D4, move D5, skip D6, move D7.
- I know, poking directly into the rastport structure doesn't sound to be
- very legal, but it works...
- Some OS fanatics will shoot you for doing this, because your code is no longer
- fully compatible with newer versions of the graphics.library to come.
- But one could wait forever... So if you want the extra speed, shoot the
- OS fanatics!
- I hope you enjoyed the second part of this tutorial and if you would like
- to see a special topic to be covered in one of the following tutorials...
- Drop me a letter.
- Happy programming.
- Manuel.