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- @3
- High Octane II Diary
- by
- Paul Cottage
- @1
- Since the worldwide success of High Octane, Fryup Productions
- (Paul Overy and myself) decided to produce a new, dazzling,
- advanced, tremendous (money making) new version - featuring
- gritty graphics, smart sounds and gameplay more addictive than
- breaking the seal on a Nescafe jar.
- The way we go about producing a game is graphics first, coding
- afterwards. Therefore I have to knock-up the goodies, at least a
- basic outline of what is going to be included in the game, as soon
- as possible.
- The following is an up-to-date diary of the game so far...
- 12/7/1994
- Need a Hard-Drive for my 1200. Sent off for a 200MB internal. This
- should be adequate for what I use it for.
- 20/7/1994
- Have been round Overy's place every day this week, thought of
- many original ideas for the new game (will not disclose as they
- wont be original anymore)
- 2/8/1994
- A bit concerned about the wait for the hard-drive. Phoned up, told
- they haven't got any 200MB hard drives. But have got 250MB ones.
- And guess what they said I can have one at no extra cost!!! plus
- free fitting!!! Well bless my 55% Polyester 45% Cotton Socks!!!
- Cant turn that one down.
- 3/8/1994
- Sent off Computer. Got a few more ideas today. Sketch pad
- filling-up nicely.
- 16/8/1994
- No Computer. Phoned them up. Would you believe it - they have no
- 250MB drives at the moment, but will have some soon!!! Over
- month now, getting a bit desperate!
- 26/8/1994
- Phoned - "be with you soon"
- 28/8/1994
- Gave-up working part-time today on top of my full-time job, so I can
- concentrate on the game (waved good-bye to £50 smackers a
- week!).
- 4/9/1994
- Off to Ibeza today - Computer should arrive back before me, when I
- return in 2 weeks time. Something to look forward to when I get
- home.
- 10/9/1994
- Guess what - no bloody computer!
- 14/9/1994
- Received computer back! But don't get too excited, Hard drive nor
- Keyboard connected. Phoned them up - "just send it back".
- Sent it back!!!! - £7!!!!
- 22/9/1994
- Got computer back, nice wizzy sound, but those bast..nice people
- have not connect my keyboard!
- Sent it back!!!! - £7!!!!
- 5/10/1994
- Got it back. Keyboard not working! What are these clowns playing
- at? Not even a sorry letter! Did get a PC pricing list though.
- Hmm.....Thinking of upgrading now I've seen their PC prices! Got
- Mr Overy to open it up and rewire it - it now works, but with a
- 230MB drive! before partitioning.
- 8/10/1994
- Done car graphics.
- 29/10/1994
- Done 2 sets of track graphics.
- Thank you WTS electronics. Thank you for your speedy service.
- We have only lost about 3 months work, let alone the money I've
- not earned from my part-time job!
- It says in the Bible something about forgive and forget.
- BUNCH OF W******!!!
- Once again that's W.T.S. electronics, you must of heard of the
- old saying...
- "Stick a monkey in front of a typewriter
- and after a bloody long time you will
- arrive at the works of Shakespear".
- Well, we had to wait a bloody long time for these bunch of monkeys.