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- AKIRA - Animation For Adults ?
- Last Saturday morning,(12/10/91),as part of the junior film festival,the
- Light House cinema held a screening of the Japanese animated movie Akira.The
- movie was two hours long and anything but junior.After the screening a short
- discussion was held and it is from this and my own personal opinion that I
- will attempt to review this movie.
- Akira is based on the graphic novels,of which I haven't read.To try to
- review this movie as a whole would be impossible and so I'll break it down
- into it's main constituents,namely,animation,soundtrack and story.
- The animation,in my opinion,was superb.Various comments were made about
- it during the discussion.These ranged from one person who said that it was
- no better than reading a graphic novel,to the numerous comparisons with
- Disney.The animation was NOT in the traditional Disney style.It was crisper,
- sharper and whilst maybe not as detailed,in an artistic sense,it appeared to
- have undergone a greater thought and effort.The example that comes clearest
- to my mind,is one scene where a psychic child screams.The grounds tear,cars
- explode,but most impressively was the scene where all the glass in a
- building smashes and falls to the ground.Imagine hunderds of individual
- pieces of glass all fully animated,falling to the ground...WOW ! There were
- other effects,like the strobing of the lights on the motorbikes as they
- speed away.To me,this movie was the closest thing to a live action movie
- I've ever seen.All the directorial styles of live action,appeared to have
- been implemented,like odd camera angles,panning around a subject,closeups,
- etc.I left this movie and when thinking about it,I kept thinking of it as I
- would a live action movie.This is a difficult concept to put accross in the
- blandness of the printed word,but suffice to say I was very impressed with
- the animation.....stunning.
- The soundtrack was very moviesque.A faintly Terminator II percussion done
- in an oriental style accompanies the opening visions of the holocaust.To me
- the music was perfectly suited to what was going on on the screen.When
- cyberpunk meets orchestral and gets together to jam in the heart of Japan
- you get....the Akira soundtrack,well maybe not but I thought so.Also the
- haunting organ music as the devestation occurs is also perfect to the whole
- visual/aural effect.Whilst not necessarily to do with the soundtrack,was the
- English dubbing.This was the typical,gung-ho,Japanese/American cartoon style
- seen in everything from turtles to battletech.of course there is no
- substitute to watching a film in its natural language and the dubbing did
- detract from the style a bit.It was surprisingly ambient for an animated
- movie,but having the hero say..."Bitchin'"..made the whole thing slightly
- silly.
- Now for the hardest part of this review,hence my leaving it till the end.
- The plot.Anyone who has read the graphic novels will have a better idea of
- this than me,for it is here that the movie failed slightly.The first hour
- dealt with a political view of the future,a la Judge Dredd,Bladerunner,Brazil
- whilst introducing elements of the main story.This main story was to do with
- a military to develop the psychic abilities of a group of four children,for
- what reasons we're not told but presume as some sort of weapon.Due to the
- experimentation,one of them dies,namely Akira.Ok,I'm going to try to explain
- the main happenings of the movie,but if you get lost don't worry as I did.
- There are biker gangs fighting duels on the streets,during one such fight
- one of of the gang members,Tetsuo,(forgive the spelling),comes in contact
- with one of the psychic children who was kidnapped by a member of the
- revelutionary front,(my god I'm only realising now how complicated this plot
- was),anyway the military come along and pick up the kid and Tetsuo.They then
- start the psychic experiments on Tetsuo.Suffice to say Tetsuo goes nuts due
- to his extreme powers and goes in search of Akira,not fully realising what
- he/she/it is but knowing that it has something to do with his situation.
- Tetsuo rips the city of Neo-Tokyo apart on his journey from the institue to
- the site of Akiras hangout,which is a massive freezer/storage facility built
- beneath the stadium that the city was building for the Olympic games.Are you
- all still with me ??? Anyway Tetsuo makes it there and finds out that Akira
- is just a few bits of body tissues in a couple of jars.....bummer.Well thats
- how everyone in the cinema felt after this massive assualt on the city to
- get there.Anyway the other psychic children turn up,Tetsuo goes totally out
- of control,his body transforming into a big...big pink blob thingy.The
- psychic children use there powers to reincarnate Akira from the body
- tissues.Seemingly Akira was the most powerful of them all,and it turns into
- pure energy and engulfs tetsu the other psychic children and well basically
- the whole of Neo-Tokyo.Emmm thats it really,neo-Toyko is almost totally
- destroyed only a few survivors.The idea being that the city was corrupt and
- that it required this vast purging for a re-birth.
- As you can see the plot got a little out of its depth,for a movie.But if
- you stuck with it it was watchable,especially the first half which was
- utterly excellent.There were two comments also made about the content,namely
- the violence and the treatment of women.Akira is a violent movie.People get
- the sides of their faces shot off,they get the crap beaten out of them,and
- so on.Violence in animated movies will always be a personal thing but if
- live action movies can have the Tom and Jerry slapstick violence,why can't
- animated movies have Terminator violence,(allthough I reckon Akira was more
- violent than Terminator II).There was one scene that one of the audience
- found objectionable.A female character had her top ripped off and was
- punched in the face.The viewer also thought that there were other scenes
- that protrayed women in a very chauvinistic light.I can only say that ont of
- the heros was actually a heroine,but more importantly Japan's culture treats
- women as subservient,it is part of their culture,what we find objectionable
- is not to another culture,and therefore we cannot condem something on the
- basis of our own values.
- To sum up Akira was the best way I spent a Saturday morning in a long
- time,(then again the company was good).The animation was excellent as was
- the soundtrack,the plot got a bit messy after an hour or so,and could have
- been tidied up.It tried to cover too much.In this case a graphic novel is
- better.I'm interested to see how the movie version of the Watchmen turns out
- Anyway I recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in science fiction
- or even in animation.It was a unique expierence and view of how a very
- different culture sees the future aftre a holocaust.
- ZeD/Eclipse....
- Thanks to Bryan Duggan for telling that this movie was on,otherwise I would
- have missed it.