ocr: Qubriullu nuynset n KEIMM a Hiret.l Crnlt Stored an tlis dick as Huclc-k le ormance rlle Gubriullu (Doc) for Huslc-X Sequencer HIDI data File on this Dlsk Hnrs hy Krunn Craft Music by eu 11 R.Cralt and Gareth n.Cratt. 83/1992 Subwissian exxusively Car AMCH and readers COHDITIOHS: Romp 18 opurlqhtr rnngh Sal4r Thiy aeoedinn niuirs rmtmet. thil, ur ullhunl Eret.H u and urv INL Krunn in Enift., thu st.111 WUYSLYSIUN mtain uf: W thr anir pablishing righta ur ta tils song. lts ayrics. and Lts Hnururr, 1 any NM/FM l 14 wisinane uinta to Inarn t.hr tu and cnurr 1t Fnr . pass: 1ble llue perloywance th ...