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- I suppose there`s absolutely no self respecting Amigan out there who
- doesn`t already know about Commodore`s CD-TV. And anybody with a bit
- of sense will see that it is a bit of a waste of time at the mo.,
- unless you`re looking for a pricy Cd-player. So why bring up the
- obvious? Well unlike most people I think that It`s improvement will
- be detremental to the amiga as we know it.
- Okay , the average compact disk can hold 580mb of info., a pretty
- incredible capability, for a relatively low price. But it is exactly
- this capability that will ruin the amiga scene. Y`see, why bother
- hiring somebody to do the soundtrack to a game, particularly
- conversions, when you can just get the real thing on CD and why
- bother hiring someone to do the graphix, when you can just digitise
- them. And of course it`s going to be pretty damn hard to Crack CD games
- to floppy, with a 580:1 storage ratio there won`t be much point either.
- Now up to this point I`ve focused on the effect it`ll have on the
- Commercial industry, time to move on to a more relevant area.Money
- talks, and the scene ain`t immune. Already certain areas of the
- scene can rely on a guy`s finance rather than his actual talent, The
- growth of Modem trading is a good example, but what happens when (if ever)
- CD-Rom becomes a standard? Groups are going to start going in the same
- direction as the industry, and pretty soon there`ll be no need for talented
- graphix artists/musicians just a CD-Rom and a digitiser. In fact I doubt
- even coders will be spared, can you imagine an operating system with 580
- megs to play with, `Workbench Turbo` mayhaps, the CLI on this baby might
- contain just about every routine you may ever need.
- Well at least it`s a pretty good CD player.......
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Although only rumour at the moment , It`s almost certain there wil be a
- 16 channel Paula chip. It`s about bloody time. On my own part I often run
- out of channels, especially when doing an Acidic tune, And as the wise man
- says (Well he doesn`t really but let`s pretend he does),`A corner cut beith
- not a corner no more'. But there is a downside, and trust me to bring it up
- like a bad lunch. How is a 7.12 MHz machine going to cope adequately with
- trying to run 16 Channels of digitised sound? You`d have to shut down the
- entire system to even attempt to use it, so you can forget it in a demo
- (Unless you plan to give free Accelerator boards and Memory upgrades
- away with it.). Mind you it would be something else to hear a 16-chan.
- Romeo-Knight Track.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Ah well time to quit moaning I suppose , sorry if you read this in the hope
- of getting some techy info. but I prefer to offer a user`s point of view.
- If you`ve any feedback on the matter feel free to write to us.
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- T U R N `N` B U R N
- CREED `91
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