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- Following are details of how to submit programs for evaluation.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1) The program you are submitting must be 100% your own work, you will be
- personally responsible for any breaches of copyright and as the copyright
- of your program will stay with you and not F1 you will be sued not us.
- Also the program must be exclusive to us and previously unreleased, except
- in demo form or if you have upgraded the software sufficiently. There may
- be other exceptions, ask us if you are not sure, we can only say no at worse.
- 2) All programs submitted must be compatible with at least Amiga`s 500 & 1200
- standard memory configurations. Exceptions being things like AGA only.
- 3) Please include the following details about your program:
- Basic outline of what it does, Language written in, Cheat modes (if any)
- How many levels (if applicable) which Amiga`s you have been able to test
- it on. Your name, address and phone number.
- 4) Please supply full documentation on disk in ASCII, on in the program
- 5) Please supply a stamp with all correspondence if you want a reply.
- If we accept your program
- -------------------------
- Your program will be sold for £3.99 if it is on 1 disk £4.99 2 disks etc.
- Your royalty per copy sold will be 25% of the selling price for example:
- Sold at £3.99 (£1 royalty) £4.99 (£1.25 royalty) etc.
- If we accept your program you will be sent a contract to sign, read it
- carefully and if you are happy with it sign it and return as soon as
- possible. All programs accepted will be sent to all relevent magazines for
- review. Please leave sending review copies out to us as this is part of our
- service to you.
- Every three months you will receive a cheque from F1 if your program has
- earnt 5.00 or more, if it has not then the money will be held over until the
- next quarter or until it's earned £5 or more or you pacifically request
- payment.
- If we cannot accept your program we will let you know within a week, maximum.
- We will tell you exactly what we think is wrong with it and may offer advice
- and ideas to make your program acceptable to us.
- @2
- Some questions we have been asked by programmers recently
- ==========================================================@3
- Q. What type of programs are F1 looking for?
- A. Anything of quality including games/utilities/educational/Hyperbook etc.
- as long as your program is better quality than a good P.D equivelent then
- you have a chance of acceptance, only about one in five programs are
- accepted by us though.
- Q. What else can F1 offer us programmers apart from our royalty?
- A. Not a lot! Well you can get 20% off of all our Licenceware products,and a
- friendly/fast/helpful service.
- Q. How are you going to sell my program?
- A. We will do everything in our power to sell your product, At the time of
- writing we have 20 distributers selling F1 products and we expect
- more to join us soon, We will send review copies of all our products to
- ALL relevant mags. Although we do sell your programs direct from F1 HQ
- The main sales are from our distributers.
- selling your program is the only way we can survive so you can be sure we
- will be doing our best.
- Q. How do we know you will pay us the correct amount of royalties?
- A. You don`t! This is a trust thing, but saying that all our income will be
- from postal customers and distributers and they will mostly be paying by
- cheque which will have to go through the F1 bank account which the taxman
- will have his eye on for any discrepancies, we will publish sales records
- of every disk which will be sent to you with your cheque,
- in any case we are honest people (Husband, wife and two kids) trying to
- make an honest living and we want F1 to be a long term job for us and to
- do this successfully we have to build a bond of trust with our
- programmers. I have been stitched up in the past myself and you get to
- know who the straight people are very quickly, we wouldn`t last long
- being dishonest it is in our interest to be straight with you in the long
- run.
- Q. What happens if my program just simply does not sell?
- A. We will give it every chance but if sales are zero for a year we may
- offer to release it back to you but as it costs us nothing to keep it
- on we will if you want us to.@3
- Q. Can I put adverts in my program for other products of mine not Licenced
- to F1?
- A. Within reason, yes you can, most other Licenceware outfits won`t allow it.
- If you have any questions or anything you are not sure of drop us a line
- and we will be pleased to answer your questions.
- F1 Licenceware
- 31 Wellington Rd,
- Exeter. Devon.
- EX2-9DU