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- Circle-A productions presents..
- The Art of Red Boxing
- (with an introduction to White Boxing)
- By Dial Tone
- "If the shoe fits, steal it!"
- (A) 1992 - Official release #001
- 24/Jan/92
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -% Introduction %-
- In this file I will give you complete instructions on how to use the
- biggest marvel of modern telecommunications, the Red Box. This file assumes
- that you have already purchased or built a Red Box. I will not tell you how to
- build one, as there are numerous files out there on the subject. I will not
- tell you where to buy one, so as not to incriminate anyone involved in the
- manufacture of this device. There are many young entrepreneurs out there who
- build Red Boxes and sell them for huge profits. I personally know several
- people who have or are currently paying their way through college on money made
- from selling the things, but I digress..
- Red Boxes have been around since the beginning of time (the 1960's). While
- they do not pre-date blue boxes, they certainly have been around about as long.
- Suprisingly enough, these remarkable devices still work in 1992, long after
- blue boxes, black boxes, infinity transmitters, and other relics of the
- Step-By-Step and Crossbar eras have lost their usefulness due to advances in
- Telco technology. While Red Boxing is definitely on it's way out, as the phone
- companies have started installing new digital pay phones in airports, hotels,
- etc. it still works like a charm on 85% of the pay phones out there in the
- major cities, and on just about every single pay phone in smaller towns (a lot
- of small town joints have COCOTs, Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephones,
- which are not Red Box compatible, but more on this later). I am sure there will
- ALWAYS be pay phones that you can Box from, it just will be more of a challenge
- to find them. At any rate, you can probably expect Red Boxes to work from a
- majority of pay phones for at least 10 years or more. There just isn't any way
- that the phone company is going to replace every last goddamn pay phone on the
- planet in less time than that.
- IMPORTANT: for those bomb-throwing punks out there among you, I would
- advise AGAINST causing serious damage to standard telephone company pay phones,
- simply because the phone company is going to replace the damaged phone with a
- new digital pay phone which a Red Box will NOT WORK from. The petty cash you
- get by blowing open a pay phone will not be worth it in the long run when Red
- Boxes become obsolete because of your destructive behavior. (smirk!)
- -% The Red Box %-
- The Red Box itself consists of a dual-tone oscillator circuit, a small
- speaker, and may have several push-buttons or switches. Standard Red Boxes have
- a button for a single "wink" of the dual-tone to signal a Nickel. More advanced
- Red Boxes include circuitry to pulse the tone 2 or 5 times, to signal a Quarter
- or Dime. I have even seen Red Boxes that have White Boxes built in (White boxes
- are standard DTMF Tone Dialers, available at Radio Shack, Service Merchandise,
- et al.) In this file we will assume that you have the Dee-luxe version that has
- buttons for a Quarter, Nickel, and Dime, as well as an On/Off switch (The
- "Gallery" Red Box, popularized by the callers to The Gallery BBS in
- Spring/Summer of 1991). The Gallery Red Box can be modified to be a combination
- Red/White box, but we will only assume that you have the Red version. (White
- Boxes are useful for accessing "courtesy" phones at banks, department stores,
- or malls and dialing out on an outside line. They are also useful at COCOTs.
- More on COCOTs later..)
- If you have a different "brand" of Red Box, or one that can only produce a
- Nickel tone, don't worry, just press the damn button 5 times for a Quarter.
- Everything should work fine, as the principle is for the most part the same.
- -% Local "A" Range Calls %-
- "A" Range calls are probably the most difficult, strangely enough. They
- require a variety of techniques to execute properly. It is almost universally
- impossible to make an A range call using normal methods of Red Boxing. The
- easiest way I have found is to call the operator ("bell bitch") and ask her to
- connect your call. Simply tell her that you are having problems dialing the
- number you want to reach and that you would like her to connect you. She will
- then connect your call and ask you to insert a "quarter". Do as she says...:>
- Operators are trained to recognize the tones that pay phones make when a caller
- inserts money (tones made with the pay phone's own internal Red Box!
- Unfortunately, when you put a coin in, the pay phone cuts out the earpiece so
- you do not hear the tones that it makes), so she will definitely not know the
- difference between your Red Box's artificial tones and the tones that the pay
- phone makes. NOTE: If you are having problems making any kind of call from a
- pay phone, it is probably a good idea to call the operator anyway. I always
- prefer dealing with real people than machines. People are easier to bullshit..
- -% B,C, and D range calls, and intra-lata Long Distance (dial-1 calls) %-
- To make a B, C, or D range call (or an intra-lata Long Distance call if
- you live where you must dial "1" before a long distance call that is in the
- same area code as you) simply dial the number you want to call first (Chicago
- people, ignore the Dial-1 stuff, as every number in 312 and 708 is local to you
- anyway). An automated operator will come on and ask you to insert either 30,
- 35, 40, 45, or 50 cents, depending on how far away you are calling. If you are
- making a dial-1 call, the amount could range anywhere from 35 cents all the way
- up to the cost of a regular interlata long distance call ($2.10). All you have
- to do is press a fucking button, so I guess this really doesn't matter. Unlike
- A range calls, the automated operator will come on occasionally (every half
- hour or so for shorter distance calls, or as frequently as every 3 minutes for
- a full-fledged long distance call.)
- -% Long Distance Calls %-
- Making a long distance call with a Red Box is a piece of cake. Simply dial
- the number you want to call, and wait for the automated-operator to come on and
- tell you to insert your money. Press the appropriate buttons on your Red Box to
- "insert" the proper amount, and you are set. Periodically throughout the call
- (every three-five minutes or so) the automated operator bitch will cut in and
- ask you to feed the phone another 50-75 cents or so. Real easy, just beep her
- some change and that's it.
- -% International Calls %-
- These are a lot of fun.. Dial the number first, as usual. (e.g. if you are
- calling England, dial 011-44-CITY-NUMBER) Wait about 15 seconds, and you will
- get a genuine AT&T International operator on the line, and she will ask you to
- insert $3.00 right off the bat. She will then attempt to connect the call, and
- if she is successful in connecting you, she will tell the other party to hold
- while you insert another $3.80! (God, are international calls fucken'
- expensive!!) After you insert your money, you can go and talk for 3 or 4
- minutes, and then the operator (a real live one!) will come back on and ask you
- to insert another 3 bux or so. This goes on for the duration of the call, so
- (if your Red Box has this feature) you might want to program it to insert money
- a dollar at a time. I have made many an International call with a Red Box, and
- have had no problems talking to people in England, Australia, New Zealand,
- Sweden, and Switzerland.
- -% COCOTs %-
- COCOTs (Customer Owned - Coin Operated Telephones) are, as the name
- implies, customer owned. What is meant by this is a certain agency (e.g. a
- McDonalds or a gas station) orders a standard telephone line (i.e. a standard
- business line) and hooks up a custom pay telephone which is NOT owned by any
- telephone company. The agency is then free to pocket all the money that gets
- dropped into this pay phone without the phone company having a say one way or
- another! Needless to say, whoever owns the phone is making a killing, as the
- COCOT charges anywhere from 25-50 cents for every damn local call that gets
- made, when the agency is only charged for normal price calls made on a business
- line. COCOTs are available from various companies for around $500-800 each.
- It is interesting to note that COCOTs cannot receive incoming calls. If
- you call a COCOT, you will usually get 3 or 4 rings, then a synthetic female
- voice that says "Thank You". Supposedly you can then enter various codes to do
- diagnostics on the phone, etc.. To hear one for yourself, call (708) 698-9010.
- You can not use a Red Box from a COCOT because as far as the telephone
- company is concerned, you are at a privately owned residence or business line.
- (The phone line, not the phone itself determines if the line is a standard "pay
- phone" line which uses Red Box tones to signal payment). Even calling the
- operator will do you no good, as the operator will just tell you that you are
- at a COCOT and that she can't help you...
- Anyway, to make free phone calls on a COCOT: Dial an 800 number, and
- politely apologize for calling a wrong number when someone answers. Wait for
- them to hang up, and a few seconds later you should hear a few clicks and then
- a Dial Tone. Now you can take your White Box (tone dialer) and dial out
- anywhere you like. NOTE that you cannot dial with the COCOT's buttons because
- the COCOT locks out the keypad after you initially dial to prevent this very
- sort of abuse.
- -% If you get caught %-
- You won't get caught. Trust me. If you get caught, you are a cretin and
- deserve to get caught.
- -% Conclusion %-
- I have found that the Red Box and the White Box to be the most useful
- tools you can own. No good phreak should be without either of them! I carry my
- Red/White combo box with me at all times just in case I need to make an
- important phone call and I DON'T feel like paying for it.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- ][][][][][][][][][][][] Call These gr8t boards [][][][][][][][][][][][]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Nite Owl ][ (Circle-A home base)............................(708) 656-5355
- Ripco International..............................................(312) 528-5020
- Terminal Enterprises.............................................(708) 717-1506
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (A) 1992 - All Riots Preserved! The Circle-A Society
- (( <./\.| )) The 7th <hurch of the /\pocalyptic |awnmower! (( <./\.| ))
- (( <./\.| )) The 7th <hurch of the /\pocalyptic |awnmower! (( <./\.| ))