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- Guns 'n' Roses Play Slane
- -------------------------
- This is Dedicated to Peter "I missed Guns 'n' Roses Play Slane" Byrne. Enjoy!!
- It was a fairly normal but extremely Sunny Saturday morning as myself and my
- brother walked towards Montjoy Square to catch one of the coaches that would
- take us to the gig of the year,none only than the Guns and Roses Bash in Slane.
- I remember thinking that I would remember this date for as long as I live, Ermm,
- What was it again? Oh yes, It was Saturday the 16th May 1992. I immediately
- started thinking about writing my memoirs and selling millions of copies of the
- book and then making several major motion pictures based on the life of a
- typical Eclipse member, (Rob Lowe can play me - Polaris) but that's another
- story. Anyway, on with the expedition....
- We arrived at slane at about 1:30 and wow what a day it was, the sun was beaming
- downing from the heavens, God must have been smiling on Ireland that day, maybe
- he's a secret Gun's and Roses Fan, or perhaps he has Irish relations, doesn't
- half the Irish Football Team? No, sorry I promised I wouldn't be TOO
- controversial in this article.
- So, here we were gently baking under the hot sun and mostly just lying on the
- grass (I said 'lying' not 'smoking' Okay?) doing nothing.I must mention here
- that all of the VIP's seemed to arrive by Helicopter for the Gig, I would have
- too only my Helicopter was Wheel-clamped the other day. But, the VIP's were
- actually given a far poorer view than us the everage punter, coz they were up at
- Slane Castle.
- Slane is a pretty cool place for a concert because it's in a natural valley
- that's acoustically amazing. Behind the stage there is a River, which was
- constantly patrolled by blokes in canoes and Dinghies. Off to the right Hand
- side of the stage and elevated a few hundred feet is Slane Castle and this is
- were the VIP's were, granted they had to pay something like 50 Quid for their
- tickets and they had Champagne to Drink, but overall I think we had the better
- view and Atmosphere.
- Well, there were about 30,000 Fans there when 'My Little Fun House', a shitty
- Irish Rock Band, began to play. Snore.......... Well they were acceptable I
- suppose... So must people just went to sleep in the sunshine and waited
- Patiently for the Main Act.
- Next at about 3:30, 'Faith No More' made an appearance, they are actually a
- pretty good band, some would say brilliant, but I disagree, the only good songs
- I think they have are 'We care a lot' and some other successful one, the title
- of which I can't remember at the moment. But, It goes like this.....
- Da Da Dum.. De Daa Dum.... Well, not really....
- So, Faith No More finished their spot at about 4:30.
- And then everyone waited and waited and waited..... under a sizzling sun,
- luckily there was plenty to drink, lots of Coke, Orange, Vodka, Jack Daniels,
- you name it, it was being consumed by the bucketful. Also, there were the usual
- sorts of fast foods available.... Some rather dodgy Chips, I could have sworn
- that one of my chips used to star in Doctor Who, I think It used to play the
- Dalek Leader or someone like that, but I could be wrong I suppose. Anyway, the
- food was plenty, but rather expensive, 1.50 for a hotdog and the same for chips.
- And a Glass of Coke was 90p. Bloody scandalous but It was selling like there was
- no tomorrow, which incidently there might not have been for some people lying
- around the place doing very lifelike (deadlike?) impressions of corpses. I
- reckon that either the chips didn't agree with them, or they had too much Lager
- or Vodka, probably the latter.
- Well, everyone was getting restless waiting, luckily they had some decent music
- playing over the Amps, otherwise everyone would have been slightly pissed off.
- Some blokes up near the middle of the stage decided to form Human Pyramids, Two
- People would stand on the ground and then another person would stand on each of
- their shoulders, then another one one that blokes shoulders, and so on until
- they resembled something that looked amazingly like the leaning tower of Pisa.
- It was bloody amazing, I think they must have thought that there were talent
- spotters from all of the top carnivals and circuses in the audience, I suppose
- there may have been, there were certainly a hell of a lot of weird blokes
- wandering around, AND a lot of weird and also extremely sexy Women. Wow, thank
- god for the Sunshine.
- Just then a squadron of helicopters and what looked suspiciously like a Gunship
- Helicopter flew overhead. Wow, this 'Guns and Roses' band are severely into
- heavy arnament. It looked very like Vietnam, well OK, It looked like Vietnam
- films that you see on TV or on Video, a group of helicopters flying right in
- line behind each other. Awesome.
- Then, at precisely 7:30 GMT, G+R hit the stage accompanied by the Clint Eastwood
- Spaghetti Western Team Tune, It was really well done, and sounded Excellent
- being blasted out over the fucking Enormous Amps.
- By the way, If you don't like the Bad Language in this Article, then
- Well, Ahem, Let's continue....
- G+R blew the shit out of any Amiga Music that I've ever heard, but that's to be
- expected really. They played Lots of songs from the 2 Use Your Illusion Albums,
- and also several tracks from Appetite for destruction, their previous album.
- They played a really stormin' version of 'Right night next door to hell', bloody
- great song, and this got the crowd going no end.
- They also played 'Live and Let and Die', which I always thought was a shitty
- song whenever I heard it before on the Radio, but It was really different and
- far better Live, maybe it should be 'Live' instead of 'Live', well you know what
- I mean.....
- They Played 'Don't Cry', which is defintely one of my all time favourite songs
- (apart from Bachman, Turner, Overdrive, that right Harry?!), It's a fucking
- excellent and melodic song with some really brilliant vocals by Axl and great
- guitar riffs by Slash.
- Speaking of Slash, he did a great Impression of Jimmy Hendrix syle of Playing at
- the start and end of one particular song, I'm not sure but I think It was the
- Classic Hendrix Song.... FUCKING EXCELLENT STUFF INDEED!!!
- Then, 'November Rain' was played, and what a cool song it is too, I really love
- the guitar solo at the end of it. Amazing.
- They also played Polaris's favourite song 'Garden of Eden', and It was just the
- thing to blow all of those cobwebs away from Metal Starved ears.
- A really brialliant rendition of 'Welcome to the Jungle' was performed, I never
- tire of hearing that particular song, the lyrics and changes in Tempo are just
- 'out of this Dimension'. It was accompanied by a huge inflatable Monster with
- lots of Arms and Guts being blown up beside the stage, it looked really cool in
- addition to G+R Stage Lights which are always excellent.
- 'Sweet Child of Mine' really got the crowd together. It's another one of my
- all-time favourite songs (BTW, I do a lot of Work for Charity, but don't really
- like talking about it ;-).
- Anyway the show went on for ages, It was over 2 and Half hours, which was pretty
- cool, great Value for money, and a great chance to listen to some cool music
- but like all good things It unfortunately had to come to an end...
- Guns and Roses played out with 'Paradise City', which they incidentally
- dedicated to Dublin. And, at one point Axl mentioned that he had Dublin in mind
- when he originally wrote the song, but somehow I can't really imagine that, but
- stranger things have happened, right?
- Anyway, Paradise City was just fucking amazing. No shit!
- Well, so ends a concert Report from Gazzer / EcLiPsE
- I'm not a writer, which you no doubt noticed, and sorry about my English, It's
- not soo good. I'm actually an Irish Person.
- -Well Thanks for the cool article Gazzer,but just how many all time favourite
- songs do you have???- X%X PoLaRiS X%X