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- Here is a review of Solid State Leisure's A5000-16 68020 accelerator board,
- which I got for my Amiga 500 a week ago. Before I start, I just want to mention
- that I had to wait almost ten weeks for it to arrive, and telephoned them
- (long-distance) several times during that period. What happened was that they
- sent out one board by registered post, which never got to me. Since it was
- insured, they sent me out a second one, as they would be able to claim
- compensation for the first one. The second one never got to me either. In actual
- fact, both were eventually sent back to SSL by Irish Customs (I live in Ireland;
- SSL are in England, which is the country next-door to us; look at a map...), who
- for some unknown reason, refused to send it on to me. I can only assume that SSL
- made a mess of the Customs declaration docket on the parcel, as I have received
- a lot of other goods from England in the past, including a hard drive, with no
- problems at all. Anyway, they finally sent the third board out by courier, which
- did get through!
- Hardware:
- -------------
- 16.67Mhz 68020, with space for 4Mb of 32-bit RAM (comes with 1Mb as standard,
- uses 256*4 80ns DRAMs, which is handy if you have some in your A590/A2091),
- space for a 68881/2 maths coprocessor, but no MMU. All this sits on one small
- board, which plugs into the 68000 socket in your A500/A2000. The original 68000
- chip fits onto the accelerator board, and is used in the 68000 fallback mode.
- You don't need a new PSU to use this board, even if it means you'll end up with
- 5Mb inside your Amiga, as the extra RAM chips take a minimal amount of power.
- There is an option to copy your Kickstart ROM into fast 32-bit RAM, and the
- board will automatically remap all the Amiga's ROM accesses into RAM, so
- anything which relies on the OS routines (including windows) will run much
- faster. This currently only works with 1.2/1.3 Kickstart ROMs, but an update to
- the software supplied will support KS2.0, and will be available soon.
- The memory is *not* autoconfig; you must run an AllocMem program in your
- Startup-Sequence, which searches for 32-bit memory, and adds any found to the
- system's memory list.
- Installation:
- -------------
- Probably not for those who don't feel confident about ripping chips out of their
- Amiga (I got a friend to do it for me). The first time we switched on with the
- '020 installed, the screen went a worrying shade of green, but this was probably
- because the board wasn't properly seated in the socket. (As an aside, ever
- wanted to know what happens when you turn your Amiga on with no 680x0 chip at
- all? - Absolutely nothing! (You see a grey screen.) 8-) )
- I was able to use some of the RAM chips from my A590, and these go into the
- 4 1Mb banks on the board, so you can have from 1-4Mb of 32-bit RAM. (I have a
- total of 3Mb of 32-bit RAM, 1Mb of 16-bit fast RAM, and 1Mb of chip RAM, giving
- 5Mb altogether.)
- Speed:
- ------
- SSL claimed a 500% (5 times) speed increase, and true enough, most benchmarks
- will give this. Mips gives a result of 4.969519 (as opposed to 0.847750) which
- is almost six times faster. AmigaBench gives a result of 3561 Dhrystones/sec
- (as opposed to 112), but the optimised 68020 version gives 5694. The various
- benchmark programs included with the board (CalcPi, Ronin CPU speed, Whetstone,
- another version of Mips) give 4-5x speed increases.
- However, benchmarks like these are not what it's all about, so I did some
- "real-world" tests, as these are the ones you will find useful/interesting:
- 68000 68020 Speed increase
- Time to LhArc DPaint to RAM: 3m00s 1m06s 2.7
- Time to un-LhArc it 1m09s 0m22s 3.1
- Time to PowerPack a 200K file 1m53s 0m34s 3.3
- Time to 'echo' a 400K sound sample in AM3 2m43s 0m50s 3.2
- Time to decompress a disk using DMS 4m20s 1m26s 3.0
- Time for HamSharp to convert a pic GIF->IFF 1m35s 0m30s 3.1
- Time for TurboGif to display a GIF pic 11.2s 4m.3s 2.6
- Time to open a dozen windows on Workbench 26.7s 18.0s 1.4
- Time to close them all 29.1s 14.0s 2.0
- Time to draw a Mandelbrot set 26.6s 5.9s 4.5
- Oi! Where's my DMA gone??
- -------------------------
- There is one serious problem with the board: you can't DMA from your hard drive
- into its 32-bit memory. There has been some discussion of this problem on
- Usenet, and apparently while the FileSystem manages to get around it, it doesn't
- do it very well. Just to show what I'm talking about, here are the results from
- DiskPerf2, running first in normal 68000 mode (DMA-ing into ordinary 16-bit fast
- RAM), then in 68020 mode (failing to DMA into 32-bit RAM, so it reads 512 bytes
- at a time into 16-bit RAM then CPU copies them up to 32-bit RAM). My hard drive
- is a Quantum LP52S - a very fast SCSI HD - in an A590.
- DiskPerf2. Testing Files:
- Create Files: 23 files/sec. Directory Scan: 117 entries/sec.
- Delete Files: 62 files/sec. Seek/Read Test: 94 seek/sec.
- Read/Write Speed Test: (bytes/sec.)
- Buffer: 512 Read: 30,169 Write: 22,036
- Buffer: 4k Read: 221,405 Write: 169,892
- Buffer: 8k Read: 325,644 Write: 255,252
- Buffer: 32k Read: 382,691 Write: 445,823
- Buffer: 64k Read: 476,625 Write: 562,540
- Buffer: 256k Read: 576,140 Write: 695,342
- (Note: This was on a slightly fragmented partition; I sometimes obtain speeds
- of up to 800-850K/sec.)
- DiskPerf2. Testing Files:
- Create Files: 15 files/sec. Directory Scan: 125 entries/sec.
- Delete Files: 61 files/sec. Seek/Read Test: 80 seek/sec.
- Read/Write Speed Test: (bytes/sec.)
- Buffer: 512 Read: 26,211 Write: 19,772
- Buffer: 4k Read: 39,954 Write: 29,049
- Buffer: 8k Read: 40,398 Write: 29,293
- Buffer: 32k Read: 40,249 Write: 27,643
- Buffer: 64k Read: 39,991 Write: 27,902
- Buffer: 256k Read: 40,077 Write: 28,352
- As can be seen, this problem occurs when manipulating large files; you won't
- notice any difference when loading/saving small files, such as small utilities,
- text files etc. But for large files, you're talking about a 3-6x
- speed _decrease_. I copied out 600K of data (mostly one big file) from my hard
- drive to RAM: before installing the 68020, and it took 6.9s. With the 68020,
- it took 21.7s. Copying from one partition to the other was twice as bad: 8.5s
- for the 68000, 50s (!) for the 68020. Reading 2Mb sound samples in AudioMaster
- is now a joke. For some operations, I have timed speeds of as low as twice that
- of a floppy, cough, choke...
- This problem is something which you can live with, as of course even the worst
- cases are faster than floppy, and it won't affect you very much unless you like
- messing around with large files, or frequently boot very large applications
- (such as ProPage). But it is something to bear in mind if you are considering
- purchasing this board. Before I ordered it, I asked SSL about the DMA problem,
- and the man I was talking to told me it wouldn't really affect me as long as I
- left some ordinary 16-bit fast RAM in the A590 (which you can DMA into) as a
- buffer for the FileSystem to use. Hmm... I think he was wrong!
- Just as an aside: I ran DiskPerf on the RAM disk, and was suitably impressed
- by the results. First 68000, then 68020 with its 32-bit RAM...
- DiskPerf2. Testing Ram Disk:
- Create Files: 14 files/sec. Directory Scan: 15 entries/sec.
- Delete Files: 28 files/sec. Seek/Read Test: 360 seek/sec.
- Read/Write Speed Test: (bytes/sec.)
- Buffer: 512 Read: 212,606 Write: 174,066
- Buffer: 4k Read: 840,205 Write: 548,418
- Buffer: 8k Read: 967,321 Write: 599,871
- Buffer: 32k Read: 1,092,266 Write: 647,269
- Buffer: 64k Read: 1,106,092 Write: 658,653
- Buffer: 256k Read: 1,125,081 Write: 668,734
- DiskPerf2. Testing Ram Disk:
- Create Files: 39 files/sec. Directory Scan: 47 entries/sec.
- Delete Files: 80 files/sec. Seek/Read Test: 370 seek/sec.
- Read/Write Speed Test: (bytes/sec.)
- Buffer: 512 Read: 255,750 Write: 224,438
- Buffer: 4k Read: 1,899,594 Write: 916,587
- Buffer: 8k Read: 2,702,515 Write: 1,078,781
- Buffer: 32k Read: 3,912,597 Write: 1,248,304
- Buffer: 64k Read: 3,912,597 Write: 1,337,469
- Buffer: 256k Read: 4,599,017 Write: 1,351,257
- Compatibility:
- --------------
- Very good, actually. Almost all productivity software runs perfectly under the
- '020. There seems to be only one problem with the board with respect to
- compatibility: while it doesn't have an MMU, some software thinks that it does,
- and promptly crashes when trying to find out more about it.
- A-MaxII crashes because of this, as does Nic Wilson's SysInfo. Both crash with
- a "Coprocessor Protocol Violation" error (GURU 8000000D). Another program once
- told me I had a 68020 with a 68851 MMU, but has crashed every other time I tried
- to run it. This is quite worrying...
- Another program which doesn't like the board is HD-Toolbox. When you boot it,
- you are greeted by a requester telling you that some drives have been
- added/removed from the system, and to click on "Save changes to drive" to tell
- other drives about this. But on clicking the "Partition Drive" button first,
- you see that all your partition data has been lost, and instead has been
- reconfigured to the default 2 partitions (25Mb each in my case). Click on
- "Save changes", and 0.5 seconds later, you are left with one very empty hard
- drive!! You don't even get an "Are you sure?" requester! Since the program works
- with the A3000, I can only assume there is something wrong with the 68020 board
- to upset HD-Toolbox in this way. (It works in 68000 fallback mode, though.)
- IntuiTracker and EdPlayer don't like faster processors, and screw up the music
- slightly, but ModuleMaster works fine, as it uses the new ProTracker
- play-routines. Apart from that, everything else seems to work fine.
- I can't say much about games, as I don't exactly have terribly many of them.
- Two I did try were R-Type2 and F-18 Interceptor. The former seems to work fine
- with the added speed (it crashes on the A3000, though), and the latter *blazes*
- along if you get it into 32-bit RAM. If you've ever seen it on the A3000, you'll
- know what I'm talking about!
- Many demos don't work on the '020. I tried a total of nine. The ones which
- worked perfectly were Coma, Dreamscape, Mesmerized, Neutron Dance and
- Phantasmagoria (although the scrolly message at the start of this was a bit
- upset). The ones which didn't were Angels (starts out OK, then there are slight
- glitches, then finally it crashes), Mental Hangover (crashes after a while),
- Seven Sins (crashes fairly quickly) and Substance (lots of glitches, although
- their fractal routine runs much faster...).
- There is also a 68000 fallback mode. You operate this by clicking on an icon,
- which reboots the machine using the 68000. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to
- be any way of getting out of this mode, other than turning the machine off then
- on again! And this doesn't suit me at all, especially with the hard drive
- attached: once I left it off for 15 seconds, turned it on, and was greeted by a
- yellow screen, which wouldn't go away. (How long *should* you wait after
- powering-down when you have a lot of memory installed, and an expensive hard
- drive??) Also, the board's memory cannot be accessed in fallback mode, as it is
- outside the 16Mb address space...
- That's the end of this review! If you want to know any more about the board, or
- if you want SSL's address (they also do 68030 boards - 25Mhz and 40Mhz), feel
- free to e-mail me.
- Barry.
- bmccnnll@vax1.tcd.i