ocr: Ecipsel IIV Arc32 PD 31 And Gazzer didst give unto polans a disk: Andit didstl hold all the wisdom of the Scene. Andi its T name shall be called: AmnesiacAnd all those who haveit COMPANIES J Not shall be unclean: And ft only to DO NOT SELL THIS PRODUCTION 0 Lie down with thel beasts oft thel Fields. WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF But the Darkl Lord spued this disk, and ECLIPSE IRL CONTACT FOR PERMISSION covetedit, and saith: POLARIS 7 "Bnng me this Disk, that/maypay 13 THOMAS MOORE RD. Homage getoitle am the one known among WALKINSTOWN, Men as. PeeDee." Andi it Was S0. DUBLIN 12, IRELAND.