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- @3
- }by Andy Gibson
- @4
- This article will take you through
- the steps of writing your very own
- two- column articles just like this
- one.
- @3
- You could type your file normally and
- then use the NEW AZ TESTER util on
- Supp Disk 5 to convert it to this
- type of file or just load this file
- into your text editor to see how it's
- done.
- @5
- AZ supports two types of articles and
- these are normal (79) chars per line
- arts or these new (38) chars per line
- arts.
- @4
- First of all I must stress that no
- matter which type of article you are
- gonna type, please DO NOT use TAB !!!
- @5
- It causes too many hassles and AZ is
- not compatible with those files !!!
- @1
- If you are gonna be typing the normal
- type of article and want to add the 6
- spaces to the start of each line,
- then either do it by hand or use the
- new AZ Tester as found on Supp Disk
- @1#@15.
- @4
- The AZ Tester can also be used to
- convert normal arts to these new two-
- column arts easily. If you don't
- have Supp Disk 5, order it from
- Steve now.
- @5
- Right, let's take a look at how to
- create your articles now:
- @4Amoszine now allows Split-Screen text
- articles as well as normal text arts.
- @3
- Furthermore, up to 15 colours can
- now be used for each article.
- Colours 8-15 being reserved for
- @4
- If you are thinking of contributing
- an article for future issues of AZ
- then here's what you will need to do:
- @6
- First of all you must decide which
- type of article you want to create.
- @1 ie. Split Screen - Same as this
- file. Normal Type - See other files.
- @4
- I will deal with the Split-Screen
- type of file first of all as we think
- it is now gonna be very popular with
- AZ !
- @5The very first thing that you need to
- type is #5<#5> @5as this will allow the AZ
- code to set it's default text reader
- to use the new Split-Screen option.
- @3
- If you want a heading at the top of
- the page, you must type #3{ @3followed by
- your heading. (This will be auto-
- centred for you).
- @4
- You may also like to add a title for
- the name of the author (you) !!!
- To do this you simply type #4} @4before
- the text. (This will be
- auto-centred)
- @5
- Always leave a blank line between
- your headings as it will be needed
- for our new font sizes. AZ may use
- a different font in future issues so
- let's keep it compatible dudes !
- @4Now you need to type up all your text
- @1
- Please note that no more than 38
- chars should be typed per line !!!
- That does not include the colour
- codes, which we shall come to in a
- minute or two.
- @6
- The best thing to do is load this
- file into your favourite text editor.
- You should be able to follow the
- format as it's pretty straight
- forward
- @4
- (This file is no longer crunched so
- you shouldn't have any problems when
- loading it into your text editor.
- It can be found in the ARTS Dir and
- named @3AZ_WRITING.asc@4)
- @3
- OK let's take a rundown of how you
- can create the coloured text for your
- own articles.
- 7 colours can be used and these are :
- @1White @2Red @3Yellow @4Green @5Cyan @6Blue @4and
- of course @7Purple
- @1
- This could be mainly used to show up
- some important text - well ?!?
- @3
- To add any of the above colours to
- your text, just put the @ character
- followed by a number from 1 to 7.
- eg. @1@@11 Would give White text.
- @5@@55 Would give Cyan text.
- @4
- As mentioned before, only type a
- maximum of 38 chars per line. Then
- you can add in all your colour codes
- later (Only up to 79 chars on each
- line).
- @1
- @1THIS @2LINE @3HAS @4USED @5UP @6THE @738 @2CHARS @3!@4!@5!
- @4That should be easy enough to follow
- when this file is viewed via your
- text editor. If you are still
- confused, just type up a normal text
- file and send it to the AZ editor and
- he'll do all the hard work for you
- !!!
- @3
- Oh yeah, I nearly forgot to mention
- that only 24 lines of text can be
- shown on each screen. If your text
- editor is any good, then it should
- tell you what line you are on anyway.
- @5
- Use the new AZ ARTICLE TESTER to see
- how your articles look before posting
- them off to us. (It would also
- help us if you could spell check
- them)
- @1Now let's deal with normal articles:
- @4
- Basically they are formatted in the
- exact same way as split-screen type
- except you musn't type #4<#4> @4at the
- start and each line must be no longer
- than 79 chars. (That also includes
- the colour codes !!!)
- @3
- So be careful if you want your
- article to be neat and tidy !
- @5
- If you do manage to type more than
- the 79 character limit, not only will
- your article be a little bit messy,
- but it won't print out as a neat file
- either!
- @1
- Again, only 24 lines per page will be
- shown, so try and remember that when
- you are typing away.
- @4Normal type articles can now use the
- new headings for both Title and
- Author as with split screen articles.
- That's a new bonus for AZ also.
- @4The heading for both the Title and
- the Author are both displayed atop
- each page, so it doesn't have to be
- just the first page of your article.
- Each page (24 lines) can now have a
- new title and author heading !
- These will be auto-centred for you
- also.
- That's basically it I suppose. If
- you still find all that too much to
- take in, then please just type a
- normal article and send it to us.
- @3Brief Summary:
- @5
- Normal Arts: @1Please do not type more
- than 79 chars including
- any colour codes.
- @5
- Split Arts : @1Please do not type more
- than 38 chars - 79 inc.
- any colour codes.
- You must also type @3<@3>@1
- as the very first thing !
- @5
- Title 1 : @1Type @3{ @1followed by your
- heading. This will be
- auto-centred for you.
- @5
- Title 2 : @1Type @3} @1followed by your
- heading. This will be
- auto-centred for you. @5
- No more than @124 @5lines per page (split-
- arts = 24 lines per column)
- @4*************************************
- * @5DO NOT USE THE @4*
- * *
- * #7##### ### ##### @4*
- * #7# # # # # @4*
- * #7# ##### ##### @4*
- * #7# # # # # @4*
- * #7# # # ##### @4*
- * *
- * @5KEY PLEASE !!! @4*
- *************************************
- @3
- Need I say more ? Go on ...
- there is no excuse for anyone not to
- type up at least one small article
- for AZ.
- @1
- End.
- @6Update Notice
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- @5
- From Issue 7 of Amoszine, articles
- will have new features such as
- Clip Art and 8 flashing colours.
- So far up to 7 Clip Art pics can be
- shown and you simply type @1[ @5followed
- by a number from 1 to 7.
- To show flashing text, just put @1# @5and
- a number from 1 to 8 after it (just
- like normal coloured text commands.
- #8
- @4
- The DMC Article Tester has been
- included so you can convert your
- articles easily. (fully compatible
- with ClipArt & Flashing Text now)
- @1
- Andy Gibson