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- THE FINAL FRONTIER is a disk mag that's available on the Amiga, catering for
- all fans of STAR TREK and STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. The mag is packed
- with articles, interviews, reviews, episode guides, art, music, animations,
- and lots more!!
- The advantages of a mag on disk are obvious. Imagine a STAR TREK mag with
- Tobias Richter style animations! A magazine with enough space for the
- equivalent of 5 novels worth of text! A magazine for the true TREKKER!
- The Final Frontier is produced by the newly formed fan-publishing team called
- INFINITE FRONTIERS, a group devoted to creating the best possible magazines,
- either on disk, paper or on whatever medium we decide to work on. So far, our
- group consists mainly of Star Trek fans and experts working on TFF and
- although we don't claim to have the same presentation as "normal" disk mags,
- if you're a Trek fan you won't find better Trek material on the Amiga.
- Currently our team consists of the following guys:
- Simon Plumbe ............ Editor, Producer, Writer, Photographer
- Colin Gunn ......................... Co-Editor, Producer, Writer
- Edwin Yau ..................................... Producer, Writer
- Tobias Richter .................................. Artist, Writer
- Gary Moffat ..................................... Artist, Writer
- Alex Kerr ........................... Writer, Artist, Programmer
- John Kitts ................................ Writer, Photographer
- Vince Hirst ............................... Artist, Photographer
- Jason Brown ............................................. Artist
- Yes, that is THE Tobias Richter on our member list, so as you can imagine, we
- have quite a strong team! As well as our regular team, we also have
- "freelance" contributions from top talents including Bjørn Lynne.
- However, no mag can be produced without contributors so I need your help! If
- you want to send any articles, original TREK-related software, art or
- anything else then write to me at the address at the end of this file for
- full details. Don't send any contributions in yet though, as you will be
- better off if you know the conditions for contributing first.
- The disk is released as Freeware, freely distributable but only PD libraries
- that do not overcharge will be allowed to spread it. All new material will
- remain the copyright of THE FINAL FRONTIER (more details about this when you
- write in).
- Everyone who sends in articles etc. will receive a free copy of the issue
- that their work appears in. Issue 1 is on two disks, Issue 2 occupies 3
- disks and Issue 3 onwards uses 4 disks!!
- You don't need to enclose an SAE when you write, but it would help!! However,
- I will reply to EVERYONE who writes to me for details on how to contribute.
- You can also order your own copy of the magazine direct from me. The prices
- are:
- Issue 1 (2 disks) - £3.00 - out now
- Issue 2 (3 disks) - £4.00 - out now
- Issue 3 (4 disks) - £5.00 - out now
- Issue 4 will hopefully be available in December '92 on 4 disks for £5.00. If
- you order it now, your copy will be sent as soon as it is released.
- Please make sure that payment is in UK currency. All UK or BFPO orders
- include postage etc. Outside the UK, please add £0.50 for each issue towards
- postage and make all cheques etc. payable to "Simon Plumbe". (Cash preferred
- for orders outside UK.)
- As a special offer, you can buy the first three issues for just £10. For
- orders from outside the UK, there is NO extra cost for postage on this offer.
- To take advantage of this, you must mention AM/FM when you reply.
- No profit is made on the sale of the magazine. All of the profit is put back
- into the magazine to cover costs such as providing free issues for
- contributors, prizes for competitions, adverts etc. Also, if enough money is
- made, we will hire top artists/musicians to do exclusive work for the
- magazine. However, feel free to copy it for your friends as it IS freeware.
- For more details, or to order, write to me at:-
- c/o Simon Plumbe
- 14 Rousdon Grove
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5HN
- Or you can call me on (+44) (0)21 358 1213 between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm (UK
- time) on weekdays or at any time at weekends.
- Live Long And Prosper...
- -------------------------------
- First Three Issues - Highlights
- -------------------------------
- Issue 1: Convention talk by Richard Arnold (Research Consultant for TREK at
- Paramount)
- 2 ray-traced HAM pictures by Tobias Richter
- A 790K animation with sampled music/speech
- 3 pieces of music by UK musician - Echo/LSD
- Exclusive demo written for the magazine
- Issue 2: Tribute to Gene Roddenberry with photos
- Convention talk with Guy Vardaman (Stand-in on TNG and Research
- Consultant)
- 2 pieces of Interlaced, ray-traced HAM art from Tobias Richter
- 2 pieces of music from Bjørn Lynne
- Selection of convention reports with over 830K of digitised photos
- Exclusive demo written for the magazine
- A trilogy of Star Trek parodies in our fiction section
- Issue 3: Star Trek VI special with reviews, articles and photos from the film
- 2 Convention talks with John de Lancie (Q) and Carel Struycken (Mr
- Homn) both from The Next Generation
- 3 pieces of music from Bjørn Lynne
- Convention Reports with over 1MB of digitised photos
- 4 Star Trek parodies
- The start of our new series featuring the best Trek articles/fiction
- from various Bulletin Boards all over the world.
- All issues also have the following regular articles:-
- Book reviews
- Video reviews
- PD reviews
- News
- Trivia / Questions + Answers section
- Updated listing of ALL Trek fan clubs in the world!
- Merchandise guides
- Convention news/reports
- Reader's adverts section
- ------------------
- Issue 4 - Preview!
- ------------------
- Although the next issue won't be available until December, we have a number
- of articles etc. in already including:
- 4 pieces of art from Tobias Richter
- Article on the making of Space Wars by Bjørn Lynne
- AT LEAST 2 pieces of fiction from a few BBS's.
- THREE convention talks featuring George Takei (Sulu), Richard
- Arnold (former Research Consultant at Paramount) and Guy Vardaman
- TNG stand-in and former Research Consultant)
- Sulu special with art, photos and articles
- All this and more in December '92!
- I hope that at least one of you decides to try out this new original disk
- mag, and maybe a few of you will contribute to it as well!
- ---------------------------------------------