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- ------------------------------------------------
- P H U C K I N' P H I E L D P H R E A K E R S
- Newsletter #1
- (aka Outdoor Life)
- ------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer:
- PPP, Phuckin' Phield Phreakers, take no responsibility
- of the individual or group actions which may result
- from exposition to this documented material. PPP
- and its members do not endorse or encourage (or
- participate) in any of the illegal or illicit activity
- herein written in this document. In otherwords, we
- are not responsible for you, and when it comes to
- doing what we say, our motto is "Just say no."
- PPP - Phuckin' Phield Phreakers Newsletter #1 (aka Outdoor Life)
- Written And Compiled September 8, 1989 - Time 11:32pm
- Written By Doctor Dissector And Killer Korean
- Copyright 1989, PPP Incorporated
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- PART 1
- ------
- Welcome to PPP (Phuckin' Phield Phreakers) Newsletter #1. We hope
- to share with you new and useful information gathered through our
- experimentation and experiences with the various subject matter covered
- here. Also, we would like to introduce the group, PPP, as an official
- organization which specializes in the true meanings of phreaking, with
- a bit of anarcism mixed in there as well (of course!). So, this is our
- first official PPP release, so enjoy it, and pray that there will be a
- second one. Oh yeah, use and abuze, but don't let the pheds get you!
- (screw the r0dents!)
- Killer Korean And Doctor Dissector
- Founders/PUD Of PPP
- Part Subject
- ---- -----------------------------------------------
- 0 Title Page and Disclaimer
- 1 Introduction And Table Of Contents
- 2 Group Introduction
- 3 Phuckin' Around
- 4 Phun Stuph And Such
- 5 PPP Membership List
- 6 Closing And Good-byes
- %X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%
- PART 2
- ------
- PPP, Phuckin' Phield Phreakers, is a group which was organized
- with the objective and need for an organized "true" phreak/anarchism
- group within the 619 NPA (located in San Diego, CA; North County
- specifically). We, the PUD (Phucked Up Directors) of PPP found it
- necessary to combine our efforts in order to maximize the efficiency of
- phield phreaking (aka, beige boxing, green basing, etc.) and the
- practice of anarchy. Because the founders of PPP, Killer Korean and
- Doctor Dissector, happened to reside within close proximity, we found
- it rather easy to put together a makeshift phreak/anarchy group within
- a small circle of phriends. However, we also have deemed it necessary
- to expand our circle to include the more experienced or ambitious
- phreaks/anarchists as well as non-phreaks/anarchists (who are willing
- to learn) residing in the North County section of the 619 NPA.
- Our objectives are to find new and exciting information concerning
- the 619 NPA's telco activity, experimenting with new boxes and
- equipment hand-built by our members, experimenting and practicing
- anarchism, and of course, phucking over Ma Bell and her Gestapo.
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- PART 3
- ------
- This section in the PPP Newsletter will be devoted to educating
- and sharing new found or re-found information concerning the
- phreak/anarchist community, as well as group achievements. Enjoy it
- while it lasts.
- Achievements:
- Examined green bases, enabling the production of TPH#2
- 673 Busyline Project
- 679 Busyline Project
- Produced four beige boxes
- Practiced Phield Phreaking
- Experimented with Saltpeter
- Revenge *
- Projects:
- 673 Busyline: 673-9512 was converted from a non-residential
- line to a permanatly busy line. Lasted approximately
- 36 hours from first contact. After contact was
- cut, the fone number rang suspiciously. Possible
- leak in BBS security on elite boards in the 619 NPA.
- 679 Busyline: 679-7776 was converted from a non-residential
- line to a permanatly busy line. Lasted approximately
- a week from first contact. This fone number was not
- released to the general elite public of the 619 NPA,
- but the line also rang suspiciously after the week.
- Possible intervention by the phone company.
- Revenge:
- Sweet revenge which can not be discussed further than that it
- caused over $500 worth of property damage. They deserved it!
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- PART 4
- ------
- This section will be dedicated to the technical info and
- procedures practiced by PPP. This will include anarchial phormulas as
- well as schematics for boxes which will be used by our members.
- Experimenting with Saltpeter:
- PPP experimented with saltpeter (potassium nitrate) bought from
- Longs Drugs (4 oz. for $1.99). We discovered that most mixtures
- from this oxidizer were slow burning and required a lot of sulfur
- to burn properly. However, these mixtures created A LOT of smoke
- and a sulfurous stench, GREAT for other purposes.
- Busyline - How to:
- To make a fone number busy FOREVER (or until someone kills it),
- you venture to a green base and open it. Find an open line, which
- means a pair of terminals which are not connected to residential
- telephones. Use ANI on the open line, record the number, and with
- a paper clip or other piece of wire, connect the ring and tip so
- that they short each other out. Be sure it is secure and that the
- wire is not interferring with the other terminals. Also, if you
- hate someone and want to give them and their fones a hard time,
- put this on a working residential line and have phun.
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- PART 5
- ------
- Phucked Up Directors (PUD)
- Doctor Dissector
- Killer Korean
- General Members
- The Lode Runner
- White Boy
- Phortress Phreak (non 619, honorary member)
- Phriend (no handle, non-computer user)
- All member must fill out an extensive application and voice validation.
- Then, perform a training "mission" with the PUD's supervision. Maximum
- of 10-15 members... Join today if you think you're a Phuckin' Phreak.
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- PART 6
- ------
- Well, that wraps up PPP Newsletter #1. So, I bet you can't wait
- for our next, great issue. PPP #2 should include more on Phield
- Phreaking in general, Gold Boxing, Pipe Bombs and Potassium Chlorate
- explosives, and a bunch of other phun surprises. Until then, this is
- Killer Korean and Doctor Dissector logging off.................
- NOTE: If you need a busy line or a ring forever line, or any other
- assistance, leave e-mail to the PUD's of PPP on any of the 619 elite
- BBS boards in San Diego. If you don't know any 619 elite BBS's, stop
- reading text philes now!