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- Yamaha FB-01 Editor/Librarian
- Features:
- - Full featured Editor/Librarian for the Yamaha FB-01
- - The Librarian makes it easy to organize and store a bank of
- voices or configurations on disk. Send your customized banks to
- a Yamaha FB-01 or receive banks from this instrument. Easy
- audition of voices, simply click the mouse on a voice name and
- "play" the Amiga keyboard.
- - The Editor has the power to edit all parameters for FB-01 voices
- and configurations. The Voice Editor provides graphical display
- of voice envelopes, an Undo button to correct mistakes, and
- convenient saving of changes made during the editing process.
- The voice audition feature makes it easy to compare the
- "original" and "modified" voice. For interesting effects use
- the Randomize feature to create random voice envelopes.
- - Print hardcopy of voice and configuration banks. Print out all
- FB-01 voice and configuration parameters.
- - AmigaDOS 2.0 compatible
- This is a ShareWare program. If you like it and find it useful,
- please send me $30. If you can't afford this, I'll gladly accept
- any contributions you would like to make.
- A hi-res version of this program that uses a 640 by 400 pixel
- screen is available upon request with the $30 contribution. This
- version looks great on an Amiga 3000.
- James M. Smith
- P.O. Box 6836
- Los Osos, CA
- 93402
- Instructions
- Getting Started
- With the power off on the Amiga and the FB-01, connect the
- FB-01 to a standard MIDI conversion box that uses the Amiga serial
- port. The MIDI-out on the conversion box connects to the MIDI-in
- on the back of the FB-01. The MIDI-in on the conversion box
- connects to the MIDI-out on the FB-01. Connect the audio outputs
- on the FB-01 to a stereo system. After turning on the power to the
- FB-01, the Amiga and the sound system, set the FB-01 system channel
- to one using the front panel buttons. The Editor/Librarian will
- communicate with the FB-01 over this system channel. Configuration
- #17 in the FB-01 will be made active when this program is started.
- When the Editor/Librarian is first started a listing of the files
- on the volume where this program resides will be given. Change ":"
- to "df1:"to list the files on drive df1: if required. The following
- instructions will lead you by your hand through the operation of this
- program. If you don't like following instructions, go ahead and play
- with this program on your own. You will probably be able to figure out
- how to use this program by yourself.
- Opening a Voice Bank
- Six voice banks for the FB-01 are found in the Voice drawer that
- comes with this program. A listing of the Voice directory is obtained
- by clicking on this drawer. The five Factory banks contain the voices
- that reside in ROM in the FB-01 (banks 3-7). Open the Factory3 bank by
- clicking on it to obtain a listing of its voices. Try playing with
- the slider gadget on the right of the listing in order to move the
- display through all 48 voices.
- Voice listings can be moved to the right side of the Librarian
- Window by clicking on the "Move > Bank" button. Try this now.
- Deleting Voices
- Click on the "Parent Dir" button to get back to the listing of
- the six voice banks. This button is used to move up the directory
- tree, to obtain a parent directory listing. This time click on the
- Demo bank to display its voices. The Voice Librarian Window will
- now show the Demo bank on the left and Factory3 on the right.
- Click on a couple of the voices in the Demo bank, and note that
- their names change to red. Click on the "Delete Voice" button to
- delete these voices. All voices shown in red will be deleted after
- this button is activated. Be very CAREFUL using the "Delete Voice"
- button. Once a voice has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Do
- not delete any voices in the Factory banks. These banks are the
- backbone of a FB-01 voice library.
- The "Delete Voice" button can also be used to totally erase a
- voice bank. If this button is selected for a bank in which all
- voices have been previously deleted, then the voice bank file
- itself will be erased and will no longer show up in a directory
- listing.
- Copying Voices
- Now try copying a voice from Factory3 over to the Demo bank.
- First select a voice in Factory3 by clicking on a voice name. Then
- click on the "Copy Voice" button and select with the mouse an empty
- voice location in the Demo bank. The voice will be copied to the
- empty location selected in the Demo bank.
- Try clicking on several voices in Factory3 before activating
- the "Copy Voice" button. Then click on an empty voice location in
- the Demo bank and note that all the voices selected will be copied
- to the Demo bank. The lowest numbered voice selected will be
- copied to the empty location chosen, and all other selected
- voices will be copied to empty locations below this point.
- So far copying voices from one voice bank to another has been
- discussed. To copy voices within a particular voice bank, place
- the bank of interest on both the left and right side of the
- Librarian Window and copy exactly as previously described. As an
- example, select the "Move > Bank" button so that the Demo bank is
- displayed on both sides of the Librarian Window. Select a voice on
- the left display. Activate the "Copy Voice" button and select an
- empty voice location on the right display. The voice selected
- will be copied to the empty location within the Demo bank.
- The "Copy Voice" button will work even if the voice banks
- displayed on the left and right side of the Librarian window have
- not come from the same directory or even the same disk. As an
- example of how this might work, let's assume that the FB-01 Program
- Disk resides on drive df1: and that some voice banks have been
- copied to a ram disk. After opening a voice bank from the FB-01
- Program Disk and having moved this bank to the right side of the
- Librarian window using the "Move > Bank" button, a directory of the
- ram disk is obtained by entering ram: into the Disk box. After
- opening a voice bank on the ram disk, it is then possible to copy
- voices back and forth between the two banks even though the voice
- banks come from two different disks.
- Auditioning Voices
- The selection of "Auto Send Active" or "Auto Send Off" from the
- "Play Voice" Menu section will have an important effect on the way
- voices are auditioned. "Auto Send Active" is the default mode and
- probably will be used by most people nearly all the time. In this
- mode, individual voice data is sent to instrument #1 in the FB-01
- immediately after the mouse clicks on a particular voice. With
- "Auto Send Off" selected, voice data is not sent to the FB-01 until
- the ENTER key is pressed or "Send Voice" is selected from the "Play
- Voice" Menu section. The "Auto Send Active" mode is more
- convenient to use for auditioning voices. But when copying and
- deleting voices is the main focus of activity, sending voice data
- to the FB-01 whenever a voice is selected can be a nuisance. On
- these occasions use the "Auto Send Off" mode.
- After selecting a FB-01 voice with the mouse, use the Amiga
- keyboard to audition its sound. The keyboard will produce "white
- key" notes over a five octave range, with middle C produced by
- hitting the keyboard key, Q. The notes from the "black keys" on a
- piano keyboard are not produced. Eight notes may be played
- simultaneously.
- Using an External Keyboard
- To use an external MIDI keyboard with the Editor/Librarian,
- disconnect the end of the MIDI cable at the MIDI-out on the
- FB-01 and reconnect to the MIDI-out on the external keyboard.
- The other MIDI cable remains unchanged. Turn off the power on
- the Amiga, the FB-01, and the external keyboard before making
- this change. With this new hookup it will not be possible to
- receive voice or configuration banks from the FB-01. After
- following the above instructions for auditioning voices, select
- "Status Connected" from the "Ext Keyboard" Menu section to
- inform the Editor/Librarian of this change. Activate the
- external keyboard by selecting Activate from the "Ext Keyboard"
- Menu section or by pressing the arrow up key on the Amiga
- keyboard. The external MIDI keyboard will now send MIDI data to
- the FB-01. Turn off the external keyboard by hitting any key on
- the Amiga keyboard.
- Sending and Receiving Voice Banks
- Sending a Voice Bank to the FB-01 is accomplished by
- selecting either "Send Voices to Bank 1" or "Send Voices to Bank 2"
- from the Transfers Menu section. The active voice bank, which is
- the opened bank with its title displayed in red, is sent to either
- the first or second bank in the FB-01. All data previously stored
- in the FB-01 in the bank selected will be lost. Therefore be
- CAREFUL when sending voice banks to the FB-01.
- Receiving a Voice Bank is accomplished by selecting either
- "Receive Voices from Bank 1" or "Receive Voices from Bank 2" from
- the Transfers Menu section. At least one voice bank must be opened
- to establish which voice bank directory is being used so that the
- received data will be filed in the proper directory. The user is
- free to create as many directories as needed for storing voice
- banks. If the right side of the Voice Librarian is displaying a
- voice bank, the Librarian will use the directory from this bank.
- Otherwise the directory that holds the left bank of voices will be
- used. The received voice bank is displayed on the right side of
- the Voice Librarian Window with the bank name given by the string
- entered in the Bank box. If no string was entered into the Bank
- box, the name of the received bank file becomes NoName. Be very
- CAREFUL about naming the received bank so that another bank with
- the same name in the same directory will not be lost.
- If a number of other programs are running concurrently with the
- FB-01 Editor/Librarian, the Amiga may not be able to keep up with
- the high speed data sent out from the FB-01 during a Voice Receive
- Transfer. An error message will indicate if a problem has occurred.
- Remember also that receiving voice banks is not possible when an
- external MIDI keyboard is connected.
- Select All and Create Bank buttons
- The "Select All" button selects all voices in a bank, and
- displays the names of these voices in red. To delete all voices in
- a bank, select the "Select All" button before activating the
- "Delete Voice" button.
- The "Create Bank" button creates an empty bank file with the
- name given by the string entered in the Bank box. At least one
- voice bank must be opened so that the created bank will be filed in
- the proper directory. If no name has been entered into the Bank
- box, a bank called NoName is created. The empty bank will be
- displayed on the right side of the Librarian Window. Be very
- CAREFUL about choosing a name for a created bank, because any other
- existing bank with the same name in the same directory will be lost.
- Editing Voices
- Before editing a voice make sure that the "MIDI Port Active"
- menu has been selected so that voice changes can be auditioned.
- The Voice Editor Window is opened by first clicking on a voice and
- then selecting the "Edit Voice" button. All the parameters that
- define the characteristics of the selected voice are shown in the
- Voice Editor Window. These parameters are changed by clicking on
- the displayed values. Some values will change immediately. Others
- will require the user to enter the new numeric value into a string
- gadget. Since all the string gadgets are empty except for the Name
- gadget, simply enter the new value using the number pad on the
- keyboard and hit the ENTER or RETURN key. Use the DEL and "BACK
- SPACE" keys as needed to correct a mistake before the ENTER key has
- been pressed.
- A description of some of the general features of the FB-01
- voice parameters will now be given:
- The Voice Editor Window is divided into six main sections and
- the three color coded blocks on the far left define the parameters
- used by the four operators in the FB-01. The values for all these
- parameters are changed by clicking on the numbers in the four
- operator columns next to these blocks. If the CTRL key is held
- down while the mouse clicks on an operator value, any changes made
- to a particular operator will apply to all four operators. This is
- a fast way to change all operators to the same value. For the
- string gadgets, release the CTRL key before entering a new number.
- The red block lists the following operator parameters: on/off,
- output level, frequency, inharmonic frequency and the amount of
- detuning. The numbers in the red block represent the maximum
- values that particular parameters are allowed to take. Operators
- are either carriers or modulators depending upon their position in
- an algorithm diagram. The output level setting of a carrier will
- affect the loudness of the voice, while the output level of a
- modulator will affect the tone. The frequency ratio of an operator
- is determined by the frequency and inharmonic frequency values.
- See the appendix for the conversion chart. A frequency ratio of
- 1.00 for an operator means that it will produce the standard 440hz
- tone for an A3 note. A ratio of 2.00 is an octave higher. Very
- fine changes in frequency can be made by adjusting the amount of
- detuning. By detuning two carriers in opposite directions, a
- chorus effect can be created.
- The green block lists the five segments of the operator
- envelope which are the attack rate, the first decay rate, the decay
- level, the second decay rate, and the release rate. The attack
- rate determines how quickly an operator will build up to the
- maximum value. The first decay rate determines how quickly an
- operator will decay from the maximum value down to the decay level.
- The decay level is the point where the second decay starts at the
- second decay rate. The second decay rate determines how quickly an
- operator will decay from the decay level down to zero. If the
- second decay rate is set to zero, the sound will continue for as
- long as the note is held. The release rate determines how quickly
- an operator will decay to zero from the level at the time the note
- is released.
- The blue block lists the scaling and sensitivity parameters
- which are: Amplitude Modulation Sensitivity (AMS) on/off, level
- scaling, scaling type, rate scaling, velocity level sensitivity,
- and velocity rate sensitivity. AMS on/off controls whether an
- operator will be affected by the Low Frequency Oscillator for
- amplitude modulation. See the section on the LFO for more
- information. The level scaling parameter is used to decrease the
- output level of an operator as you play up the keyboard. For
- acoustic instruments the tone structure of the higher notes is less
- complex than the lower notes. This can be simulated with level
- scaling by reducing the output level of the modulators. The
- scaling type for an operator is either a negative or positive
- linear curve (value 0 and 1), or a negative or positive exponential
- curve (value 2 and 3). These curves are applied to the level
- scaling. The rate scaling parameter changes the attack rate and
- decay rates as you play up the keyboard. On an acoustic
- instrument, high notes usually have a faster attack and decay than
- low notes. This can be simulated with the proper setting of the
- rate scaling. When using a MIDI keyboard with touch sensitivity,
- each MIDI Note On message has a velocity byte that tells how hard
- the keyboard was struck. The velocity level sensitivity parameter
- adjusts the output level of an operator according to the velocity
- of a note. The velocity rate sensitivity parameter adjusts the
- attack rate of an operator according to the note velocity.
- On the upper right side of the Voice Editor Window is an orange
- block that contains the name of the voice, the algorithm used by
- the four operators, and the feedback employed in the first
- operator. There are eight different algorithms or arrangements of
- operators for the FB-01. In the algorithm diagram the operators in
- the first row (from the bottom) are carriers that generate pure
- tones. The operators above the first row are modulators that
- change the sound of the carriers to create higher harmonics.
- Operator #1 can be set to modulate itself using the feedback
- parameter.
- The LFO settings are given in the blue block. They are the LFO
- load enable on/off, the LFO sync on/off, the waveform select, the
- LFO speed, the amplitude modulation depth and sensitivity, and the
- pitch modulation depth and sensitivity. The LFO is a Low Frequency
- Oscillator that produces a continuously changing control signal.
- This control signal, which is either a sawtooth, square, triangle,
- or random sample and hold wave, is used to change the pitch or
- amplitude of a voice. The MIDI modulation controllers (aftertouch,
- modulation wheel, foot or breath controller) regulate how much of
- the LFO signal is used to change the pitch of a voice, and the Pitch
- Modulation Sensitivity (PMS) determines how the operators will react
- to the LFO signal. If the Pitch Modulation Depth (PMD) is greater
- than zero, and the PMS is not zero, the LFO will always produce some
- pitch modulation regardless of the position of the modulation
- controllers. The modulation controllers do not work with the
- amplitude modulation. But if the Amplitude Modulation Depth (AMD)
- is greater than zero and the Amplitude Modulation Sensitivity (AMS)
- is not zero, and at least one of the operators has the AMS on/off
- switch set to on, then the LFO will send amplitude modulation to the
- voice. The frequency of the LFO is set by the speed parameter. The
- delay parameter is used to delay the start of the LFO after a note
- has been struck. The sync switch determines whether the LFO is free
- running (sync off) or is reset to its initial starting value each
- time a note is struck (sync on). Changes made in the LFO data
- (except for PMS and AMS) will not be used by the LFO until the LFO
- on/off switch is set to on.
- The yellow block lists a number of functional parameters. They
- are the playing mode (poly or mono), the pitch modulation depth
- controlling device (aftertouch, modulation wheel, breath controller,
- foot controller, or none if no LFO is used), the amount of
- transpose, the pitch bender range, and the portamento time. When
- the mono mode is selected only one note may be played at a time. If
- an external modulation controller is being used, set the PMD
- controller setting to the appropriate device name. Transposing a
- voice is accomplished by setting Middle C to the appropriate value.
- C3 is the normal value for Middle C. Set the amount of pitch bend
- desired if a pitch bend wheel is being used. The amount of
- portamento or "glide" between the notes is controlled by setting the
- portamento time parameter.
- Displaying Voice Envelopes
- To graphically display the five parameter envelope for each
- operator for a note at middle C, select Display from the
- Envelopes Menu section. The envelopes are displayed such that
- the Off Point, when the key is released, represents
- approximately three seconds after the key was initially
- activated to play the note.
- To close the envelope display window, click on any part of
- this window.
- Auditioning Edited Voices
- In the orange block click on the number after the word
- "Algor" to change algorithms. If "Auto Send Active" was
- selected before entering the Voice Editor Window, the modified
- voice data is automatically sent to instrument #1 in the FB-01.
- Simply "play" the Amiga keyboard to audition the new voice. If
- "Auto Send Off" had been chosen, send the modified voice data
- to the FB-01 by selecting "Send Voice" from the "Play Voice"
- Menu section or by pressing the ENTER key on the keyboard.
- To audition the original unmodified voice again, select
- "Select Original" from the "Play Voice" Menu section or press
- the left pointing arrow key on the keyboard. The keyboard
- will now play the unmodified voice. To audition the modified
- voice select the "Select Modified" Menu or press the right
- pointing arrow key. Toggling back and forth between the
- modified and original voice is especially easy using the arrow
- keys as described.
- Undo Mistakes
- Select Undo from the Project Menu section to cancel the
- last change made to the voice parameters. Pressing the HELP
- key will accomplish the same result.
- Randomize Envelopes
- Select Randomize from the Envelopes Menu section to
- randomize the five parameter envelope for the four operators.
- This is sometimes an interesting way to create new voices.
- Random values for the rate scaling parameters are also
- produced. The new voice parameters are automatically sent to
- the FB-01 if "Auto Send Active" had been selected before
- entering the Voice Editor. Just "play" the keyboard to
- audition the randomized voice. If "Auto Send Off" had been
- activated, the menu "Send Voice" must be selected or the ENTER
- key pressed before the randomized voice data is sent to the
- FB-01. Another way to select the Randomize feature is to press
- the ALT key on the right side of the keyboard.
- Saving Voice Data
- Select Save from the Project Menu to save the changes
- made to the selected voice that is currently being edited.
- The new parameters will replace all the old values for this
- voice. The new voice will now become the "original" voice
- that will be sent to instrument #1 in the FB-01 when the
- "Select Original" Menu is selected.
- The "Save Fwd" Menu selection, which stands for Save
- Forward, works quite differently than Save. This selection
- will copy the new voice parameters to the first empty place in
- the voice bank immediately following the selected voice. The
- original selected voice will not be modified in any way. If
- there are no empty locations after the selected voice, the
- "Save Fwd" feature will not work and the user will be notified
- of this. The "Save Fwd" selection provides a convenient means
- of saving various changes made to the original voice without
- changing the selected voice itself.
- Printing Voice Data
- Selecting Print from the Project Menu will print all of
- the voice parameters that have been saved with the Save menu
- selection. The printer will follow the settings in
- Preferences which must be present on the user's Workbench
- Disk.
- Special Keyboard Key, the CTRL key
- Use the CTRL key to change all four operator parameters
- simultaneously. See the section "Editing Voices" for more
- information.
- Alternate Keyboard Keys
- There are six keys that can be used in place of menu
- selections. These keys have already been discussed but will
- be summarized here.
- Keyboard Key Menu Selection
- ALT (on right side) Randomize
- Left Pointing Arrow Select Original
- Right Pointing Arrow Select Modified
- Up Pointing Arrow Activate Ext Keyboard
- ENTER Send Voice
- HELP Undo
- Exiting the Voice Editor Window
- Select Exit from the Project Menu. The Voice Librarian
- Window will again open.
- Printing from the Voice Librarian
- Selecting Print from the Project Menu will print all of the
- names of the voices in the active voice bank, which is the opened
- bank with its title displayed in red.
- Quitting the Voice Librarian
- Select Quit from the Project Menu section to quit the FB-01
- Editor/Librarian.
- Using The Configuration Librarian
- To get into the Configuration Librarian select "Librarian
- Config" from the Project Menu section. In order to obtain a
- directory of the FB-01 Program Disk first enter the drive
- designation (df0: or df1:) into the Disk box. Use the DEL and
- "BACK SPACE" keys as needed, and hit the ENTER or RETURN key when
- the string is correct. See the section "Getting Started" for more
- information.
- Click on the Config directory shown in red to get a listing of
- the configuration banks stored in this drawer. Two banks are
- displayed: Demo and AllConfig. Click on the Demo bank to list its
- configurations. The "Move > Bank" and "Parent Dir" buttons operate
- in exactly the same fashion as previously described.
- Copying and Deleting Configurations
- Copying and deleting configurations is accomplished in exactly
- the same fashion as previously described for voices.
- Sending and Receiving Configuration Banks
- Sending a Configuration Bank to the FB-01 is accomplished by
- selecting "Send Config" from the Transfers Menu section. The
- active configuration bank, which is the opened bank with its title
- displayed in red, is sent to the FB-01. The Protect Mode for the
- FB-01 must be off before this transfer will work. All
- configuration data previously stored in the FB-01 will be lost.
- Receiving a Configuration Bank is accomplished by selecting
- "Receive Config". At least one configuration bank must be opened
- so that the Librarian knows where to put the received data. The
- configuration data is displayed on the right side of the
- Configuration Librarian Window with the title given by the string
- entered in the Bank box. If no string was entered into the Bank
- box, the name of the received bank becomes NoName.
- Select All and Create Bank buttons
- These buttons work in exactly the same fashion as previously
- described for the Voice Librarian.
- Editing Configuration Data
- The Configuration Editor Window is opened by first clicking on a
- configuration, followed by selecting the "Edit Config" button. All
- of the configuration parameters for the FB-01 are displayed in this
- window. Consult the FB-01 Owner's Manual for a thorough description
- of these parameters.
- The parameters displayed in the Configuration Editor Window are
- changed by clicking on their values. Some values will change
- immediately. Others will require the user to enter the new numeric
- value by hand using the keyboard. Use the DEL and "BACK SPACE"
- keys as needed in the usual fashion for string gadgets. Press the
- ENTER or RETURN key when the new numeric value is displayed
- correctly.
- Saving and Printing Configuration Data
- Select Save from the Project Menu to save all the changes
- made to the configuration parameters. The new parameters are
- written to the active configuration bank, and all old values
- will be lost.
- Selecting Print from the Project Menu will print all of the
- configuration parameters that have been saved.
- Exiting the Configuration Window
- Select Exit from the Project Menu. The Configuration
- Librarian Window will again open.
- Printing from the Configuration Librarian
- Selecting Print from the Project Menu will print all of the
- names of the configurations in the active configuration bank,
- which is the opened bank with its title displayed in red.
- Quitting the Configuration Librarian
- Select Quit from the Project Menu section to quit the FB-01
- Editor/Librarian.
- Frequency Ratios for FB-01
- Inharmonic Frequency
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 0.50 0.71 0.79 0.87
- 1 1.00 1.41 1.57 1.73
- 2 2.00 2.82 3.14 3.46
- 3 3.00 4.23 4.71 5.19
- 4 4.00 5.64 6.28 6.92
- 5 5.00 7.05 7.85 8.65
- F
- r 6 6.00 8.46 9.42 10.38
- e
- q 7 7.00 9.87 10.99 12.11
- u
- e 8 8.00 11.28 12.56 13.84
- n
- c 9 9.00 12.69 14.13 15.57
- y
- 10 10.00 14.10 15.70 17.30
- 11 11.00 15.51 17.27 19.03
- 12 12.00 16.92 18.84 20.76
- 13 13.00 18.33 20.41 22.49
- 14 14.00 19.74 21.98 24.22
- 15 15.00 21.15 23.55 25.95