ocr: Newsflash is the oldest disk magazine still active in the Aniga Markct. It isa yencral intcrcst nagazinc for all Amiga uscrs who likc tn dn nore than playing games with thelr Anlga. Ncwsflash has cxistcd on thc Amiga scenc for morc than Jycars. It: has just started up on the PC scene as well. fur mure infu abuul Newsflash. cunlaul: Ncusflash Europc P.N. Rix RR1 3700 AW Zeist THE NETHERLANDS Issue #26 of Neusflash contains: BNCHGROUND MUSIC JINC DE LFAGANR Darklight EDITORIAL, HEWS NHD FENTURES Rehind the srreens I Rom Fonteine 1 Will Neusflash stop this year 1 GENERAL INFORMATION General ANIGA ...